Topic: [Feature] Blacklist should be editable via e621 Top-page in advance + Sign-In should redirect users There, Not Posts-page

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

On e621, Some leaked-Pokemon posts of generation_9_pokemon have been uploaded.
That was true and I have seen them already, sadly :(

On Twitter, after that, I am spreading the usage of e621 blacklist for Japanese people.
However, My action was too late as a result --- Let me say here I am sorry.


I know you may say I/You can avoid spoilers by blacklisting spoiler.

But, 3 barriers have been found.
In 3 cases, The current Blacklist-feature may not avoid showing what you don't want to see.

Blacklist-feature preventing problems is important.
These problems affect literally Everyone, including those who aren't familiar with e621 ... whether they do have account(s) or don't.

Therefore, I, Kurogi as a Japanese volunteer, highly desire the following 3 things to be made available.


Part1:Blacklist should be editable via the e621 Top-page, Regardless of whether you have any accounts

Requested feature overview description:

Blacklist should be editable via the e621 Top-page, Regardless of whether you have any accounts.
e621 Top-page should have the same "Blacklist" button as the Posts-page.

Why would it be useful?:

To avoid seeing blacklisted posts, Before seeing them.

If you do NOT have any accounts, You must go to Posts-page to reach "Anonymous Blacklist".
But, Going there risks you seeing what you don't want to. I confirmed It is really happening.

Hence, Blacklist should be editable Not only via the Posts-page, But also via Top-Page the blank page.
It'll be the appropriate place, IMO. Many people visit there even without any accounts, I assume.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?:

e621 Top-page

Part2:Enable/Disable-Toggle should be near the list, and togglable in advance

Requested feature overview description:

Enable/Disable-Toggle should be near the list, and togglable in advance.

Why would it be useful?:

To enable Blacklist, Before seeing blacklisted posts.

Even if you DO have account(s) so you can use your user settings too,
The toggle appears when the page (e.g. searching) includes your blacklisted posts, only.

It's the same risk as in Part1.
Unless it can be enabled in advance, blacklisted posts will be shown regardless of what your blacklist is.

(( I am a fan of RE621's wording "Enable/Disable", and that politeness will be useful in vanilla e621 as well. ))

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?:

e621 Top-page , "Anonymous Blacklist" , "Blacklisted tags" of user settings. too,

Part3:Sign-In should redirect users to Top-page, Not Posts-page

Requested feature overview description:

should redirect users to Top-page , Not Posts.

Why would it be useful?:

This is also to avoid the same risks as in Part1 and 2.
This is the most important, however.

How can you edit and enable your blacklist, when you're forced to be redirected to Posts-page after sign-in?

Closing your browser immediately is possible.
But on the first visit, it's impossible, No?
For even experienced users, Doing it every time is unreasonable.

What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?:

, Top-page


Anyway, More chances to edit and enable Blacklist should be given to all users, including those without accounts,
Before they go to Posts-page, Not After!

Hopefully this request will be read by earnest users.
Thank you.


for 3) I think you can save a different page as e621 bookmark rather than the homepage on mobile. On desktop you can use re621 , which supports "Reroute the title page to the one specified"

watchdog22 said:
for 3) I think you can save a different page as e621 bookmark rather than the homepage on mobile. On desktop you can use re621 , which supports "Reroute the title page to the one specified"

Nay. Dude, Did you really read and really understand what I said? (( No? Then you can go read it again. ))
If you have read this, You could have known that I personally have taken actions for myself such as having RE621 already.

My words of Part2
(( I am a fan of RE621's wording "Enable/Disable", and that politeness will be useful in vanilla e621 as well. ))

Well, It doesn't really matter.

This request is intended to make improvements to the vanilla e621 without using any tools or browser extensions, which benefits not only familiar users like me but all users in general, and this one points out flaws that cannot be solved by external tools, or that would be unreasonable and defeats the raison d'etre of Blacklist-function.

In the first place, The "all users" I said are especially Japanese who are unfamiliar with e621, and are not volunteers, hence many of them would not dare to use external tools to just view posts.
They don't seem to know the Blacklist exists, or even know how to use e621 in general.

That's why as a volunteer I am trying to explain how-to-use and spreading information.
(( For clarification, I will make "how to use RE621" in Jpn language, too. ))

In such a situation, you are telling me that I can expect them to accept to use of any external tools because of a flaw in the vanilla e621 site, as if I can order someone who's not myself to do something.
How can you believe I can really do that?

Watchdog22, Can you speak to me after more trying to think, please. I ain't like to get random replies.

I am not new here anymore not believing that Sending feature requests, which can be solved by such a small trick, makes any sense.

Because it needs to be read by the site engineers, and judged on its value.
And only after approval, it needs maintenance in the long run as an official feature,
by the site engineers, not by me.

Does leaked_pokemon imply spoiler? I think it should, people mainly use the leaked_pokemon tag when there's a new game coming out instead of the spoiler tag.
(7/213 leaked_pokemon images have the spoiler tag right now.)

Can you also update the wiki to clarify what tag they should use for Pokemon?

Sorry! Getting back here late.

inspection_drone_7 said:
Does leaked_pokemon imply spoiler? I think it should, people mainly use the leaked_pokemon tag when there's a new game coming out instead of the spoiler tag.
(7/213 leaked_pokemon images have the spoiler tag right now.)

It does, yes. I think so too. And "Leaked_pokemon" should have a tag implication "spoiler".
But there's only this one on requests:Topic: Tag alias: leaked_pokemon -> pokemon

"Tag Implication: leaked_pokemon -> spoiler" should be made ... I will make it. I made it:

Can you also update the wiki to clarify what tag they should use for Pokemon?

Sure, Yes I can. Nah, I Will.
I will go add more tags to the Pixiv-wiki, after Finding out if there are any other tags.

But sorry, Pixiv-wiki is for general topics, so I'll only publish tags that can remove spoilers and leaked_pokemons in their entirety.
Thank you very much for your information!

EDIT1:These tags, I choose you! : generation_9_pokemon leaked_pokemon unknown_pokemon spoiler

What I said in Pixiv-wiki

Avoiding spoilers for Games etc. is also a reasonable reason to use Blacklist.
Some of you readers may have suffered a bad experience with this, haven't you?

It would be impossible to avoid all spoilers. But spoilers are spoilers.
To avoid any unexpected accidents, it is safe to hide all works that you haven't played yet.
I would also recommend using this tag:spoiler

Afraid to say, that when you don't have time to play the game, you might want to refrain from going to all sites.

Having said that ... At the moment of writing, Unfortunately, Leaked-pokémon works are already out there -- Not Only on e621, But also on Twitter, FurAffinity, and even on Pixiv.
( For your information, These 4 tags are for Generation 9: generation_9_pokemon , leaked_pokemon , unknown_pokemon , spoiler )

I Hate to say this, but those who think "OK to post unauthorized/unofficial leaked content" are vulgar, evil, and absurd.
Though, They seem to be in Japan as well as abroad and will not be able to understand anything you say to them, Because they do not understand others' pain.

In such cases, The Blacklist-function is also useful for your self-protection.


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