Topic: What's going on with you?

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So, as the title says, what's going on in your lives? I'll start.

My mom almost got hit by a car. We had just finished eating dinner at a restaurant. As we were walking back to our car, an elderly woman came through the crosswalk. My mom managed to push herself back, but she was inches away from getting hit. My mom did fall over and the woman stopped to make sure she was okay. Still, I was very close to losing my mom.

As a lot of you know, I collect Hot Wheels. Generally speaking, I usually go for the new stuff. However, my dad has a friend that runs a pawn shop. Said friend gave my dad a bag of old Matchbox to give to me. In this bag were two Hot Wheels Torino Stockers from 1977. Little did I know, these two cars are worth $125 apiece.

Updated by Furrin Gok

Well nothing much i guess, i'm just studying to join a college so i can study computer sciences, there aren't a lot of notable events in my life currently.

I love playing games, mostly indie ones.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
As a lot of you know, I collect Hot Wheels. Generally speaking, I usually go for the new stuff. However, my dad has a friend that runs a pawn shop. Said friend gave my dad a bag of old Matchbox to give to me. In this bag were two Hot Wheels Torino Stockers from 1977. Little did I know, these two cars are worth $125 apiece.


JoeX said:
So, as the title says, what's going on in your lives? I'll start.

My mom almost got hit by a car. We had just finished eating dinner at a restaurant. As we were walking back to our car, an elderly woman came through the crosswalk. My mom managed to push herself back, but she was inches away from getting hit. My mom did fall over and the woman stopped to make sure she was okay. Still, I was very close to losing my mom.

Shit I know that feeling. I got hit by a 2004 silver Toyota Camry while skating home from school when I was younger. Driver sped through red light while I was crossing the street. I jumped right before it hit me and my shoulder cracked the glass. I had a big ol' bruise on my shoulder and they called the paramedics even though I insisted that I was fine. Peeps need to stop speeding, that shit hurt

Updated by anonymous

I have a paper due first thing in the morning, I didn't do jack shit of it and it is a pretty big assignment. However the class is little more than filler and not important so I don't really care anymore. I'm just done with school and life in general.

Updated by anonymous

For me? Absolutely nothing interesting.
Or productive.
Umm... I saw a movie yesterday...

My brother is at dive school for the Navy right now but he's coming home for Christmas.

A lot of my friends who I haven't seen in a while are on break too, so I'm looking forward to it.

Updated by anonymous

Been scratching my belly for the past 3 months since my school is still on strike (will return on January, 7th) but besides that, nothing interesting or out of the normal stuff. Kinda homesick because I miss my hometown too and been feeling quite small as of lately :/

Updated by anonymous

TheHuskyK9 said:

Shit I know that feeling. I got hit by a 2004 silver Toyota Camry while skating home from school when I was younger. Driver sped through red light while I was crossing the street. I jumped right before it hit me and my shoulder cracked the glass. I had a big ol' bruise on my shoulder and they called the paramedics even though I insisted that I was fine. Peeps need to stop speeding, that shit hurt

Sounds like it. Ouch. It's odd. The car that nearly hit my mom was a silver Japanese car. Granted, it was a Mazda, but still.

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
Sounds like it. Ouch. It's odd. The car that nearly hit my mom was a silver Japanese car. Granted, it was a Mazda, but still.

The Japanese are out to get us man!!

Just kidding

Updated by anonymous

currently my life seems p bright. i am studying for my dream job in a school where the schedule is flexible enough for me. also in few months i am going to get my first long comic published. if im not too lazy, i might translate it and post it on internet (the money that is got from the comic is spent to buy more comic books for the school so nobody cares what i do with the comic once the physical copies are sold)

Updated by anonymous

Oh! I almost forgot! My niece, who is 21, is moving to Boulder, Colorado. She's wanted to live there her whole life and she finally can because she got a job out there.

Updated by anonymous

Well, finals are coming up, so I'm studying for those. I didn't get the classes I wanted in registration so next year is 8ams every day, so that sucks. Some dude OD'd on some fake molly or something in front of me in the line at chipotle like 2 days ago, that was traumatic and totally random, he didn't even look like he was on drugs at all.
He died on the way to the hospital they said.

Updated by anonymous

Moon_Moon said:
Well, finals are coming up, so I'm studying for those. I didn't get the classes I wanted in registration so next year is 8ams every day, so that sucks. Some dude OD'd on some fake molly or something in front of me in the line at chipotle like 2 days ago, that was traumatic and totally random, he didn't even look like he was on drugs at all.
He died on the way to the hospital they said.

Damn. I can't imagine experiencing something like that. Watching someone OD in front of you and knowing there's nothing you can do must feel awful.

Updated by anonymous

My band are currently recording our debut album. We've almost killed each other several times but so far the results are really good. :)

Updated by anonymous

Durandal said:
For me? Absolutely nothing interesting.
Or productive.

This. All the way. Regardless, to make "small talk"...

I did decide to transition over to a keto(genic) diet about a month ago. Essentially, it's high fat, very low carbs. I wouldn't even consider myself overweight, but I felt like I was near the precipice of becoming as such, which I didn't want to passively accept like I had so many other things. As a result, I've started cooking on my own initiative for what should be considered the first time. It's going okay.

I've also been auditioning classical music very slowly after watching Nodame Cantabile three months ago and hearing just two pieces that I actually liked. My collection has reached a grand total of 11 pieces hand-picked from the car radio during some A to Bs. Wouldn't you know it, between the radio's often piss-poor (read: incomplete) description of the pieces, the difficulty of determining that a performance was movement W of opus X from composer Y performed by conductor/symphony/[group of musicians] Z, and the very real scarcity of some of these performances online (for free), the process of acquiring exactly the piece that I heard on the radio which so intrigued me is very involving indeed! Furthermore, I discovered that oftentimes, yes, it does need to be that exact recording because different musicians often spell the difference between stimulating and bland renditions. Anyways... I have a tendency to rant unbidden.

For the last bit of minutiae, my main profile for my favorite game randomly "reset" a few days ago (early type of DRM/account management linked to some network address characteristics), meaning that five INI files with a plethora of changes accumulated over five years were overwritten. I did have some backups from 2011, but they needed work. Between the crashing, subsequent troubleshooting, researching, tweaking, testing, and refining, I spent in excess of ten hours restoring that damn game to its previous state as best I could.

Updated by anonymous

Xch3l said:
Been scratching my belly for the past 3 months since my school is still on strike (will return on January, 7th) but besides that, nothing interesting or out of the normal stuff. Kinda homesick because I miss my hometown too and been feeling quite small as of lately :/

Well that blows! :( sorry to hear that you're just sitting around and feeling crappy. Hopefully the strike still accomplish something worthwhile.

As for myself, a bit of the holiday stress has been getting to me, but I'm almost done buying gifts for family and friends so that should sort itself out soon. My only real concern now is my lack of time this month to draw things. I'm already behind, and unless I pull a few late nights here and there I'm not going to get back on track *sigh*. Lastly, I feel the need to make a Christmas picture, even if it's only a sketch, but I can't think of anything cool. At this point, I'm open to suggestion

Updated by anonymous

Nursing school, I have no life. Which is why I spend so much time on here.

Updated by anonymous

RustyNails said:
I have a paper due first thing in the morning, I didn't do jack shit of it and it is a pretty big assignment.

Same here, I have an advanced math paper for tomorrow trying to finish it but I'm here on e621 :/

I'm in college studying various things which do not interest me so I spend most of my time learning lockpicking, reading,
I also do parkour and climbing.
In my life in general my mother is recovering from her second cancer and I am from my first :D (granted, it was just a tumor but... still).

Updated by anonymous

Learning 3d modeling, texturing, and (eventually) rigging! Also trying to get in the habit of sketching more often, as well as looking for work. Good luck to those of you working on things for finals!

Updated by anonymous

Misappropriated said:
Learning 3d modeling, texturing, and (eventually) rigging! Also trying to get in the habit of sketching more often, as well as looking for work. Good luck to those of you working on things for finals!

Woo 3D! I love that kinda stuff, I haven't really done much "furry" stuff with it though. But it's totally my jams. What program(s) are you trying to learn? I know of some great Zbrush and Maya tutorials

Updated by anonymous

What's going on in my life is that I'm trying to get a new job, since just last month I was let go for "lack of focus." (I think my boss doesn't understand that you can listen to things without eye contact... I'm pretty sure my coworkers were less focused than I was)

My Mom's getting a bunch of maybe cancerous stuff removed, so she'll be bedridden for some time, but other than that, everything is expected to go perfectly fine.

Updated by anonymous

abadbird said:
Wouldn't you know it, between the radio's often piss-poor (read: incomplete) description of the pieces, the difficulty of determining that a performance was movement W of opus X from composer Y performed by conductor/symphony/[group of musicians] Z, and the very real scarcity of some of these performances online (for free)...

I know the pain...

Updated by anonymous

I'm about to start going to the gym, try to get my stamina up. I'm also going to try to get my friend to start training me in sword fighting. My mom's about to get surgery for a tear in her shoulder that she got at work.

Updated by anonymous

I have to work this weekend.

Also, I masturbate frequently.

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
I have to work this weekend.

Also, I masturbate frequently.

That could be any of us.

Updated by anonymous

Mother surprise visited me and woke me up.

Which had me shocked enough that not only didn't I clean my flat but I also left a dildo in the open.

And not just any dildo, the inflatable dog cock kind of dildo.


I kind of wonder if it would have been worse if it was the giant horse cock or not.

Yes the dildo was clean, I always clean up after myself.

Updated by anonymous

Well, I went Christmas shopping today. I spotted an old Indian motorcycle that was from, I'd say 1910. Very rare and very cool.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
That could be any of us.

Not all of us work weekends.

Updated by anonymous

NotMeNotYou said:
Mother surprise visited me and woke me up.

Which had me shocked enough that not only didn't I clean my flat but I also left a dildo in the open.

And not just any dildo, the inflatable dog cock kind of dildo.


Tell her it was a ceremonial mace

Updated by anonymous

Or, tell her to not make surprise visits if she doesn't want to see sex toys laying around.

Updated by anonymous

Been busy as of late. Excited about my new job I got and I start in January. Also, I've been applying for college and drawing a lot lately

Updated by anonymous

Halite said:
Or, tell her to not make surprise visits if she doesn't want to see sex toys laying around.

That awkward moment when she actually does.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:
That awkward moment when she actually does.

"Would you mind telling me where I can get one of those?" XD

Updated by anonymous

I haven't been up to much. I built a new computer a couple days ago so I've been wrapped up in acquiring all my programs I had installed on my old computer.

Updated by anonymous

Well i've checked my score on the first test to join the college i want and i passed, the next test will be on january and if i pass i'll be studying computer sciences in one of the best colleges around here.

Updated by anonymous

Just_Another_Dragon said:
Well i've checked my score on the first test to join the college i want and i passed, the next test will be on january and if i pass i'll be studying computer sciences in one of the best colleges around here.

Congratulations and good luck on your next test!

Updated by anonymous

Ryuzaki_Izawa said:
Getting my quite shitty desktop computer fixed and (hopefully) upgraded.

What all are you doing to your computer?

Updated by anonymous

JoeX said:
what's going on in your lives?

Elite: Dangerous

Updated by anonymous

TheGingerest said:
I haven't been up to much. I built a new computer a couple days ago so I've been wrapped up in acquiring all my programs I had installed on my old computer.

Just_Another_Dragon said:
Well i've checked my score on the first test to join the college i want and i passed, the next test will be on january and if i pass i'll be studying computer sciences in one of the best colleges around here.

Doesn't it just beat all that you two would end up posting here with eachother?
Gingerest: Reinstalling or relocating programs can be a pain, but it can also be well worth it.
JAD: Hoping you get in, man. Learning how to do the awesome things with computers will put you ahead of the game.

Updated by anonymous