Topic: PURR - E621 C# CLI Downloader

Posted under e621 Tools and Applications

Hello Everyone, i made this little Application as a Study of the C# Language.

Purr is a CLI Downloader, it uses as the main base the E621 Client NUPackage by Noppes.

For now the Features are:

- Retrieving AND Downloading Posts
- Organizing the Posts and Sessions a Folder (src/Sessions)
- Overwriting the "score:>=/score:<= (Score bigger or smaller than) (Needs some rework)
- Simple Logging
- Restarting and Closing at the end of the Downloading Process.

I will be working in for the time being, if you find a bug/exceptions, (except those thrown from Mr.Noppes client), don't be shy, open a issue and it will be fixed as soon as possible.
Suggestions? Yup, Issues.

Also it's Open Source, want something your way, just fork it.
Want to contribute... Thanks a lot.

Note: Changelogs will be posted here too.

Thanks for Readin and have a great week.

Pools are now supported:

Changelog (From Source):

Pools are now available to download and search for.

A lot is still missing (Text Prompts for example, so if you give, or retrieve it will ask you to type, the program didn't crashed or freezed, just type normally)

We are filtering by name, search by ID is also planned.

Sorry for bothering and have a Great Day.

Cool - thanks for sharing! We need more tools like Gallery-dl, Pixiv Toolkit, Wolf's Stash, and so on.

Have been quite slow working on PURR but will be back to it soon, sorry for no news, tried to catch up with my other projects.

I've spent the last few months giving the program quite a refactor, i will be moving PURR to a new repository along with PURR_NEXT, my second project and might update both more frequently in the year two come.

My apologies for quite the absences for the past two years!

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