And now want to share with people because why not? It's for a Firefox plugin greasemonkey, but I guess it should work on any analogs that also inject jawascript in other browsers without a fuss.
First script is for ease of navigating pools with the keyboard arrows - I made it to read comics here easier.
// ==UserScript== // @name e621 // @version 1 // @grant none // @include* // @include* // ==/UserScript== var poolpage = document.getElementsByClassName("pool-nav")[0]; var prevpage, nextpage prevpage = poolpage.getElementsByClassName("prev")[0]; nextpage = poolpage.getElementsByClassName("next")[0]; if (prevpage !=null || nextpage != null) { document.addEventListener ('keydown', function(e) { if (document.activeElement.classList.contains("ui-autocomplete-input")) { } else { switch (e.keyCode) { case 39: if (nextpage !=null) { if (nextpage.getAttribute('href') !=null) { window.location.href = nextpage.getAttribute('href')+'#image'; } } break; case 37: if (prevpage !=null) { if (prevpage.getAttribute('href') !=null) { window.location.href = prevpage.getAttribute('href')+'#image'; } } break; } } } ); }
Second adds some shortcut links below the search window - sort results by score, and filter by minimal score.
// ==UserScript== // @name e621 // @version 1 // @grant none // @include* // @include* // ==/UserScript== //Which ratings shortcuts to add const ratingLevels = [1,25,100,250,500] var navbar, newElement; navbar = document.getElementById("search-box"); addbuts = document.getElementById("custom_tagging"); if (navbar) { if (addbuts) {} else { addbuts = document.createElement("div"); addbuts.setAttribute('id', "custom_tagging"); thisURL = window.location.href.split("tags="); if (thisURL.length > 1) { thisURL[0] = thisURL[0].split("page=")[0] + "tags="; thisURL[1] = "+" + thisURL[1]; } else{ thisURL[0] = thisURL[0] + "+"; thisURL[1] = " "; } if (!thisURL[1].includes("order%3Ascore")) { addRatingSort = document.createElement("a"); newContent = document.createTextNode("Sort by rating"); addRatingSort.setAttribute('href', thisURL[0] + "order%3Ascore" + thisURL[1]); addRatingSort.appendChild(newContent); addbuts.appendChild(addRatingSort); addbuts.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); } ratingLevels.forEach(CreateFilterLink) navbar.parentNode.insertBefore(addbuts, navbar.nextSibling); } } function CreateFilterLink(item) { var restOfTags = thisURL[1].replace(/score%3(a|A)(>|%3(E|e))([1-9][0-9][0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|[0-9])(\+)?/g,''); addRatingfilt = document.createElement("a"); newContent = document.createTextNode("Filter score +"+item); addRatingfilt.setAttribute('href', thisURL[0] + "score%3a>"+item + restOfTags); addRatingfilt.appendChild(newContent); addbuts.appendChild(addRatingfilt); addbuts.appendChild(document.createElement("br")); }
Hope this will be of use to anybody. :3