Topic: Tag Implication: insectoid -> insect

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating insectoid → insect
Link to implication


It's not an insect, but it is insectoid...I'm actually not 100% on this but I feel like something should be done with it. Unfortunately the whole spider issue may get in the way of this. Most of these look like x + insect/spider hybrids and I almost feel like those would be more descriptive tbh.

Any opinions on this?


I'm not huge on insects, I don't draw them too often, so I may be way off base.

Isn't insectoid kinda like humanoid? As in, "resembling an insect, but not truly one"? So things under that category would be "insect-ish" without really resembling an insect. On this specific board, we are a bit lenient on species tags when we often have to judge the small differences between a wolf and a fox, a dingo and a spotted dog, etc so often. So, yeah, I guess I'm OK with aliasing the two when we already tag wolf anthros with wolf and canine and what not.

Tentative +1

Updated by anonymous

Aliens that have some insect traits would not necessarily be described as insects.

It can also refer to robots.

Updated by anonymous

Tokaido said:
I'm not huge on insects, I don't draw them too often, so I may be way off base.

Isn't insectoid kinda like humanoid? As in, "resembling an insect, but not truly one"? So things under that category would be "insect-ish" without really resembling an insect. On this specific board, we are a bit lenient on species tags when we often have to judge the small differences between a wolf and a fox, a dingo and a spotted dog, etc so often. So, yeah, I guess I'm OK with aliasing the two when we already tag wolf anthros with wolf and canine and what not.

Tentative +1

Well, currently it is a species tag (which I almost feel like humanoid should be...almost. But I don't think we should treat it the same way despite the prefix because...well there isn't just 1 insect. "Insect-like" can mean everything from worms to butterflies to spiders (yes I know they aren't insects) and have a lot of morphology baggage that humans don't have to deal with.

It's worth noting that insectoid -arthropod has:

An alternative might be to implicate/alias it to arthropod, which would give us more flexibility (since the tag seems to be less "insectoid" and more "arthropoid" anyways).

Durandal said:
Aliens that have some insect traits would not necessarily be described as insects.

It can also refer to robots.

Wouldn't it be better to use more objective tags (pincers, proboscis, antennae, etc.) when they don't look like any specific thing anyways?

It doesn't matter if it's a robot because if it also looks like a spider, so we tag it with spider because that's what it looks like. Granted this doesn't really work well for alien characters because they have their own hybrid thing going for them most of the time. Probably one of the only cases where I'd use the term "insectoid" for anything tagging-wise.

Not that I'm suggesting we get rid of the tag necessarily, just that it seems as though this overlaps with arthropod and the backend should probably reflect that somehow if we are to keep it.

Updated by anonymous

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