Topic: how get approver here?

Posted under General

It also says on the post itself:

It has been reviewed by 1 approver. 1 believe it doesn't meet the quality standards.

faucet said:
It also says on the post itself:

tell me what should be the standards if it was possible, I would add 2 gigabytes of video here

spikexember said:
tell me what should be the standards if it was possible, I would add 2 gigabytes of video here

If you have taken the time to read the forum topic listed above, you would have read what the standards are (see Does not meet minimum quality standards).
Quality here does not necessarily mean file size. You wouldn't be able to add a 2GB video here anyways since videos are capped at 100MB for uploading.

According to the Uploading Guidelines, quality standards here comprises of two components - artistic quality and file quality.
For images, you would need to have (a) good grasp on artistic principles (and not look like crudely-drawn scribbles done in MS Paint) and (b) good file quality with minimal compression (see image quality).
For animations/videos, it is essentially the same with the added consideration of model posing (e.g., movement, no clipping), model quality, proper looping, etc.

For your upload, it is likely to have been the poor artistic quality that made it look bad, and not your file quality.
The most notable mistakes I can spot are the cum clipping through the balls and the awkward model freezing at the end.
It is worth nothing, however, that your uploads were not explicitly deleted by a mod due to low quality standards, but rather left unapproved for 30 days and was automatically deleted as there was no mod that saw it as "good enough" to be accepted.

thegreatwolfgang said:
If you have taken the time to read the forum topic listed above, you would have read what the standards are (see Does not meet minimum quality standards).
Quality here does not necessarily mean file size. You wouldn't be able to add a 2GB video here anyways since videos are capped at 100MB for uploading.

According to the Uploading Guidelines, quality standards here comprises of two components - artistic quality and file quality.
For images, you would need to have (a) good grasp on artistic principles (and not look like crudely-drawn scribbles done in MS Paint) and (b) good file quality with minimal compression (see image quality).
For animations/videos, it is essentially the same with the added consideration of model posing (e.g., movement, no clipping), model quality, proper looping, etc.

For your upload, it is likely to have been the poor artistic quality that made it look bad, and not your file quality.
The most notable mistakes I can spot are the cum clipping through the balls and the awkward model freezing at the end.
It is worth nothing, however, that your uploads were not explicitly deleted by a mod due to low quality standards, but rather left unapproved for 30 days and was automatically deleted as there was no mod that saw it as "good enough" to be accepted.

Do you mean that I should do my animation as required by the site and not as the author intended? , as I understand it? why do others have such problems and them not delete the video? ( that sarcasm about 2 gb sorry)

I was generally told, like, yes, it's normal, wait, it's happened, this will pass. And the worst rule here is that you can't send video once again even if i will fix video.

The linked post was a Pay-tier patreon thing anyways. That's not allowed on site, you need to have a twitter, FurAffinity, Newgrounds, etc source for it to prove that it's public, not locked behind a $3 paywall

furrin_gok said:
The linked post was a Pay-tier patreon thing anyways. That's not allowed on site, you need to have a twitter, FurAffinity, Newgrounds, etc source for it to prove that it's public, not locked behind a $3 paywall

in patreon, those who are subscribed receive the earliest video, this is 1, I have a twitter link that it became available Newgrounds also, this is 2, how then do comics appear here ahead of time? i mean first patreon then here, either the author himself uploads them or I don’t know something 3. And yes, "cum" on penis not on balls lol and 1 second pause its that bad?

spikexember said:
in patreon, those who are subscribed receive the earliest video, this is 1, I have a twitter link that it became available Newgrounds also, this is 2, how then do comics appear here ahead of time? i mean first patreon then here, either the author himself uploads them or I don’t know something

If there's public links to the content, having those in the source field (along with the patreon link) helps ensure people know it's not paid content. The more unique source links, the better. Artists can also upload their own work, however if your account here isn't linked to your artist tag, we can't be sure you're actually the creator (anyone can come here and use any name, and there have been cases of people trying to falsely claim to be the artist of some art).

spikexember said:
Do you mean that I should do my animation as required by the site and not as the author intended? , as I understand it? why do others have such problems and them not delete the video? ( that sarcasm about 2 gb sorry)

Yes, we have a quality standard to uphold, and therefore would require uploads to at least meet some criteria before they get approved here.
We are not a personal art gallery or blogging site where you can dump anything you like without much care, like with FurAffinity or Twitter.
Uploads need to go through an approval process here and are subjected the the website's uploading guidelines.

If you see flaws on other posts that were approved, that is because a moderator has deemed it "good enough" to be accepted onto the site.
In the case for your post, nobody thought it was good enough, nor was there anybody who thought it was bad enough to be deleted instantly.
You would probably need to fix these mistakes and try again, and maybe then it could be considered as "good enough" by a mod.