TL;DR it messes with charcount:N queries
How to find all posts with missing character names
For the sake of the argument, let's say we're adding character tags to all posts of a certain artist %artist%, and let's ignore *_focus tags that complicate things further
1. Find all posts missing solo or duo or trio or group and tag them (and add trio to group posts where it applies)
2. Tag the missing characters in all of these queries:
- %artist% solo chartags:0
- %artist% duo chartags:<2
- %artist% trio chartags:<3
- %artist% group chartags:<4
Now because fan_character and webcomic_character add to the chartag count, there is also the possibility that some posts are missing a character name but we didn't catch them
For example, (↓) here's a post with (3 characters, 4 chartags including fan_character). And (↓) here's a post with (3 characters, 3 chartags including fan_character) that we would've missed (missing steve-o chartag)
post #3676005 post #732422
So we also need to add:
- %artist% solo fan_character chartags:1
- %artist% duo fan_character chartags:<3
- %artist% trio fan_character chartags:<4
- %artist% group fan_character chartags:<5
The same applies to webcomic_character, and LUCKILY the posts with both a fan character and a webcomic character aren't likely
The Fix
-Change fan_character and webcomic_character to be used INSTEAD of a character's name (would be a HUGE effort and remove those tags from 90% of posts, so pls no thx)
-Change the tag category. Character->General probably
P.S. This also applies to unknown_character, but you can just %artist% unknown_character it