I've been working on a tool that can suggest tags on posts based on a set of rules (unsurprisingly most posts have at least 1 problem) and I'm wondering how many "rules" of tagging I'm missing - here's what I've got.
- Posts should contain male, female, intersex, ambiguous_gender or zero_pictured.
- Posts should contain solo, duo, group or zero_pictured.
- Posts should contain either digital_media_(artwork), traditional_media_(artwork) or photography_(artwork).
- Posts should not have any tags in the invalid category, or ending with (disambiguation).
- If a safe/questionable post contains explicit tags (pussy, penis, sex, masturbation, cum, etc) the rating should either be changed to explicit or the tags be removed. (need a full list of what's regarded as explicit)
- Artist tag count should always be at least 1 (including unknown_artist or anonymous_artist)
- Posts tagged with penis should also contain either: flaccid, half-erect, erection.
- Posts with talking_to_viewer should also contain either text or sound?
- Posts should be tagged with either clothed, mostly_nude or nude. (unless the image is feral solo)
- Posts should contain inside, outside or simple_background. (sometimes the background seems too complex for simple, but the location is too ambiguous)
- Posts with hair should have a <color>_hair tag. Same goes for fur and other stuff I guess. (except when monochrome?)
- herm -pussy is probably actually a gynomorph.
If you've got anything else, please don't hesitate to share :)
explicit tags
genitals anus sex masturbation cum pussy_juice precum sex_toy scat gore watersports