Topic: Pokémon Smash or Pass

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The meme is a couple months old, but why not? I figured this would be the place for it.

You can play too at but it doesn't consider other forms (I did) or have the PLA Pokémon (+1 to my score)

There's also this one has PLA Pokémon and alt. forms, but counts all of them individually

And don't worry about it "condoning thus or such" that could happen IRL. Pokémon are all fictional.

How many did you "smash"?
My final score was alarming: 134 (135), almost double Markiplier's.
It's not the highest I've ever seen, but I might be too far gone.


votp said:
268. You're on e621, you're in good company.

Thanks m8. I don't feel so paranoid about it anymore

319 smashes, do I win? The animations are kinda mesmerizing... Unfortunately they stop at some point.

Since it only lets you look at the stats of the last pokemon you voted on, I made a list of highly smashed pokemon, for science! It may be missing a few pokemon. In addition to the smash rate, I also included the e6 post count and pokemon generations, but the only real conclusion is that there's no obvious correlations...


Pokemon | Smash rate | e6 post count | pokemon generation
Gardevoir | 83% | 11969 | III
Lopunny | 77% | 7497 | IV
ditto_(pokémon) | 75% | 1024 | I
Zoroark | 74% | 7461 | V
Delphox | 72% | 3411 | VI
Tsareena | 70% | 580 | VII
Lucario | 69% (Nice!) | 19089 | IV
Sylveon | 68% | 7449 | VI
Vaporeon | 68% | 7356 | I
Primarina | 67% | 1763 | VII
Glaceon | 67% | 6893 | IV
Ninetales | 67% | 2312 | I
Umbreon | 67% | 10405 | II
Lilligant | 65% | 534 | V
Milotic | 65% | 1066 | III
Braixen | 64% | 8206 | VI
Salazzle | 63% | 2780 | VII
Espeon | 61% | 4784 | II
Meloetta | 61% | 909 | V

There's an Easter egg if you pass on Lopunny or smash any baby pokemon. It's pretty startling if you're not prepared for it.


Oh joy. Morality Policing in a meme site. It jumpscares you if you DARE press Smash on a "Baby" Pokemon. (I pressed it to see after seeing Crocogater bring it up but I did not expect that even though I should've) *rolls eyes*


glyme said:
Pokémon are all fictional.

Technically yes, but seriously, look at a Pokemon like Mightyena. Pretty much just a dog. Don't get me wrong, I love Mightyena, my second favorite Pokemon besides Suicune, and both firmly at the top of the "smash category", but I feel like a person is lying to themselves if they argue some attractions like that mean nothing at all.

clawdragons said:

Technically yes, but seriously, look at a Pokemon like Mightyena. Pretty much just a dog. Don't get me wrong, I love Mightyena, my second favorite Pokemon besides Suicune, and both firmly at the top of the "smash category", but I feel like a person is lying to themselves if they argue some attractions like that mean nothing at all.

I'm sure there's truth to that for the Pokemon that look like real animals, but Glyme's point still stands: " don't worry about it "condoning thus or such" that could happen IRL. Pokémon are all fictional.". Clicking smash for Mightyena doesn't mean you're advocating for bestiality.

Passed 242
Smashed 663

Out of 905 not counting regional variants as separate pokemon and including PLA pokemon I can't say I'm shocked. I'm not ashamed of it either. In fact I feel pretty proud.

My score was 188 smashes and 2 vine booms
Wonder how many vine booms are there...

There's also one of the rule34 sites with their own smash or pass with interesting results. The sample size is smaller and some things are the same but you also see different pokemon in very different positions compared to pokesmash.

Found a new site that I think works better. I tried it and somehow came to 170 total, 131 unique (I couldn't remember my old smashes, OK?)

Anyway I put it up on the top post

sexygaydragon said:
Passed 242
Smashed 663

Out of 905 not counting regional variants as separate pokemon and including PLA pokemon I can't say I'm shocked. I'm not ashamed of it either. In fact I feel pretty proud.

Duuude, that's got to be an all-time record

glyme said:

Duuude, that's got to be an all-time record

I said I was incredibly open-minded but no one believed me. It makes sense considering this whole world I build just so I could write stories. Also conviently helped to rewrite my pokèsona's backstory. I'd be glad to share it in a dm if you wanted. I wish I had somewhere to share them.

All right so...

Passed : 130
Smashed : 993

Let me explain. I don't know much about Pokemon, so I probably smashed a whole bunch of Pokemon that could, and would kill me. Other than that, every Pokemon was picked on immediate looks, and I guess I really like how Pokemon look. Also, Zyguard doesn't get enough R34, I love that snake boi.

closetpossum said:
I only used the 2nd one, I think it's better imo.
SMASH: 273 OUT OF 1123

Second one is worse on a design basis, but the fact that it brute-forces through every possible Pokemon makes it more interesting

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