Topic: Longest NSFW comic in E621?

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I have been wondering what's the longest NSFW comic ever made on E621. (Like how many pages in the pool)

Just wondering.

A cursory search of the pools on e6 ordered by length yields the comic Silver Soul (pool #11563), which has 1,254 pages (so far), excluding the bonus pages. It's so long that it is split across two pools since one pool can only have no more than 1,000 pages.

amigaman said:
A cursory search of the pools on e6 ordered by length yields the comic Silver Soul (pool #11563), which has 1,254 pages (so far), excluding the bonus pages. It's so long that it is split across two pools since one pool can only have no more than 1,000 pages.

That answers that. Although is it also the longest-running comic on e6? Like some pool that started in 2006 but only updates once a year or whatever.

strikerman said:
Although is it also the longest-running comic on e6? Like some pool that started in 2006 but only updates once a year or whatever.

Searching the pool gallery for active series ordered by creation date throws up pool #11, whose first post was in September 2007 and most recent post was in February 2022, albeit with a gap between 2010-2015.

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