Topic: Shameful BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

You fell for it, fool!

There is no BUR yet. I'm not sure how to best deal with the issue, so I would like you (yes, YOU!) to share your opinion on it.

As far as I could tell, pokéshaming is just dogshaming with a pokémon. Should it be an implication or an alias? If the former, it needs to have its category changed. If the latter, it needs to have its existing tag relationships deleted.

Additionally, is "dogshaming" adequate? Meme tags don't have to be named in a way that describes all possible interpretations of the meme, but only two dogshaming posts (out of 177) feature dogs.

Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia said:
Dog shaming, also known as animal shaming (...)

Last but not least, should the space be there or not?

I'm leaning towards just aliasing both to animal_shaming, but alternative suggestions are welcome.

i think pokéshaming should be aliased to dogshaming since they are practically identical and the only reason why pokéshaming is a seperate tag is because it's the majoraty of dogshaming art on the site if not in general

i also feel that the dogshaming tag should stay as one word, maybe hyphenized, just looking at it from the perspective of a booru noob who'll treat the search bar like a search bar on any other kind of site without knowing about the tagging system here

i don't really have an opinion of if dogshaming should be turned into animal-shaming or pet-shaming. while those aren't misnomers like dogshaming is, i'd still stick with the name that most people are familiar with (again for the noobs sake) plus most people don't really notice a misnomer unless they stop to think about it or it's pointed out to them (especially if it's a noun)

imply dogshaming > animal_shaming
imply dogshaming > meme
imply pokeshaming > animal_shaming
imply pokeshaming > meme
imply animal_shaming > meme

or something similar. Technically I suppose you can get away with just implying both to animal_shaming then animal_shaming to meme, and I'm just making shit overcomplicated.
If a variant meme tag has more posts than the "primary" version, that in and of itself, in my book, is reason enough to keep it as it's own tag.

votp said:
imply dogshaming > animal_shaming
imply dogshaming > meme
imply pokeshaming > animal_shaming
imply pokeshaming > meme
imply animal_shaming > meme

The meme part seems a bit redundant... and what would be the difference between dogshaming and animal_shaming in this case?

I vote to alias all variants to petshaming. I think it has the same “ring” as dogshaming, is equally concise, and relates to the fact that the meme involves pets specifically. I mean, nobody does this with wild animals, but I have seen the “dogshaming” meme applied to cats in some cases.

Also +1 for petshaming. I don't think pokéshaming is worth keeping though. In function, it would easily be replaced by searching petshaming pokémon or petshaming -pokémon depending on what you're looking for.