Topic: Tag Alias: toitoi508 -> coken

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Should be the other way around then, right? As far as I know we try not to use pixiv IDs as artist tags (since they're just a login, not a display name), and we'd want to use the one that's used on more sites, right?

Updated by anonymous


Former Staff

Augh. This one... I tried to figure it out earlier and gave up.

Trying again. I'm not sure where the toitoi508 nick is from, I don't see the artist use it anywhere. His nick on pixiv is とおい (tooi, which means distant but I suppose it's also meant to sound like 'toy'). His twitter handle is GyalaxTOYCAT, but that seems to be co-authored and it has something to do with this. More of the same here:

So... I dunno. Maybe alias toitoi508 and coken to toycat? Since he mainly uses that nick on various sites.

Updated by anonymous

Since toycat would have to be aliased to the others anyways, and it's probably more intuitive since it's in several of their current usernames and is also how they sign their work now. (and since toitoi508 was only a deleted twitter name, and coken was their pixiv login ID which we've gone away from because it's a become a lot harder to extract those). So I moved all of their other artist name aliases to go to --> toycat. That should keep all this artist's work in one place.

Updated by anonymous

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