Topic: Tag Creation?: Fur_Lining

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

So I was going through posts and I found some nice ones of women with fur lining on their clothes post #96945 is one example and so is post #89523
They both have fur lining on their clothes but I can search specifically for others with that :( I just thought it would be an actual tag and I was sad it wasn't.... (Is this even the right way to bring this up?)

Updated by TheHuskyK9

Tag implications are when you want one tag to imply another tag. Sounds like you want to create a new tag about fur lining on clothing, right?

Updated by anonymous

Yea, implication just seemed like the right word considering what it means...

Updated by anonymous

In my opinion, I don't think this is a good tag. If it were a tag, it probably get aliased to clothing. But this is just my opinion

Updated by anonymous

I just think it's a specific enough thing it deserves a tag :( those two examples are the quickest things I could find. I tried other tags that might help ( steampunk and air_force were two that I tried)

Updated by anonymous

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