Topic: [pokéball -> pokeball | Part 3a/5] [Pokemon BUR] Gotta alias 'em all

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Shoutout to topic #35686

create alias pkmnfanart (0) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokemonfanart (0) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokemon_fanart (0) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokemonart (0) -> pokemon (523887)

Reason: I believe these tags are useless, if you're uploading a drawing of a pokemon, it's already a work of art or fanart by itself, there is no need to tag it.

Following this, I plan on giving a look at other pokemon tags and add here.

Removals so far

pokemonfanart - 35 removals
pokemonart - 19 removals
pkmnfanart - 14 removals
pokemon_fanart - 4 removals


List of BURs in this thread

BUR #3702 - Current | DONE

pokemon_card tags | DONE

forum #352168
The bulk update request #3703 is active.

create alias pokémon_card (0) -> pokemon_card (229)
create alias pokemon_cards (0) -> pokemon_card (229)
create alias monster_card_(pokémon) (0) -> pokemon_card (229)
create alias monster_card_(pokemon) (0) -> pokemon_card (229)
create implication pokemon_card (229) -> pokemon (523887)

pokemon copyright tags A | (DONE)

forum #352271
The bulk update request #3709 is active.

remove alias pokemon_refresh (7) -> pokémon_refresh (0)
remove implication pokémon_refresh (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias pokemon_camp (11) -> pokémon_camp (0)
remove implication pokémon_camp (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias pokemon_detective_pikachu (120) -> pokémon_detective_pikachu (0)
remove alias pokemon_bank (0) -> pokémon_bank (0)
remove alias pokemon_snap (172) -> pokémon_snap (0)

  • Part 2 on forum post
"Pokemon_clover" tags | (DONE)

forum #352424
The bulk update request #3713 is active.

remove alias pokemon_clover (146) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication toxiraptor (2) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication oreon (0) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication arabomb (7) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication demiwaifu (8) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication dragking_(pokémon_clover) (0) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication grasshole (6) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication whizzard (4) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication marleyzard (6) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication clovenix (4) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication mozzamazel (10) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication chezetta (3) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication rectreem (3) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication ebolable (10) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication hosajack (2) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication ejacasm (5) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication condoom (4) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication iguallah (2) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication lizakbar (5) -> pokémon_clover (0)

  • Part 2 and 3 on forum post.
"Pokemon_TCG" tags | (DONE)

forum #352777
The bulk update request #3732 is active.

remove alias pokemon_tcg (227) -> pokémon_tcg (0)
remove alias pokemon_trading_card_game (0) -> pokémon_tcg (0)
remove alias pokémon_trading_card_game (0) -> pokémon_tcg (0)
remove implication pokémon_tcg (0) -> pokemon (523887)

  • Part 2 on forum post
pokemon_taur tag | DONE

forum #352782
The bulk update request #3733 is active.

remove alias pokemon_taur (206) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove alias pokétaur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove alias poketaur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove alias pokémontaur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove alias pokemontaur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove implication pokémon_taur (0) -> taur (18750)
remove implication pokémon_taur (0) -> pokemon_(species) (520300)
remove implication arcanine_taur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)

pokemon_colosseum and characters | DONE

forum #352789
The bulk update request #3734 is active.

remove alias rui_(pokemon) (13) -> rui_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias wes_(pokemon) (83) -> wes_(pokémon) (0)
remove implication rui_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon_colosseum (0)
remove implication wes_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon_colosseum (0)

  • Part 2 and 3 on forum post
Poke-copyright BUR 2 | DONE

forum #353123
The bulk update request #3766 is active.

remove alias pokemon_stadium (22) -> pokémon_stadium (0)
remove alias pokémon_stadium_2 (0) -> pokémon_stadium (0)
remove alias pokemon_stadium_2 (0) -> pokémon_stadium (0)
remove implication pokémon_stadium (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias pokemon_art_academy (37) -> pokémon_art_academy (0)
remove alias pokemon_ranger (48) -> pokémon_ranger (0)

  • Part 2

The bulk update request #3792 is active.

create alias pokémon_stadium (0) -> pokemon_stadium (22)
create alias pokémon_stadium_2 (0) -> pokemon_stadium (22)
create alias pokemon_stadium_2 (0) -> pokemon_stadium (22)
create implication pokemon_stadium (22) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon_art_academy (0) -> pokemon_art_academy (37)
create alias pokémon_ranger (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create implication pokemon_ranger (48) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokemon_ranger_shadows_of_almia (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokémon_ranger_guardian_signs (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokémon_ranger_1 (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokemon_ranger_1 (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokémon_ranger_(character) (0) -> pokemon_ranger_(character) (19)
create implication pokemon_ranger_(character) (19) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokemon_legends:_arceus (0) -> pokemon_legends_arceus (4261)

Miscelaneous tags A | DONE

forum #352825
The bulk update request #3736 is active.

remove alias pokemon_battle (249) -> pokémon_battle (0)
remove alias pokemon_breeder (153) -> pokémon_breeder (0)
remove implication pokémon_breeder (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias pokeshaming (0) -> pokéshaming (0)
remove alias poke-shaming (0) -> pokéshaming (0)
remove alias pokemon_shaming (0) -> pokéshaming (0)
remove implication pokéshaming (0) -> meme (53764)
remove alias pokemon_center (103) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokésen (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokécenter (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokesen (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokecenter (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokécen (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokecen (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove implication pokémon_center (0) -> pokemon (523887)

  • Part 2

The bulk update request #3791 is active.

create alias pokémon_battle (0) -> pokemon_battle (249)
create implication pokemon_battle (249) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon_breeder (0) -> pokemon_breeder (153)
create implication pokemon_breeder (153) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokéshaming (0) -> pokeshaming (0)
create alias poke-shaming (0) -> pokeshaming (0)
create alias pokemon_shaming (0) -> pokeshaming (0)
create implication pokeshaming (0) -> meme (53764)
create implication pokeshaming (0) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon_center (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokésen (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokécenter (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokesen (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokecenter (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokécen (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokecen (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create implication pokemon_center (103) -> pokemon (523887)

Miscelaneous tags B | DONE

forum #352827
The bulk update request #3737 is active.

create alias pokémon_clothing (0) -> pokemon_clothing (61)
create implication pokemon_clothing (61) -> pokemon (523887)
create implication pokemon_clothing (61) -> clothing (2111643)
create alias pokémon_trainer_hat (0) -> pokemon_trainer_hat (18)
create implication pokemon_trainer_hat (18) -> hat (210776)
create implication pokemon_trainer_hat (18) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon_underwear (0) -> pokemon_underwear (23)
create implication pokemon_underwear (23) -> pokemon_clothing (61)
create implication pokemon_underwear (23) -> underwear (369395)
create alias pokémon_briefs (0) -> pokemon_briefs (6)
create implication pokemon_briefs (6) -> pokemon_underwear (23)
create implication pokemon_briefs (6) -> briefs (17386)
create alias pokémon_egg (0) -> pokemon_egg (1243)
create implication pokemon_egg (1243) -> pokemon (523887)
create implication pokemon_egg (1243) -> egg (20057)
create alias pokémon_transformation (0) -> pokemon_transformation (54)
create implication pokemon_transformation (54) -> pokemon (523887)
create implication pokemon_transformation (54) -> transfomation (0)
create alias pokémon_poster (0) -> pokemon_poster (18)
create implication pokemon_poster (18) -> pokemon (523887)
create implication pokemon_poster (18) -> poster (8113)

pokemon_masters | 2 parts | DONE

forum #353130
The bulk update request #3768 is active.

remove alias pokemon_masters (85) -> pokémon_masters (0)
remove implication pokémon_masters (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias scottie_(pokemon) (0) -> scottie_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias male_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) (0) -> scottie_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias male_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) (0) -> scottie_(pokémon) (0)
remove implication scottie_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon_masters (0)
remove alias bettie_(pokemon) (6) -> bettie_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias female_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) (0) -> bettie_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias female_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) (0) -> bettie_(pokémon) (0)
remove implication bettie_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon_masters (0)
remove implication professor_bellis (0) -> pokémon_masters (0)

  • Part 2

forum #356034
The bulk update request #4010 is active.

create alias pokémon_masters (0) -> pokemon_masters (85)
create implication pokemon_masters (85) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias scottie_(pokémon) (0) -> scottie_(pokemon) (0)
create alias male_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) (0) -> scottie_(pokemon) (0)
create alias male_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) (0) -> scottie_(pokemon) (0)
create implication scottie_(pokemon) (0) -> pokemon_masters (85)
create alias bettie_(pokémon) (0) -> bettie_(pokemon) (6)
create alias female_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) (0) -> bettie_(pokemon) (6)
create alias female_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) (0) -> bettie_(pokemon) (6)
create implication bettie_(pokemon) (6) -> pokemon_masters (85)
create implication professor_bellis (0) -> pokemon_masters (85)

pokemon:_let's_go | 2 parts | DONE

forum #356004

The bulk update request #4006 is active.

remove alias pokemon_lets_go (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias pokemon_lets_go! (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias pokemon_let's_go! (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias pokemon_let's_go!_pikachu_and_eevee (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias pokemon_let's_go (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove implication elaine_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove implication chase_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove implication trace_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias let's_go_eevee_trainer (0) -> elaine_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias lets_go_eevee_trainer (0) -> elaine_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias elaine_(pokemon) (66) -> elaine_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias chase_(pokemon) (18) -> chase_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias let's_go_pikachu_trainer (0) -> chase_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias lets_go_pikachu_trainer (0) -> chase_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias trace_(pokemon) (7) -> trace_(pokémon) (0)

  • Part 2

forum #356055
The bulk update request #4011 is active.

create implication pokemon:_let's_go (128) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon:_let's_go (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_lets_go (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_lets_go! (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_let's_go! (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_let's_go!_pikachu_and_eevee (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_let's_go (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create implication elaine_(pokemon) (66) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create implication chase_(pokemon) (18) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create implication trace_(pokemon) (7) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias let's_go_eevee_trainer (0) -> elaine_(pokemon) (66)
create alias lets_go_eevee_trainer (0) -> elaine_(pokemon) (66)
create alias elaine_(pokémon) (0) -> elaine_(pokemon) (66)
create alias chase_(pokémon) (0) -> chase_(pokemon) (18)
create alias let's_go_pikachu_trainer (0) -> chase_(pokemon) (18)
create alias lets_go_pikachu_trainer (0) -> chase_(pokemon) (18)
create alias trace_(pokémon) (0) -> trace_(pokemon) (7)

Pokeball -> pokéball
Better visualized code
Part 1
Part 1 A
unalias cum_on_pokeball -> cum_on_pokéball 	
unalias cum_on_poké_ball -> cum_on_pokéball
unalias cum_on_poke_ball -> cum_on_pokéball
unimply cum_on_pokéball -> pokeball
unimply cum_on_pokéball -> cum

unalias poke_ball_censor -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias pokéball_censorship -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias pokeball_censorship -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias pokeball_censor -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias poké_ball_censor -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias poke_ball_censorship -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias poké_ball_censorship -> pokéball_censor 
unimply pokéball_censor -> censored
unimply pokéball_censor -> pokeball

unalias crystalline_poke_ball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystal_pokeball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystalline_poké_ball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystalline_pokéball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystal_poke_ball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystalline_pokeball-> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystal_poké_ball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unimply crystal_pokéball -> pokeball
Part 1 B
alias cum_on_pokéball -> cum_on_pokeball 	
alias cum_on_poké_ball -> cum_on_pokeball
alias cum_on_poke_ball -> cum_on_pokeball
imply cum_on_pokeball -> pokeball
imply cum_on_pokeball -> cum

alias poke_ball_censor -> pokeball_censor 	
alias pokéball_censorship -> pokeball_censor 	
alias pokéball_censorship -> pokeball_censor 	
alias pokeball_censor -> pokeball_censor 	
alias poké_ball_censor -> pokeball_censor 	
alias poke_ball_censorship -> pokeball_censor 	
alias poké_ball_censorship -> pokeball_censor 
imply pokeball_censor -> censored
imply pokeball_censor -> pokeball

alias crystalline_poke_ball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystal_pokéball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystalline_poké_ball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystalline_pokéball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystal_poke_ball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystalline_pokeball-> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystal_poké_ball -> crystal_pokeball 	
imply crystal_pokeball -> pokeball

Part 2
Part 2 A
unalias pokeball_clothing -> pokéball_clothing
unalias poke_ball_clothing -> pokéball_clothing
unalias poké_ball_clothing -> pokéball_clothing
unimplicate pokéball_clothing -> clothing
unimplicate pokéball_clothing -> pokeball

unalias poké_ball_bra -> pokéball_bra
unalias poke_ball_bra -> pokéball_bra
unalias pokeball_bra -> pokéball_bra
unimply pokéball_bra -> bra
unimply pokéball_bra -> pokéball_clothing

unalias in_pokeball -> in_pokéball
unalias inside_poke_ball -> in_pokéball
unalias inside_pokeball -> in_pokéball
unalias in_poké_ball -> in_pokéball
unalias inside_poké_ball -> in_pokéball
unalias inside_pokéball -> in_pokéball
unalias in_poke_ball -> in_pokéball
unimply in_pokéball -> pokeball

unalias poké_ball_necklace -> pokéball_necklace
unalias poke_ball_necklace -> pokéball_necklace
unalias pokeball_necklace -> pokéball_necklace
unimply pokéball_necklace -> necklace
unimply pokéball_necklace -> pokeball
Part 2 B
alias pokéball_clothing -> pokeball_clothing
alias poke_ball_clothing -> pokeball_clothing
alias poké_ball_clothing -> pokeball_clothing
imply pokeball_clothing -> clothing
imply pokeball_clothing -> pokeball

alias poké_ball_bra -> pokeball_bra
alias poke_ball_bra -> pokeball_bra
alias pokéball_bra -> pokeball_bra
imply pokeball_bra -> bra
imply pokeball_bra -> pokeball_clothing

alias in_pokéball -> in_pokeball
alias inside_poke_ball -> in_pokeball
alias inside_pokeball -> in_pokeball
alias in_poké_ball -> in_pokeball
alias inside_poké_ball -> in_pokeball
alias inside_pokéball -> in_pokeball
alias in_poke_ball -> in_pokeball
imply in_pokeball -> pokeball

alias poké_ball_necklace -> pokeball_necklace
alias poke_ball_necklace -> pokeball_necklace
alias pokéball_necklace -> pokeball_necklace
imply pokeball_necklace -> necklace
imply pokeball_necklace -> pokeball
Part 3
Part 3 A
unalias pokeball_background -> pokéball_background
unalias poke_ball_background -> pokéball_background
unalias pokéball_bg -> pokéball_background
unalias poké_ball_bg -> pokéball_background
unalias poke_ball_bg -> pokéball_background
unalias pokeball_bg -> pokéball_background
unalias poké_ball_background -> pokéball_background
unimply pokéball_background -> simple_background
unimply pokéball_background -> pokeball

unalias pokeball_collar -> pokéball_collar 
unalias poké_ball_collar -> pokéball_collar 
unalias poke_ball_collar -> pokéball_collar 
unimply pokéball_collar  -> collar
unimply pokéball_collar -> pokeball

unalias poké_ball_gag -> pokéball_gag
unalias poke_ball_gag -> pokéball_gag
unalias pokeball_gag -> pokéball_gag
unimply pokéball_gag -> gag
unimply pokéball_gag -> pokeball
Part 3 B
alias pokéeball_background -> pokeball_background
alias poke_ball_background -> pokeball_background
alias pokéball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias poké_ball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias poke_ball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias pokeball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias poké_ball_background -> pokeball_background
imply pokeball_background -> simple_background
imply pokeball_background -> pokeball

alias pokéball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
alias poké_ball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
alias poke_ball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
imply pokeball_collar  -> collar
imply pokeball_collar -> pokeball

alias poké_ball_gag -> pokeball_gag
alias poke_ball_gag -> pokeball_gag
alias pokéball_gag -> pokeball_gag
imply pokeball_gag -> gag
imply pokeball_gag -> pokeball
Part 4
alias pokéball_bikini -> pokeball_bikini
imply pokeball_bikini -> pokeball_clothing
imply pokeball_bikini -> bikini

alias pokéball_accessory -> pokeball_accessory
imply pokeball_accessory -> accessory
imply pokeball_accessory -> pokeball

alias transformation_by_pokéball -> transformation_by_pokeball
imply transformation_by_pokeball -> pokeball
imply transformation_by_pokeball -> transformation

alias looking_at_pokéball -> looking_at_pokeball
imply looking_at_pokeball -> pokeball
imply looking_at_pokeball -> looking_at_object 

alias pokéball_between_legs -> pokeball_between_legs
imply pokeball_between_legs -> pokeball
imply pokeball_between_legs -> object_between_legs

alias pokéball_diaper -> pokeball_diaper
imply pokeball_diaper -> pokeball_clothing
imply pokeball_diaper -> pattern_diaper

alias pokéball_choker -> pokeball_choker
imply pokeball_choker -> choker 
imply pokeball_choker -> pokeball
alias pokéball_wristband -> pokeball_wristband
imply pokeball_wristband -> wristband
imply pokeball_wristband -> pokeball
Part 5
alias pokéball_bow -> pokeball_bow
imply pokeball_bow -> bow
imply pokeball_bow -> pokeball

alias pokéball_print -> pokeball_print
imply pokeball_print -> pokeball

alias throwing_pokéball -> throwing_pokeball
imply throwing_pokeball -> pokeball
imply throwing_pokeball -> throwing_object 
Part 1 | DONE

----- forum #357037 -----
The bulk update request #4102 is active.

remove alias cum_on_pokeball (5) -> cum_on_pokéball (0)
remove alias cum_on_poké_ball (0) -> cum_on_pokéball (0)
remove alias cum_on_poke_ball (0) -> cum_on_pokéball (0)
remove implication cum_on_pokéball (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove implication cum_on_pokéball (0) -> cum (704552)
remove alias poke_ball_censor (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias pokéball_censorship (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias pokeball_censorship (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias pokeball_censor (22) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias poké_ball_censor (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias poke_ball_censorship (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias poké_ball_censorship (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove implication pokéball_censor (0) -> censored (63930)
remove implication pokéball_censor (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias crystalline_poke_ball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystal_pokeball (1) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystalline_poké_ball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystalline_pokéball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystal_poke_ball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystalline_pokeball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystal_poké_ball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove implication crystal_pokéball (0) -> pokeball (10931)

----- forum #357064 -----
The bulk update request #4104 is active.

create alias cum_on_pokéball (0) -> cum_on_pokeball (5)
create alias cum_on_poké_ball (0) -> cum_on_pokeball (5)
create alias cum_on_poke_ball (0) -> cum_on_pokeball (5)
create implication cum_on_pokeball (5) -> pokeball (10931)
create implication cum_on_pokeball (5) -> cum (704552)
create alias poke_ball_censor (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias pokéball_censorship (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias pokeball_censorship (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias pokéball_censor (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias poké_ball_censor (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias poke_ball_censorship (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias poké_ball_censorship (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create implication pokeball_censor (22) -> censored (63930)
create implication pokeball_censor (22) -> pokeball (10931)
create alias crystalline_poke_ball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystal_pokéball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystalline_poké_ball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystalline_pokéball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystal_poke_ball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystalline_pokeball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystal_poké_ball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create implication crystal_pokeball (1) -> pokeball (10931)

Part 2 | DONE

----- forum #357068 -----
The bulk update request #4105 is active.

remove alias pokeball_clothing (95) -> pokéball_clothing (0)
remove alias poke_ball_clothing (0) -> pokéball_clothing (0)
remove alias poké_ball_clothing (0) -> pokéball_clothing (0)
remove implication pokéball_clothing (0) -> clothing (2111643)
remove implication pokéball_clothing (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias poké_ball_bra (0) -> pokéball_bra (0)
remove alias poke_ball_bra (0) -> pokéball_bra (0)
remove alias pokeball_bra (8) -> pokéball_bra (0)
remove implication pokéball_bra (0) -> bra (70267)
remove implication pokéball_bra (0) -> pokéball_clothing (0)
remove alias in_pokeball (141) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias inside_poke_ball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias inside_pokeball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias in_poké_ball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias inside_poké_ball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias inside_pokéball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias in_poke_ball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove implication in_pokéball (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias poké_ball_necklace (0) -> pokéball_necklace (0)
remove alias poke_ball_necklace (0) -> pokéball_necklace (0)
remove alias pokeball_necklace (42) -> pokéball_necklace (0)
remove implication pokéball_necklace (0) -> necklace (124065)
remove implication pokéball_necklace (0) -> pokeball (10931)

----- forum #357074 -----
The bulk update request #4106 is active.

create alias pokéball_clothing (0) -> pokeball_clothing (95)
create alias poke_ball_clothing (0) -> pokeball_clothing (95)
create alias poké_ball_clothing (0) -> pokeball_clothing (95)
create implication pokeball_clothing (95) -> clothing (2111643)
create implication pokeball_clothing (95) -> pokeball (10931)
create alias poké_ball_bra (0) -> pokeball_bra (8)
create alias poke_ball_bra (0) -> pokeball_bra (8)
create alias pokéball_bra (0) -> pokeball_bra (8)
create implication pokeball_bra (8) -> bra (70267)
create implication pokeball_bra (8) -> pokeball_clothing (95)
create alias in_pokéball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias inside_poke_ball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias inside_pokeball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias in_poké_ball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias inside_poké_ball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias inside_pokéball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias in_poke_ball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create implication in_pokeball (141) -> pokeball (10931)
create alias poké_ball_necklace (0) -> pokeball_necklace (42)
create alias poke_ball_necklace (0) -> pokeball_necklace (42)
create alias pokéball_necklace (0) -> pokeball_necklace (42)
create implication pokeball_necklace (42) -> necklace (124065)
create implication pokeball_necklace (42) -> pokeball (10931)

Part 3
Part 3 A

The bulk update request #4385 has been rejected.

remove alias pokeball_background (83) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias poke_ball_background (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias pokéball_bg (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias poké_ball_bg (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias poke_ball_bg (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias pokeball_bg (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias poké_ball_background (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove implication pokéball_background (0) -> simple_background (1268021)
remove implication pokéball_background (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias pokeball_collar (223) -> pokéball_collar (0)
remove alias poké_ball_collar (0) -> pokéball_collar (0)
remove alias poke_ball_collar (0) -> pokéball_collar (0)
remove implication pokéball_collar (0) -> collar (264049)
remove implication pokéball_collar (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias poké_ball_gag (0) -> pokéball_gag (0)
remove alias poke_ball_gag (0) -> pokéball_gag (0)
remove alias pokeball_gag (111) -> pokéball_gag (0)
remove implication pokéball_gag (0) -> gag (48548)
remove implication pokéball_gag (0) -> pokeball (10931)

Part 3 B
alias pokéeball_background -> pokeball_background
alias poke_ball_background -> pokeball_background
alias pokéball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias poké_ball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias poke_ball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias pokeball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias poké_ball_background -> pokeball_background
imply pokeball_background -> simple_background
imply pokeball_background -> pokeball

alias pokéball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
alias poké_ball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
alias poke_ball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
imply pokeball_collar  -> collar
imply pokeball_collar -> pokeball

alias poké_ball_gag -> pokeball_gag
alias poke_ball_gag -> pokeball_gag
alias pokéball_gag -> pokeball_gag
imply pokeball_gag -> gag
imply pokeball_gag -> pokeball
Part 4
alias pokéball_bikini -> pokeball_bikini
imply pokeball_bikini -> pokeball_clothing
imply pokeball_bikini -> bikini

alias pokéball_accessory -> pokeball_accessory
imply pokeball_accessory -> accessory
imply pokeball_accessory -> pokeball

alias transformation_by_pokéball -> transformation_by_pokeball
imply transformation_by_pokeball -> pokeball
imply transformation_by_pokeball -> transformation

alias looking_at_pokéball -> looking_at_pokeball
imply looking_at_pokeball -> pokeball
imply looking_at_pokeball -> looking_at_object 

alias pokéball_between_legs -> pokeball_between_legs
imply pokeball_between_legs -> pokeball
imply pokeball_between_legs -> object_between_legs

alias pokéball_diaper -> pokeball_diaper
imply pokeball_diaper -> pokeball_clothing
imply pokeball_diaper -> pattern_diaper

alias pokéball_choker -> pokeball_choker
imply pokeball_choker -> choker 
imply pokeball_choker -> pokeball
alias pokéball_wristband -> pokeball_wristband
imply pokeball_wristband -> wristband
imply pokeball_wristband -> pokeball
Part 5
alias pokéball_bow -> pokeball_bow
imply pokeball_bow -> bow
imply pokeball_bow -> pokeball

alias pokéball_print -> pokeball_print
imply pokeball_print -> pokeball

alias throwing_pokéball -> throwing_pokeball
imply throwing_pokeball -> pokeball
imply throwing_pokeball -> throwing_object 
Edits (of this post)

Edit: Added BUR list
21.dec.22: Better formatting
22.dec.22: Added pokemon_clover BUR
24.dec.22: Updated list with approved BURs
25.dec.22: Added pokemon_tcg; pokemon_taur; pokemon_colosseum BURs
27.dec.22: Added another pokemon copyright tags BUR; pokemon_masters BUR.
28.dec.22: Updated list with approved BURs
20.jan.23: Better formatting of BUR list. Added pokemon:_let's_go BUR
03.feb.23: Added pokeball BUR.
12.mar.23: Added another pokeball BUR.

EDIT: The bulk update request #3702 (forum #352077) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


Pokemon card Tags

The bulk update request #3703 is active.

create alias pokémon_card (0) -> pokemon_card (229)
create alias pokemon_cards (0) -> pokemon_card (229)
create alias monster_card_(pokémon) (0) -> pokemon_card (229)
create alias monster_card_(pokemon) (0) -> pokemon_card (229)
create implication pokemon_card (229) -> pokemon (523887)

Reason: Similar tag cleanup, also standardizing the use of pokemon instead of pokémon.

(See Edit 1)I'm not sure what pokemon_card_gb refeers to, so tell me if anyone has any objections on that alias.

I'm not implying pokemon_card -> pokemon_tcg because I'm not sure if they always go together. Someone may do art with their own pokemon card design, which, while copyrighted to pokemon, isn't exactly copyrighted to pokemon_tcg, in my understanding.


Edit (1) - 21.dec.22: Removed pokemon_card_gb tags, will leave them for last until I analyze them better.
24.dec.2022 - Better formatting

EDIT: The bulk update request #3703 (forum #352168) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

I mean, you can edit BURs. That's true and sometimes super helpful.

However, for what it's worth, cramming too many different kinds of things into the same huge BUR can also be more of a headache to sort out later. So just in case anyone has ever wondered, some BUR things that are nice:

  • grouping things together that are on the same basic theme or same concept, or are all going in the same direction, or all happening in the same step (with multi-step BURs), etc. Those combine into the same BUR very nicely.
  • making separate BUR chunks (for organization) when the theme changes is also nice. Like this thread did here. That's going to be very straightforward when it comes time to process these two chunks. Which is appreciated.
  • Or when you do have a mixed handful of odds and ends, just keeping the BUR shorter in length overall. It makes it easier to verify and check everything on it in one sitting.

...Because the several-mile-long, kitchen sink BURs are not so fun to cross t's, dot i's and doublecheck every individual item on it. They take a LOT more time to go through and to keep track of all of the coming and going pieces on it. So a little organization in each BUR can go a long way and it helps to keep things sane. Just in case anyone has wondered about it.

clawstripe said:
It likely refers to the Pokémon Trading Card Game and its sequel Pokémon Card GB2,) which are video game adaptations of the first few sets of the physical game. GB refers to the Game Boy Color.


Hmmm... then I suppose I better edit it out and include in the tcg BUR I plan on making in the future.


strikerman said:
You can edit BURs, by the way.

furrypickle said:

I mean, you can edit BURs. That's true and sometimes super helpful.

However..., ...some BUR things that are nice:

  • grouping things together that are on the same basic theme or same concept, or are all going in the same direction, or all happening in the same step (with multi-step BURs), etc. Those combine into the same BUR very nicely.
  • making separate BUR chunks (for organization) when the theme changes is also nice. Like this thread did here. That's going to be very straightforward when it comes time to process these two chunks. Which is appreciated.
  • Or when you do have a mixed handful of odds and ends, just keeping the BUR shorter in length overall. It makes it easier to verify and check everything on it in one sitting.



Thank you! That's precisely what my thought procecss was like, but I didn't know how to properly express it in words.
I searched the forums for my first weeks on the site, spending some time reading old topics and whatnot, and I ocassionally saw that doing multiple aliases and implications, creating multiple topics, is not ideal.

Taking that into account, my options when making this pokemon BUR where:

  • A) Create one topic for each little BUR
  • B) Create a general topic where I can fill with related BURs
  • C) Clog topic #36005 with the random aliases I find, which might become bothersome since it's not my topic to edit and properly make an index, listing everything there.

Additionally, making BURs is already quite a headace, and I imagine that when you admins hit the approve or reject button you don't simply bat an eye and do it. I assume you take your time to go through the proposed tags to see if they indeed don't mess anything, or don't have a typo, which might be a bothersome task in giant BURs with unrelated tags, or related ones with lots of random aliases and implications inbetween.

If all that was needed is convert pokémon_x -> pokemon_x, then yeah i'd include it all in one BUR, but many of these have aliases to them, which in turn I will have to unalias and realias to the new one. So... if I do that task for every single pokemon tag I find, into one single BUR, seems like a headace, not only for users voting or staff revieweing, but for myself when double checking for mistakes. >->

Also also, editing something doesn't bump does it? Feels iffy to edit something after many users gave out their votes, and doing a bump-reply is not much different than doing a new BUR inside the topic.

That being said, I'm still new here and not used to the tagging/forum culture, I'm keen on learning if I'm wrong on any of my points ^^


Poke-copyright BUR 1-A (DONE)

remove alias pokemon_refresh (7) -> pokémon_refresh (0)
remove implication pokémon_refresh (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias pokemon_camp (11) -> pokémon_camp (0)
remove implication pokémon_camp (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias pokemon_detective_pikachu (120) -> pokémon_detective_pikachu (0)
remove alias pokemon_bank (0) -> pokémon_bank (0)
remove alias pokemon_snap (172) -> pokémon_snap (0)

Reason: Removing "pokémon" aliases so I can alias them to "pokemon"

Part 2
alias pokémon_amie -> pokemon_amie
alias pokemon_ami -> pokemon_amie
alias pokémon_ami -> pokemon_amie
alias pokemon_amies -> pokemon_amie

imply pokemon_amie -> pokemon

alias pokémon_refresh -> pokemon_refresh
imply pokemon_refresh -> pokemon

alias pokémon_camp -> pokemon_camp
imply pokemon_camp -> pokemon

alias pokémon_café_mix -> pokemon_cafe_mix
imply pokemon_cafe_mix -> pokemon

alias pokémon_detective_pikachu -> pokemon_detective_pikachu #Detective pikachu should imply pokemon?
imply pokemon_detective_pikachu -> pokemon

alias pokémon_bank -> pokemon_bank
imply pokemon_bank -> pokemon

alias pokémon_snap -> pokemon_snap
imply pokemon_snap -> pokemon

Edit: Better formatting

EDIT: The bulk update request #3709 (forum #352271) has failed: Alias for pokemon_amie not found

EDIT: The bulk update request #3709 (forum #352271) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


wat8548 said:
We already have a thread for this, although it might be out of date by now: topic #35686

I still prefeer to keep it all here, because I'm gonna list all pokémon-pokemon tags I can find, and reference each BUR I make here, and the index it in the top post, hopefully making it handy for staff.

...and it's a little late now, don't wanna divide the work I did between different threads :p

Pokemon_clover tags (DONE)

The bulk update request #3713 is active.

remove alias pokemon_clover (146) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication toxiraptor (2) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication oreon (0) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication arabomb (7) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication demiwaifu (8) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication dragking_(pokémon_clover) (0) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication grasshole (6) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication whizzard (4) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication marleyzard (6) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication clovenix (4) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication mozzamazel (10) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication chezetta (3) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication rectreem (3) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication ebolable (10) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication hosajack (2) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication ejacasm (5) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication condoom (4) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication iguallah (2) -> pokémon_clover (0)
remove implication lizakbar (5) -> pokémon_clover (0)

Reason: * Removing existing aliases and implications from pokémon_clover in order to re-alias them to pokemon_clover.

  • I hope it's not bothersome to make an extensive project like this. I would rather not leave this task half-done.
Part 2
alias pokémon_clover -> pokemon_clover
alias pokemon_clover_(game) -> pokemon_clover

imply toxiraptor -> pokemon_clover
imply oreon -> pokemon_clover
imply arabomb -> pokemon_clover
imply demiwaifu -> pokemon_clover
imply dragking_(pokémon_clover) -> pokemon_clover  #Gonna fix this tag later
imply grasshole -> pokemon_clover
imply whizzard -> pokemon_clover
imply marleyzard -> pokemon_clover
imply clovenix -> pokemon_clover
imply mozzamazel -> pokemon_clover
imply chezetta -> pokemon_clover
imply rectreem -> pokemon_clover
imply ebolable -> pokemon_clover
imply hosajack -> pokemon_clover
imply ejacasm -> pokemon_clover
imply condoom -> pokemon_clover
imply iguallah -> pokemon_clover
imply lizakbar -> pokemon_clover
Part 3 - Extras
  • Adding only the pokemon_clover fakemons that already exist in the site but with missing implications.
The tags
  • I judged that it would be easier to send and review smaller BURs, if that is not the case, please tell me.
A to B
imply Adesign -> pokemon_clover
imply Ayylamo -> pokemon_clover
imply Armando -> pokemon_clover 
imply Analgae -> pokemon_clover

imply birdhouse_(pokemon_clover) -> pokemon_clover
imply Batterex -> pokemon_clover
imply Blobbos -> pokemon_clover
imply Bongecko -> pokemon_clover 
imply Baddon -> pokemon_clover
C to D
imply Caroline_(pokemon_clover) -> pokemon_clover
imply Crystaking -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Cannonance -> pokemon_clover
imply Chompest -> pokemon_clover
imply Corooster -> pokemon_clover
imply Clovour -> pokemon_clover
imply Chanolour -> pokemon_clover 
imply Conchilla -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Coolcube -> pokemon_clover 
imply Cheerly -> pokemon_clover 
imply Cheerific -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Caracold -> pokemon_clover 	 	
imply Corsharrk -> pokemon_clover
imply Chantruth -> pokemon_clover
imply Chasumo -> pokemon_clover
imply Cirpent -> pokemon_clover

imply Dowster -> pokemon_clover
imply Deathorus -> pokemon_clover
imply Dayjaws -> pokemon_clover
imply Deemdow -> pokemon_clover 
E to H
imply Embortion -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Elephas -> pokemon_clover

imply Frieden -> pokemon_clover
imply Fairileon -> pokemon_clover
imply Fluffyeti -> pokemon_clover 
imply Furnazi -> pokemon_clover
imply Flameboyan -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Floconut -> pokemon_clover
imply Flowre -> pokemon_clover 	

imply Galavire -> pokemon_clover

imply hornigiri -> pokemon_clover
imply Huntabre -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Honrade -> pokemon_clover
imply Hanginy -> pokemon_clover #Happiny gore-version
imply hofucno -> pokemon_clover
imply Hitmonana -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Hazmate -> pokemon_clover
I to L
imply Inbitween -> pokemon_clover
imply Ignut -> pokemon_clover 	

imply Juarecito -> pokemon_clover 	

imply kengeon -> pokemon_clover
imply Krokizon -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Kekroach -> pokemon_clover
imply Kuklan -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Knogoat -> pokemon_clover 	
imply knokedge -> pokemon_clover
imply kuuroba -> pokemon_clover

imply Lanshil -> pokemon_clover
imply Lasslee -> pokemon_clover 
M to N
imply Monstrap -> pokemon_clover
imply Masdawg -> pokemon_clover
imply Machmona -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Moostatic -> pokemon_clover
imply Mooshock -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Marionettl -> pokemon_clover #should also imply flora fauna
imply Mimimie -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Mudslacks -> pokemon_clover 
imply Mennopaws -> pokemon_clover
imply Mabster -> pokemon_clover
imply Motherfuck_(pokemon_clover) -> pokemon_clover
imply Mantrake -> pokemon_clover
imply Mudpants -> pokemon_clover
imply Mariguana -> pokemon_clover
imply Maymay -> pokemon_clover
imply Memenace -> pokemon_clover

imply Nauseon -> pokemon_clover 
imply Nutzboltz -> pokemon_clover
imply Ninoop -> pokemon_clover
O to R
imply Octai -> pokemon_clover 	
imply oburonyxo -> pokemon_clover

imply Pikotton -> pokemon_clover
imply peperee -> pokemon_clover
imply Ponchito -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Pasdawg -> pokemon_clover
imply Pretzely -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Phantash -> pokemon_clover 	
imply Praunch -> pokemon_clover 	
imply praestish -> pokemon_clover

imply Rekroach -> pokemon_clover
imply Retater  -> pokemon_clover
imply Rolango -> pokemon_clover
imply ricosuave -> pokemon_clover
S to W
imply Slugfugg -> pokemon_clover
imply Spargle -> pokemon_clover
imply Semdrop  -> pokemon_clover
imply Seamapan -> pokemon_clover
imply Spanke -> pokemon_clover
imply Shiriman -> pokemon_clover
imply Spilefree -> pokemon_clover
imply semdemen -> pokemon_clover
imply spookzilla -> pokemon_clover
imply Sapleaf  -> pokemon_clover
imply sprucifix -> pokemon_clover
imply spedo_(pokemon_clover) -> pokemon_clover

imply Troubait -> pokemon_clover
imply tripsius -> pokemon_clover

imply Unjoy -> pokemon_clover
imply upchucken -> pokemon_clover

imply Vandash  -> pokemon_clover
imply venowatt -> pokemon_clover

imply wedgard -> pokemon_clover
imply wifemin -> pokemon_clover

EDIT: The bulk update request #3713 (forum #352424) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


Pokemon_tcg Tags | DONE

The bulk update request #3732 is active.

remove alias pokemon_tcg (227) -> pokémon_tcg (0)
remove alias pokemon_trading_card_game (0) -> pokémon_tcg (0)
remove alias pokémon_trading_card_game (0) -> pokémon_tcg (0)
remove implication pokémon_tcg (0) -> pokemon (523887)

Reason: "É" -> "E" Standardization + Related aliases.

Part 2
alias pokémon_tcg -> pokemon_tcg

alias pokemon_trading_card_game -> pokemon_tcg
alias pokémon_trading_card_game -> pokemon_tcg

alias pokémon_tcg_(game) -> pokemon_tcg
alias pokemon_tcg_(game) -> pokemon_tcg

imply pokemon_tcg -> pokemon


Pokemon_taur | DONE

The bulk update request #3733 is active.

remove alias pokemon_taur (206) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove alias pokétaur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove alias poketaur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove alias pokémontaur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove alias pokemontaur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)
remove implication pokémon_taur (0) -> taur (18750)
remove implication pokémon_taur (0) -> pokemon_(species) (520300)
remove implication arcanine_taur (0) -> pokémon_taur (0)


Part 2
alias pokémon_taur -> pokemon_taur

alias pokétaur -> pokemon_taur 
alias poketaur -> pokemon_taur 

alias pokémontaur -> pokemon_taur 
alias pokemontaur -> pokemon_taur 

imply pokemon_taur -> taur
imply pokemon_taur -> pokemon_(species) 

imply arcanine_taur -> pokemon_taur

EDIT: The bulk update request #3733 (forum #352782) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


Pokemon_colosseum and character | DONE

The bulk update request #3734 is active.

remove alias rui_(pokemon) (13) -> rui_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias wes_(pokemon) (83) -> wes_(pokémon) (0)
remove implication rui_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon_colosseum (0)
remove implication wes_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon_colosseum (0)



Didn't put this one in part 1 because I feared it might have caused a conflict.

alias rui_(pokémon) -> rui_(pokemon)
alias wes_(pokémon) -> wes_(pokemon)

unalias pokemon_colosseum -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokemon_coliseum -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokemon_collisuem -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokémon_collisuem -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokémon_coliseum -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokemon_coleseum -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokémon_coleseum -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokémon_colisuem -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokemon_colliseum -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokemon_colisuem -> pokémon_colosseum
unalias pokémon_colliseum -> pokémon_colosseum

unimply pokémon_colosseum -> pokemon
Part 3
imply rui_(pokemon) -> pokemon_colosseum
imply wes_(pokemon) -> pokemon_colosseum

alias pokémon_colosseum -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokemon_coliseum -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokemon_collisuem -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokémon_collisuem -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokémon_coliseum -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokemon_coleseum -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokémon_coleseum -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokémon_colisuem -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokemon_colliseum -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokemon_colisuem -> pokemon_colosseum
alias pokémon_colliseum -> pokemon_colosseum

imply pokemon_colosseum -> pokemon

EDIT: The bulk update request #3734 (forum #352789) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Miscelaneous tags A | DONE

The bulk update request #3736 is active.

remove alias pokemon_battle (249) -> pokémon_battle (0)
remove alias pokemon_breeder (153) -> pokémon_breeder (0)
remove implication pokémon_breeder (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias pokeshaming (0) -> pokéshaming (0)
remove alias poke-shaming (0) -> pokéshaming (0)
remove alias pokemon_shaming (0) -> pokéshaming (0)
remove implication pokéshaming (0) -> meme (53764)
remove alias pokemon_center (103) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokésen (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokécenter (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokesen (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokecenter (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokécen (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove alias pokecen (0) -> pokémon_center (0)
remove implication pokémon_center (0) -> pokemon (523887)

Better visualized code
unalias pokemon_battle (0) -> pokémon_battle (129)

unalias pokemon_breeder (0) -> pokémon_breeder (87)
unimply pokémon_breeder (87) -> pokemon (367956)

unalias pokeshaming (0) -> pokéshaming (143)
unalias poke-shaming (0) -> pokéshaming (143)
unalias pokemon_shaming (0) -> pokéshaming (143)
unimply pokéshaming (143) -> meme (31567)

unalias pokemon_center (0) -> pokémon_center (55)

unalias pokésen (0) -> pokémon_center (55)
unalias pokécenter (0) -> pokémon_center (55)
unalias pokesen (0) -> pokémon_center (55)
unalias pokecenter (0) -> pokémon_center (55)
unalias pokécen (0) -> pokémon_center (55)
unalias pokecen (0) -> pokémon_center (55)

unimply pokémon_center (55) -> pokemon (367956)
Part 2
alias pokémon_battle -> pokemon_battle
imply pokemon_battle -> pokemon

alias pokémon_breeder -> pokemon_breeder
imply pokemon_breeder -> pokemon

alias pokéshaming -> pokeshaming
alias poke-shaming -> pokeshaming
alias pokemon_shaming -> pokeshaming
imply pokeshaming -> meme
imply pokeshaming -> pokemon

alias pokémon_center -> pokemon_center

alias pokésen -> pokemon_center
alias pokécenter -> pokemon_center
alias pokesen -> pokemon_center
alias pokecenter -> pokemon_center
alias pokécen -> pokemon_center
alias pokecen -> pokemon_center

imply pokemon_center -> pokemon

EDIT: The bulk update request #3736 (forum #352825) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


Miscelaneous tags B

The bulk update request #3737 is active.

create alias pokémon_clothing (0) -> pokemon_clothing (61)
create implication pokemon_clothing (61) -> pokemon (523887)
create implication pokemon_clothing (61) -> clothing (2111643)
create alias pokémon_trainer_hat (0) -> pokemon_trainer_hat (18)
create implication pokemon_trainer_hat (18) -> hat (210776)
create implication pokemon_trainer_hat (18) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon_underwear (0) -> pokemon_underwear (23)
create implication pokemon_underwear (23) -> pokemon_clothing (61)
create implication pokemon_underwear (23) -> underwear (369395)
create alias pokémon_briefs (0) -> pokemon_briefs (6)
create implication pokemon_briefs (6) -> pokemon_underwear (23)
create implication pokemon_briefs (6) -> briefs (17386)
create alias pokémon_egg (0) -> pokemon_egg (1243)
create implication pokemon_egg (1243) -> pokemon (523887)
create implication pokemon_egg (1243) -> egg (20057)
create alias pokémon_transformation (0) -> pokemon_transformation (54)
create implication pokemon_transformation (54) -> pokemon (523887)
create implication pokemon_transformation (54) -> transfomation (0)
create alias pokémon_poster (0) -> pokemon_poster (18)
create implication pokemon_poster (18) -> pokemon (523887)
create implication pokemon_poster (18) -> poster (8113)

Reason: Just noticed it could be its own BUR, my bad.

É -> E Standardization

Better visualized code
alias pokémon_clothing -> pokemon_clothing
imply pokemon_clothing -> pokemon
imply pokemon_clothing -> clothing

alias pokémon_trainer_hat -> pokemon_trainer_hat
imply pokemon_trainer_hat -> hat
imply pokemon_trainer_hat -> pokemon

alias pokémon_underwear -> pokemon_underwear
imply pokemon_underwear -> pokemon_clothing
imply pokemon_underwear -> underwear

alias pokémon_briefs -> pokemon_briefs
imply pokemon_briefs -> pokemon_underwear
imply pokemon_briefs -> briefs

alias pokémon_egg -> pokemon_egg
imply pokemon_egg -> pokemon
imply pokemon_egg -> egg  

alias pokémon_transformation -> pokemon_transformation
imply pokemon_transformation -> pokemon
imply pokemon_transformation -> transfomation

alias pokémon_poster -> pokemon_poster
imply pokemon_poster -> pokemon
imply pokemon_poster -> poster

EDIT: The bulk update request #3737 (forum #352827) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

Poke-copyright BUR 2 | DONE

The bulk update request #3766 is active.

remove alias pokemon_stadium (22) -> pokémon_stadium (0)
remove alias pokémon_stadium_2 (0) -> pokémon_stadium (0)
remove alias pokemon_stadium_2 (0) -> pokémon_stadium (0)
remove implication pokémon_stadium (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias pokemon_art_academy (37) -> pokémon_art_academy (0)
remove alias pokemon_ranger (48) -> pokémon_ranger (0)

Reason: É -> E standardization; Unaliasing tags to re-alias them in part 2.

Part 2
alias pokémon_stadium -> pokemon_stadium
alias pokémon_stadium_2 -> pokemon_stadium
alias pokemon_stadium_2 -> pokemon_stadium
imply pokemon_stadium -> pokemon

alias pokémon_art_academy -> pokemon_art_academy

alias pokémon_ranger -> pokemon_ranger
imply pokemon_ranger -> pokemon

alias pokemon_ranger_shadows_of_almia -> pokemon_ranger
alias pokémon_ranger_guardian_signs -> pokemon_ranger
alias pokémon_ranger_1 -> pokemon_ranger
alias pokemon_ranger_1 -> pokemon_ranger

alias pokémon_ranger_(character) -> pokemon_ranger_(character)
imply pokemon_ranger_(character) -> pokemon_ranger

alias pokemon_legends:_arceus -> pokemon_legends_arceus #because "pokémon_legends:_arceus" is already aliased 

EDIT: The bulk update request #3766 (forum #353123) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


pokemon_masters BUR | 2 parts

The bulk update request #3768 is active.

remove alias pokemon_masters (85) -> pokémon_masters (0)
remove implication pokémon_masters (0) -> pokemon (523887)
remove alias scottie_(pokemon) (0) -> scottie_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias male_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) (0) -> scottie_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias male_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) (0) -> scottie_(pokémon) (0)
remove implication scottie_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon_masters (0)
remove alias bettie_(pokemon) (6) -> bettie_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias female_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) (0) -> bettie_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias female_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) (0) -> bettie_(pokémon) (0)
remove implication bettie_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon_masters (0)
remove implication professor_bellis (0) -> pokémon_masters (0)

Better visible code
unalias pokemon_masters -> pokémon_masters
unimply pokémon_masters -> pokemon

unalias scottie_(pokemon) -> scottie_(pokémon)
unalias male_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) -> scottie_(pokémon)
unalias male_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) -> scottie_(pokémon)
unimply scottie_(pokémon) -> pokémon_masters

unalias bettie_(pokemon) -> bettie_(pokémon)
unalias female_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) -> bettie_(pokémon)
unalias female_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) -> bettie_(pokémon)
unimply bettie_(pokémon) -> pokémon_masters

unimply professor_bellis -> pokémon_masters

Part 2
alias pokémon_masters -> pokemon_masters
imply pokemon_masters -> pokemon

alias scottie_(pokémon) -> scottie_(pokemon)
alias male_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) -> scottie_(pokemon)
alias male_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) -> scottie_(pokemon)
imply scottie_(pokemon) -> pokemon_masters

alias bettie_(pokémon) -> bettie_(pokemon)
alias female_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) -> bettie_(pokemon)
alias female_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) -> bettie_(pokemon)
imply bettie_(pokemon) -> pokemon_masters

imply professor_bellis -> pokemon_masters

EDIT: The bulk update request #3768 (forum #353130) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #3791 is active.

create alias pokémon_battle (0) -> pokemon_battle (249)
create implication pokemon_battle (249) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon_breeder (0) -> pokemon_breeder (153)
create implication pokemon_breeder (153) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokéshaming (0) -> pokeshaming (0)
create alias poke-shaming (0) -> pokeshaming (0)
create alias pokemon_shaming (0) -> pokeshaming (0)
create implication pokeshaming (0) -> meme (53764)
create implication pokeshaming (0) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon_center (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokésen (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokécenter (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokesen (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokecenter (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokécen (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create alias pokecen (0) -> pokemon_center (103)
create implication pokemon_center (103) -> pokemon (523887)

Reason: followup to

EDIT: The bulk update request #3791 (forum #353361) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

The bulk update request #3792 is active.

create alias pokémon_stadium (0) -> pokemon_stadium (22)
create alias pokémon_stadium_2 (0) -> pokemon_stadium (22)
create alias pokemon_stadium_2 (0) -> pokemon_stadium (22)
create implication pokemon_stadium (22) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon_art_academy (0) -> pokemon_art_academy (37)
create alias pokémon_ranger (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create implication pokemon_ranger (48) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokemon_ranger_shadows_of_almia (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokémon_ranger_guardian_signs (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokémon_ranger_1 (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokemon_ranger_1 (0) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokémon_ranger_(character) (0) -> pokemon_ranger_(character) (19)
create implication pokemon_ranger_(character) (19) -> pokemon_ranger (48)
create alias pokemon_legends:_arceus (0) -> pokemon_legends_arceus (4261)

Reason: followup to

EDIT: The bulk update request #3792 (forum #353366) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Updated by auto moderator

pokemon:_let's_go | Part 1/2 | DONE

The bulk update request #4006 is active.

remove alias pokemon_lets_go (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias pokemon_lets_go! (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias pokemon_let's_go! (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias pokemon_let's_go!_pikachu_and_eevee (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias pokemon_let's_go (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove implication elaine_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove implication chase_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove implication trace_(pokémon) (0) -> pokémon:_let's_go (0)
remove alias let's_go_eevee_trainer (0) -> elaine_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias lets_go_eevee_trainer (0) -> elaine_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias elaine_(pokemon) (66) -> elaine_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias chase_(pokemon) (18) -> chase_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias let's_go_pikachu_trainer (0) -> chase_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias lets_go_pikachu_trainer (0) -> chase_(pokémon) (0)
remove alias trace_(pokemon) (7) -> trace_(pokémon) (0)

Reason: é -> e standardization.

Part 2
imply pokemon:_let's_go -> pokemon
alias pokémon:_let's_go -> pokemon:_let's_go

alias pokemon_lets_go -> pokemon:_let's_go
alias pokemon_lets_go! -> pokemon:_let's_go
alias pokemon_let's_go! -> pokemon:_let's_go
alias pokemon_let's_go!_pikachu_and_eevee -> pokemon:_let's_go
alias pokemon_let's_go -> pokemon:_let's_go

imply elaine_(pokemon)  -> pokemon:_let's_go
imply chase_(pokemon) -> pokemon:_let's_go
imply trace_(pokemon) -> pokemon:_let's_go

alias let's_go_eevee_trainer -> elaine_(pokemon)
alias lets_go_eevee_trainer -> elaine_(pokemon)
alias elaine_(pokémon) -> elaine_(pokemon)

alias chase_(pokémon) -> chase_(pokemon)
alias let's_go_pikachu_trainer -> chase_(pokemon)
alias lets_go_pikachu_trainer -> chase_(pokemon)

alias trace_(pokémon) -> trace_(pokemon)
Full code
unalias pokemon_lets_go -> pokémon:_let's_go
unalias pokemon_lets_go! -> pokémon:_let's_go
unalias pokemon_let's_go! -> pokémon:_let's_go
unalias pokemon_let's_go!_pikachu_and_eevee -> pokémon:_let's_go
unalias pokemon_let's_go -> pokémon:_let's_go

unimply elaine_(pokémon)  -> pokémon:_let's_go
unimply chase_(pokémon) -> pokémon:_let's_go
unimply trace_(pokémon) -> pokémon:_let's_go

unalias let's_go_eevee_trainer -> elaine_(pokémon)
unalias lets_go_eevee_trainer -> elaine_(pokémon)
unalias elaine_(pokemon) -> elaine_(pokémon)

unalias chase_(pokemon) -> chase_(pokémon)
unalias let's_go_pikachu_trainer -> chase_(pokémon)
unalias lets_go_pikachu_trainer -> chase_(pokémon)

unalias trace_(pokemon) -> trace_(pokémon)
alias pokémon:_let's_go -> pokemon:_let's_go

alias pokemon_lets_go -> pokemon:_let's_go
alias pokemon_lets_go! -> pokemon:_let's_go
alias pokemon_let's_go! -> pokemon:_let's_go
alias pokemon_let's_go!_pikachu_and_eevee -> pokemon:_let's_go
alias pokemon_let's_go -> pokemon:_let's_go

imply elaine_(pokemon)  -> pokemon:_let's_go
imply chase_(pokemon) -> pokemon:_let's_go
imply trace_(pokemon) -> pokemon:_let's_go

alias let's_go_eevee_trainer -> elaine_(pokemon)
alias lets_go_eevee_trainer -> elaine_(pokemon)
alias elaine_(pokémon) -> elaine_(pokemon)

alias chase_(pokémon) -> chase_(pokemon)
alias let's_go_pikachu_trainer -> chase_(pokemon)
alias lets_go_pikachu_trainer -> chase_(pokemon)

alias trace_(pokémon) -> trace_(pokemon)

EDIT: The bulk update request #4006 (forum #356004) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


pokemon_masters BUR | 2/2 | DONE

The bulk update request #4010 is active.

create alias pokémon_masters (0) -> pokemon_masters (85)
create implication pokemon_masters (85) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias scottie_(pokémon) (0) -> scottie_(pokemon) (0)
create alias male_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) (0) -> scottie_(pokemon) (0)
create alias male_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) (0) -> scottie_(pokemon) (0)
create implication scottie_(pokemon) (0) -> pokemon_masters (85)
create alias bettie_(pokémon) (0) -> bettie_(pokemon) (6)
create alias female_protagonist_(pokemon_masters) (0) -> bettie_(pokemon) (6)
create alias female_protagonist_(pokémon_masters) (0) -> bettie_(pokemon) (6)
create implication bettie_(pokemon) (6) -> pokemon_masters (85)
create implication professor_bellis (0) -> pokemon_masters (85)

Reason: Follow up to forum #353130 BUR #3768

EDIT: The bulk update request #4010 (forum #356034) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


pokemon:_let's_go | Part 2/2 | DONE

The bulk update request #4011 is active.

create implication pokemon:_let's_go (128) -> pokemon (523887)
create alias pokémon:_let's_go (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_lets_go (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_lets_go! (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_let's_go! (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_let's_go!_pikachu_and_eevee (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias pokemon_let's_go (0) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create implication elaine_(pokemon) (66) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create implication chase_(pokemon) (18) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create implication trace_(pokemon) (7) -> pokemon:_let's_go (128)
create alias let's_go_eevee_trainer (0) -> elaine_(pokemon) (66)
create alias lets_go_eevee_trainer (0) -> elaine_(pokemon) (66)
create alias elaine_(pokémon) (0) -> elaine_(pokemon) (66)
create alias chase_(pokémon) (0) -> chase_(pokemon) (18)
create alias let's_go_pikachu_trainer (0) -> chase_(pokemon) (18)
create alias lets_go_pikachu_trainer (0) -> chase_(pokemon) (18)
create alias trace_(pokémon) (0) -> trace_(pokemon) (7)

Reason: Follow up to forum #356004 BUR #4006

EDIT: The bulk update request #4011 (forum #356055) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


Pokéball -> pokeball 1a/5 | DONE

The bulk update request #4102 is active.

remove alias cum_on_pokeball (5) -> cum_on_pokéball (0)
remove alias cum_on_poké_ball (0) -> cum_on_pokéball (0)
remove alias cum_on_poke_ball (0) -> cum_on_pokéball (0)
remove implication cum_on_pokéball (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove implication cum_on_pokéball (0) -> cum (704552)
remove alias poke_ball_censor (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias pokéball_censorship (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias pokeball_censorship (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias pokeball_censor (22) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias poké_ball_censor (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias poke_ball_censorship (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove alias poké_ball_censorship (0) -> pokéball_censor (0)
remove implication pokéball_censor (0) -> censored (63930)
remove implication pokéball_censor (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias crystalline_poke_ball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystal_pokeball (1) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystalline_poké_ball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystalline_pokéball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystal_poke_ball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystalline_pokeball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove alias crystal_poké_ball (0) -> crystal_pokéball (0)
remove implication crystal_pokéball (0) -> pokeball (10931)

Reason: é -> e standardization.

Better visualized code + Parts
Part 1
Part 1 A
unalias cum_on_pokeball -> cum_on_pokéball 	
unalias cum_on_poké_ball -> cum_on_pokéball
unalias cum_on_poke_ball -> cum_on_pokéball
unimply cum_on_pokéball -> pokeball
unimply cum_on_pokéball -> cum

unalias poke_ball_censor -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias pokéball_censorship -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias pokeball_censorship -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias pokeball_censor -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias poké_ball_censor -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias poke_ball_censorship -> pokéball_censor 	
unalias poké_ball_censorship -> pokéball_censor 
unimply pokéball_censor -> censored
unimply pokéball_censor -> pokeball

unalias crystalline_poke_ball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystal_pokeball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystalline_poké_ball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystalline_pokéball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystal_poke_ball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystalline_pokeball-> crystal_pokéball 	
unalias crystal_poké_ball -> crystal_pokéball 	
unimply crystal_pokéball -> pokeball
Part 1 B
alias cum_on_pokéball -> cum_on_pokeball 	
alias cum_on_poké_ball -> cum_on_pokeball
alias cum_on_poke_ball -> cum_on_pokeball
imply cum_on_pokeball -> pokeball
imply cum_on_pokeball -> cum

alias poke_ball_censor -> pokeball_censor 	
alias pokéball_censorship -> pokeball_censor 	
alias pokéball_censorship -> pokeball_censor 	
alias pokeball_censor -> pokeball_censor 	
alias poké_ball_censor -> pokeball_censor 	
alias poke_ball_censorship -> pokeball_censor 	
alias poké_ball_censorship -> pokeball_censor 
imply pokeball_censor -> censored
imply pokeball_censor -> pokeball

alias crystalline_poke_ball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystal_pokéball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystalline_poké_ball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystalline_pokéball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystal_poke_ball -> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystalline_pokeball-> crystal_pokeball 	
alias crystal_poké_ball -> crystal_pokeball 	
imply crystal_pokeball -> pokeball

Part 2
Part 2 A
unalias pokeball_clothing -> pokéball_clothing
unalias poke_ball_clothing -> pokéball_clothing
unalias poké_ball_clothing -> pokéball_clothing
unimplicate pokéball_clothing -> clothing
unimplicate pokéball_clothing -> pokeball

unalias poké_ball_bra -> pokéball_bra
unalias poke_ball_bra -> pokéball_bra
unalias pokeball_bra -> pokéball_bra
unimply pokéball_bra -> bra
unimply pokéball_bra -> pokéball_clothing

unalias in_pokeball -> in_pokéball
unalias inside_poke_ball -> in_pokéball
unalias inside_pokeball -> in_pokéball
unalias in_poké_ball -> in_pokéball
unalias inside_poké_ball -> in_pokéball
unalias inside_pokéball -> in_pokéball
unalias in_poke_ball -> in_pokéball
unimply in_pokéball -> pokeball

unalias poké_ball_necklace -> pokéball_necklace
unalias poke_ball_necklace -> pokéball_necklace
unalias pokeball_necklace -> pokéball_necklace
unimply pokéball_necklace -> necklace
unimply pokéball_necklace -> pokeball
Part 2 B
alias pokéball_clothing -> pokeball_clothing
alias poke_ball_clothing -> pokeball_clothing
alias poké_ball_clothing -> pokeball_clothing
imply pokeball_clothing -> clothing
imply pokeball_clothing -> pokeball

alias poké_ball_bra -> pokeball_bra
alias poke_ball_bra -> pokeball_bra
alias pokéball_bra -> pokeball_bra
imply pokeball_bra -> bra
imply pokeball_bra -> pokeball_clothing

alias in_pokéball -> in_pokeball
alias inside_poke_ball -> in_pokeball
alias inside_pokeball -> in_pokeball
alias in_poké_ball -> in_pokeball
alias inside_poké_ball -> in_pokeball
alias inside_pokéball -> in_pokeball
alias in_poke_ball -> in_pokeball
imply in_pokeball -> pokeball

alias poké_ball_necklace -> pokeball_necklace
alias poke_ball_necklace -> pokeball_necklace
alias pokéball_necklace -> pokeball_necklace
imply pokeball_necklace -> necklace
imply pokeball_necklace -> pokeball
Part 3
Part 3 A
unalias pokeball_background -> pokéball_background
unalias poke_ball_background -> pokéball_background
unalias pokéball_bg -> pokéball_background
unalias poké_ball_bg -> pokéball_background
unalias poke_ball_bg -> pokéball_background
unalias pokeball_bg -> pokéball_background
unalias poké_ball_background -> pokéball_background
unimply pokéball_background -> simple_background
unimply pokéball_background -> pokeball

unalias pokeball_collar -> pokéball_collar 
unalias poké_ball_collar -> pokéball_collar 
unalias poke_ball_collar -> pokéball_collar 
unimply pokéball_collar  -> collar
unimply pokéball_collar -> pokeball

unalias poké_ball_gag -> pokéball_gag
unalias poke_ball_gag -> pokéball_gag
unalias pokeball_gag -> pokéball_gag
unimply pokéball_gag -> gag
unimply pokéball_gag -> pokeball
Part 3 B
alias pokéeball_background -> pokeball_background
alias poke_ball_background -> pokeball_background
alias pokéball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias poké_ball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias poke_ball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias pokeball_bg -> pokeball_background
alias poké_ball_background -> pokeball_background
imply pokeball_background -> simple_background
imply pokeball_background -> pokeball

alias pokéball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
alias poké_ball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
alias poke_ball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
imply pokeball_collar  -> collar
imply pokeball_collar -> pokeball

alias poké_ball_gag -> pokeball_gag
alias poke_ball_gag -> pokeball_gag
alias pokéball_gag -> pokeball_gag
imply pokeball_gag -> gag
imply pokeball_gag -> pokeball
Part 4
alias pokéball_bikini -> pokeball_bikini
imply pokeball_bikini -> pokeball_clothing
imply pokeball_bikini -> bikini

alias pokéball_accessory -> pokeball_accessory
imply pokeball_accessory -> accessory
imply pokeball_accessory -> pokeball

alias transformation_by_pokéball -> transformation_by_pokeball
imply transformation_by_pokeball -> pokeball
imply transformation_by_pokeball -> transformation

alias looking_at_pokéball -> looking_at_pokeball
imply looking_at_pokeball -> pokeball
imply looking_at_pokeball -> looking_at_object 

alias pokéball_between_legs -> pokeball_between_legs
imply pokeball_between_legs -> pokeball
imply pokeball_between_legs -> object_between_legs

alias pokéball_diaper -> pokeball_diaper
imply pokeball_diaper -> pokeball_clothing
imply pokeball_diaper -> pattern_diaper

alias pokéball_choker -> pokeball_choker
imply pokeball_choker -> choker 
imply pokeball_choker -> pokeball
alias pokéball_wristband -> pokeball_wristband
imply pokeball_wristband -> wristband
imply pokeball_wristband -> pokeball
Part 5
alias pokéball_bow -> pokeball_bow
imply pokeball_bow -> bow
imply pokeball_bow -> pokeball

alias pokéball_print -> pokeball_print
imply pokeball_print -> pokeball

alias throwing_pokéball -> throwing_pokeball
imply throwing_pokeball -> pokeball
imply throwing_pokeball -> throwing_object 

EDIT: The bulk update request #4102 (forum #357037) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


Pokéball -> pokeball 1b/5 | DONE

The bulk update request #4104 is active.

create alias cum_on_pokéball (0) -> cum_on_pokeball (5)
create alias cum_on_poké_ball (0) -> cum_on_pokeball (5)
create alias cum_on_poke_ball (0) -> cum_on_pokeball (5)
create implication cum_on_pokeball (5) -> pokeball (10931)
create implication cum_on_pokeball (5) -> cum (704552)
create alias poke_ball_censor (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias pokéball_censorship (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias pokeball_censorship (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias pokéball_censor (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias poké_ball_censor (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias poke_ball_censorship (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create alias poké_ball_censorship (0) -> pokeball_censor (22)
create implication pokeball_censor (22) -> censored (63930)
create implication pokeball_censor (22) -> pokeball (10931)
create alias crystalline_poke_ball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystal_pokéball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystalline_poké_ball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystalline_pokéball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystal_poke_ball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystalline_pokeball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create alias crystal_poké_ball (0) -> crystal_pokeball (1)
create implication crystal_pokeball (1) -> pokeball (10931)

Reason: Follow up to BUR #4102

EDIT: The bulk update request #4104 (forum #357064) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


Pokéball -> pokeball 2a/5 | DONE

The bulk update request #4105 is active.

remove alias pokeball_clothing (95) -> pokéball_clothing (0)
remove alias poke_ball_clothing (0) -> pokéball_clothing (0)
remove alias poké_ball_clothing (0) -> pokéball_clothing (0)
remove implication pokéball_clothing (0) -> clothing (2111643)
remove implication pokéball_clothing (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias poké_ball_bra (0) -> pokéball_bra (0)
remove alias poke_ball_bra (0) -> pokéball_bra (0)
remove alias pokeball_bra (8) -> pokéball_bra (0)
remove implication pokéball_bra (0) -> bra (70267)
remove implication pokéball_bra (0) -> pokéball_clothing (0)
remove alias in_pokeball (141) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias inside_poke_ball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias inside_pokeball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias in_poké_ball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias inside_poké_ball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias inside_pokéball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove alias in_poke_ball (0) -> in_pokéball (0)
remove implication in_pokéball (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias poké_ball_necklace (0) -> pokéball_necklace (0)
remove alias poke_ball_necklace (0) -> pokéball_necklace (0)
remove alias pokeball_necklace (42) -> pokéball_necklace (0)
remove implication pokéball_necklace (0) -> necklace (124065)
remove implication pokéball_necklace (0) -> pokeball (10931)

Reason: é -> e - Follow up to BUR #4104

EDIT: The bulk update request #4105 (forum #357068) has been approved by @gattonero2001.


Pokéball -> pokeball 2b/5 | DONE

The bulk update request #4106 is active.

create alias pokéball_clothing (0) -> pokeball_clothing (95)
create alias poke_ball_clothing (0) -> pokeball_clothing (95)
create alias poké_ball_clothing (0) -> pokeball_clothing (95)
create implication pokeball_clothing (95) -> clothing (2111643)
create implication pokeball_clothing (95) -> pokeball (10931)
create alias poké_ball_bra (0) -> pokeball_bra (8)
create alias poke_ball_bra (0) -> pokeball_bra (8)
create alias pokéball_bra (0) -> pokeball_bra (8)
create implication pokeball_bra (8) -> bra (70267)
create implication pokeball_bra (8) -> pokeball_clothing (95)
create alias in_pokéball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias inside_poke_ball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias inside_pokeball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias in_poké_ball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias inside_poké_ball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias inside_pokéball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create alias in_poke_ball (0) -> in_pokeball (141)
create implication in_pokeball (141) -> pokeball (10931)
create alias poké_ball_necklace (0) -> pokeball_necklace (42)
create alias poke_ball_necklace (0) -> pokeball_necklace (42)
create alias pokéball_necklace (0) -> pokeball_necklace (42)
create implication pokeball_necklace (42) -> necklace (124065)
create implication pokeball_necklace (42) -> pokeball (10931)

Reason: Follow up to BUR #4105

EDIT: The bulk update request #4106 (forum #357074) has been approved by @gattonero2001.

Pokéball -> pokeball 3a/5

The bulk update request #4385 has been rejected.

remove alias pokeball_background (83) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias poke_ball_background (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias pokéball_bg (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias poké_ball_bg (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias poke_ball_bg (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias pokeball_bg (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove alias poké_ball_background (0) -> pokéball_background (0)
remove implication pokéball_background (0) -> simple_background (1268021)
remove implication pokéball_background (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias pokeball_collar (223) -> pokéball_collar (0)
remove alias poké_ball_collar (0) -> pokéball_collar (0)
remove alias poke_ball_collar (0) -> pokéball_collar (0)
remove implication pokéball_collar (0) -> collar (264049)
remove implication pokéball_collar (0) -> pokeball (10931)
remove alias poké_ball_gag (0) -> pokéball_gag (0)
remove alias poke_ball_gag (0) -> pokéball_gag (0)
remove alias pokeball_gag (111) -> pokéball_gag (0)
remove implication pokéball_gag (0) -> gag (48548)
remove implication pokéball_gag (0) -> pokeball (10931)

Full code
unalias pokeball_background -> pokéball_background    alias pokéball_background -> pokeball_background
unalias poke_ball_background -> pokéball_background   alias poke_ball_background -> pokeball_background
unalias pokéball_bg -> pokéball_background            alias pokéball_bg -> pokeball_background
unalias poké_ball_bg -> pokéball_background           alias poké_ball_bg -> pokeball_background
unalias poke_ball_bg -> pokéball_background           alias poke_ball_bg -> pokeball_background
unalias pokeball_bg -> pokéball_background            alias pokeball_bg -> pokeball_background
unalias poké_ball_background -> pokéball_background   alias poké_ball_background -> pokeball_background
unimply pokéball_background -> simple_background      imply pokeball_background -> simple_background
unimply pokéball_background -> pokeball               imply pokeball_background -> pokeball
unalias pokeball_collar -> pokéball_collar            alias pokéball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
unalias poké_ball_collar -> pokéball_collar           alias poké_ball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
unalias poke_ball_collar -> pokéball_collar           alias poke_ball_collar -> pokeball_collar 
unimply pokéball_collar  -> collar                    imply pokeball_collar  -> collar
unimply pokéball_collar -> pokeball                   imply pokeball_collar -> pokeball
unalias pokeball_gag -> pokéball_gag                  alias pokéball_gag -> pokeball_gag
unalias poké_ball_gag -> pokéball_gag                 alias poké_ball_gag -> pokeball_gag
unalias poke_ball_gag -> pokéball_gag                 alias poke_ball_gag -> pokeball_gag
unimply pokéball_gag -> gag                           imply pokeball_gag -> gag
unimply pokéball_gag -> pokeball                      imply pokeball_gag -> pokeball

EDIT: The bulk update request #4385 (forum #359912) has been rejected by @slyroon.

Updated by auto moderator

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