So, as the title says, what's going on in your lives? I'll start.
My mom almost got hit by a car. We had just finished eating dinner at a restaurant. As we were walking back to our car, an elderly woman came through the crosswalk. My mom managed to push herself back, but she was inches away from getting hit. My mom did fall over and the woman stopped to make sure she was okay. Still, I was very close to losing my mom.
As a lot of you know, I collect Hot Wheels. Generally speaking, I usually go for the new stuff. However, my dad has a friend that runs a pawn shop. Said friend gave my dad a bag of old Matchbox to give to me. In this bag were two Hot Wheels Torino Stockers from 1977. Little did I know, these two cars are worth $125 apiece.
Updated by Furrin Gok