Topic: Blacklist users on a forum without blacklisting their imageboard posts?

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

I want to know if it's at all possible (using some tagging fuckery or otherwise) to blacklist certain users' comments from appearing on posts and the forums without actually blacklisting any images that they uploaded. I want to specifically hide all comments they make and not the actual images they upload. Is this possible to do?

You can use site CSS to do it. Go to your Settings, Advanced, Custom CSS style.

Comments, Forum Posts, and Blips:

article[data-creator="sgtabbeyrubber"] {display: none;}


article[data-creator-id="288454"] {display: none;}

It's recommended that you use ID instead of the name, because the ID doesn't change.

Block Multiple Users in 1 Line:

article:is([data-creator-id="33842"],[data-creator-id="288454"]) {display: none}

It works with a trailing comma and white space at the end, so you can lazily add new users:

article:is([data-creator-id="33842"],[data-creator-id="288454"],      ) {display: none}
/*      [data-creator-id="0000000"],       */

Just copy the commented out part and paste after the last comma, and change the ID.


I just tried user:siral_exan -rating:s -rating:q -rating:e and that seemed to work.

To further explain, the - prefix excludes whatever you put after it from what you want to blacklist. By using -rating:s -rating:q -rating:e, I'm telling my blacklist to exclude everything rated safe, questionable, or explicit, which will include absolutely all posts since all posts must have a rating. It blacklisted my comments, forum posts, and etc. without effecting my image posts.

lance_armstrong said:
You can use site CSS to do it. Go to your Settings, Advanced, Custom CSS style.

Is there a way to blacklist specific words from all users comments with the custom CSS?

I don't want to see

The one piece is real
Can we get much higher
so high

mapachito said:
Is there a way to blacklist specific words from all users comments with the custom CSS?

I don't want to see

You could execute this code when the page loads:

var regex = [
RegExp("ONE PIECE IS REAL","i"),
]; for (var n=0; n<regex.length; n++) {$("article").filter(function () {return regex[n].test($(this).text()); }).css("display","none");}

User script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name         e621 Censorer
// @match*
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function() {
    'use strict';
    // Your code here...
    var regex = [
RegExp("ONE PIECE IS REAL","i"),
]; for (var n=0; n<regex.length; n++) {$("article").filter(function () {return regex[n].test($(this).text()); }).css("display","none");}

It yeets your forum post and this one almost immediately after the page loads.


mapachito said:
Is there a way to blacklist specific words from all users comments with the custom CSS?

I'm pretty sure this is a feature of re621

lance_armstrong said:
You can use site CSS to do it. Go to your Settings, Advanced, Custom CSS style.

Comments, Forum Posts, and Blips:

article[data-creator="sgtabbeyrubber"] {display: none;}


article[data-creator-id="288454"] {display: none;}

It's recommended that you use ID instead of the name, because the ID doesn't change.

Block Multiple Users in 1 Line:

article:is([data-creator-id="33842"],[data-creator-id="288454"]) {display: none}

It works with a trailing comma and white space at the end, so you can lazily add new users:

article:is([data-creator-id="33842"],[data-creator-id="288454"],      ) {display: none}
/*      [data-creator-id="0000000"],       */

Just copy the commented out part and paste after the last comma, and change the ID.

I won't lie, I had no idea this was possible to do

siral_exan said:
I just tried user:siral_exan -rating:s -rating:q -rating:e and that seemed to work.

To further explain, the - prefix excludes whatever you put after it from what you want to blacklist. By using -rating:s -rating:q -rating:e, I'm telling my blacklist to exclude everything rated safe, questionable, or explicit, which will include absolutely all posts since all posts must have a rating. It blacklisted my comments, forum posts, and etc. without effecting my image posts.

But this is a much more efficient method and I'm kind of kicking myself I didn't think of this earlier.

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