Topic: [REJECTED] Tag alias: twin_tail_nojarori_fox_(horokusa) -> twin_tail_nojaloli_fox_(horokusa)

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The tag alias #57507 twin_tail_nojarori_fox_(horokusa) -> twin_tail_nojaloli_fox_(horokusa) has been rejected.

Reason: I think a further Romanization of "nojarori" to match the already widely accepted term "loli" would be at least a little bit helpful.

If this alias request gets approved, I'll make a few small edits to the character's wiki page in accordance with the name change.

EDIT: The tag alias twin_tail_nojarori_fox_(horokusa) -> twin_tail_nojaloli_fox_(horokusa) (forum #333794) has been rejected by @bitWolfy.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2456 (forum #) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

Is the _(horokusa) necessary? Can we shorten the tag to twin_tail_nojaloli_fox or are there other twin-tailed nojaloli foxes?

sorry for my forum illiteracy but how do i edit the original alias request? i want to change it to match what clawstripe suggested but the edit button just shows what number suggestion this is.

garfieldfromgarfield said:
sorry for my forum illiteracy but how do i edit the original alias request? i want to change it to match what clawstripe suggested but the edit button just shows what number suggestion this is.

Unfortunately, we don't have the ability to edit aliases and implications like we can with BURs (as the last was more recently added compared to the former two). What will need to be done is to ask the admins to reject this alias so another alias request, perhaps through a BUR, can be created.

alias twin_tail_nojarori_fox_(horokusa) -> twin_tail_nojaloli_fox

(If you decide on a BUR, you can link it to this thread by putting 33552 in the "Forum Topic" box.)


Apologies for the necro.

Just to muddy the waters again, it looks like she has a proper name now: see post #3689829 and the twin tail nojaloli fox page, which I've updated.

I think it ought to be "nio_(horokusa)" after this. Artist name back on because there are other "Nio"s. Their other characters use "_(horokusa)" suffixes too. I'll try to put together a BUR and tack it on here.

OK, well, that didn't work, I can't create either an alias request or a BUR for this tag that needs changing.

Error: Error: Antecedent name has already been taken (create alias twin_tail_nojaloli_fox -> nio_(horokusa))

EDIT: it was because topic #35994 exists. nvm.


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