Now before I get started let me just make it clear that I love this website, it's easily one of the best furry/pornography websites out there, if not the best (and yes I know, it's technically an archive but come on, we all know why we primarily come here). I don't know if this topic has been brought up in the forums before however even if it has I believe it's worth bringing up again. I may only be one voice in a million here but I know for a fact that I'm not alone in what I'm about to say, many others have agreed with me one way or another overtime and this suggests to me that there needs to be some change, so I'm gonna try my best to assist in that.
Let me make this perfectly clear, I intend no offence to anybody in particular with anything I say here. No users, no moderators, nobody. I'm speaking generally here with everything I bring up. With that said, in my genuine opinion I believe the rules of e621 are way, way too strict and harsh. No this isn't me just saying this because I've got a few records on my account, I'm saying this because of how many people have records on their accounts for mostly extremely trivial things. I've seen people get Neutral/Negative records for literally quoting memes which just so happen to sound "creepy" according to the site's rules and even though I can understand that sometimes moderators may not pick up on certain memes they're not exactly obscure ones, it's pretty obvious what these people are trying to get across.
However even if we exclude those examples, I and many others simply do not agree with the rules in their current state. Trust me when I say that I understand where the moderators are coming from when they explain why the rules are as they are, I get it! But let me explain why this logic is flawed. You see, one of the main reasons we visit sites like this one containing loads of pornography is because we wish to look at the art, right? Well another reason at least most of us come to places like this is to enjoy the comments because we expect them to be sexual and lewd, and when they are they can in fact greatly improve somebody's enjoyment of an image! This also applies to artists, at very least most artists either do not mind or actively enjoy these kinds of comments on their work because they expect them, it is porn after all. It may sound like a silly concept to some but trust me it's true. Why do you think so many people leave dirty comments on porn sites? What, because they don't like seeing 'em themselves? I highly doubt that. Hell, the amount of records which moderators give out to most users should surely be indicative of how many people would appreciate a change in the rules here, no? I've been told by some that there are a lot of people who genuinely find these comments "creepy" but to be perfectly honest with you, after my many years of experience on the internet I honestly do not see what they're talking about. I'm not calling anybody a liar here but I do feel like they're incorrect, at most I'll only see one or two people every now and then complaining about somebody behaving in a "creepy" manner and even then that's usually only if they're being legitimately creepy, not just sexual. The biggest point I want to make here however is the fact that if you create these rules to follow, you're inevitably going to create or attract certain "white knights" if you will that report everybody any chance they get and basically backseat moderate, even though that's also against the rules. Some people may take this as justification for the rules existing but you've got to understand that if these rules didn't exist in the first place then these people wouldn't be around and there would be far less people getting offended over "creepy" comments.
This leads me to my next point. Another reason why these rules should be changed is because commenting on posts at the moment just isn't as fun as it should be. Every time somebody posts a comment they've got to be very, very careful with what they say and how they say it because otherwise they could be warned or banned for a rule they didn't even mean to break, all they wanted to do was say something nice about an image. To live in fear of these rules and the moderators is surely not how things should be around here, right? Isn't the furry community meant to be one of the most understanding and accepting communities around? Plus just in general it's not fun to constantly fear the rules of the website, rules should be there to stop obviously harmful things such as sharing people's personal information, sending links to illegal stuff and so on. As it stands with every word that's typed into that comment box at the bottom of a page, I for example have to read through it many times over before posting it and even after posting it I edit it sometimes nowadays thanks to the amount of unfair records I've received just to make absolutely certain I don't get another one. This isn't right.
Here's one more point that doesn't make much sense to me. Despite how many strict rules there are in relation to comments (and the forums as well I believe) they don't seem to apply to post descriptions or profile "About" sections. Now this is NOT me suggesting that the rules should start applying to these things as well but I just don't understand it. As far as I can tell you can be as sexual and "creepy" as you want in a post's description or your own description but if you even slightly try to be in a comment on a post, no no no, now that's crossing the line. Surely I'm not the only one who feels this way, right? Does this make no sense to anybody else?
So, what am I actually arguing to be changed here? Well, primarily the "Creepy Comments" rule in its entirety for one. That rule is pretty much exclusive to this site alone and it's abundantly clear at this point how many people either don't care for it or actively dislike it. Any records given out with quotes such as "We don't need to know that, please keep it to yourself." and "Stop being creepy." and anything else along those lines are unnecessary. This rule in my opinion should be entirely removed. Second of all, the "Role-Play" rule. Even though I can understand this rule a bit more than the first one, I still don't think it's necessary. The stated argument is that it would be inherently self-destructive and would take away from the website, which I personally think is a bit unfair to say and assumes the worst of people but if we ignore that, the rule's description also states that minor examples of role-play, namely humorous or otherwise non-sexual types are fine, however this seems to be a false statement because I've seen people getting records for ANY type of role-play, even if they are just being humorous. I don't know why this is but it's quite clear that this rule is too vague for its own good, plus again most people come here expecting to see some people role-playing in the comments, it adds to the posts and doesn't take away, people ENJOY these comments! This rule in my opinion should be entirely removed or at least heavily altered. Finally, this unspoken rule of "Thou Shalt Not Speak Against The Rules". This isn't something mentioned in the rules page but if you say something negative about the rules of this site you shall receive a record such as the Neutral one I've got, second from the top in my User Feedback page. Now this is beyond wrong but I don't think I need to explain this one very much, it's tyrannical. I have no idea why this is a thing but we should always have the right to disagree with the rules of something if we so wish. The argument of "If you don't like the rules here then just leave." is honestly a bit short-sighted. I'm not trying to be rude here but do you really think I'd be complaining about the rules here if I didn't care about this place? As I mentioned at the start of this post e621 is one of the best websites of its type for all sorts of reasons, however sadly it is being heavily bogged down by its overly strict rules so this is why I bring them up. Yes of course I can just leave but I would've done so already if I wanted to. I've seen plenty of people with records like that one in their User Feedback page and it's just wrong, it goes against freedom of speech. This should be stopped immediately if you ask me.
Now it's time for the conclusion. Remember, I am not calling anybody out in specific with anything I've said here today, nor do I think that anybody here is a bad person. The intention of this post is to make it clear to the moderators and users alike that perhaps the rules of e621 could do with some work. As I've mentioned throughout this post I know for a fact that many others feel the same way or at least similarly here so please, if you at all share my thoughts in any way whatsoever, make yourself heard. Make it clear that there are a lot of us who would like to see this website improved. I have no doubt that there are even more people who feel this way than even I've encountered but due to the extremely harsh nature of the rules as I mentioned before they feel scared and basically don't risk getting themselves banned for simply saying certain things about the rules. Moderators, surely you don't want your loyal users to feel this way, right? I'm not exaggerating in the least either, I and many others feel genuinely fearful whenever we post a comment when really it should just be a way for us to happily and freely express what we want to say, just like any other comment section on any other site. If nothing else the intense rules of this website make the amount of different types of comments you can post very limited indeed, I mean that's just boring to be honest, just as an extra point. You can't be very original or creative with the amount of things you can't say.
I have no idea whether my voice will be heard or not nor do I know how many people will listen but all I can do is my best to try and get some justice for this website and all of its users and moderators. e621 has potential, a lot of potential, and most of that potential has been claimed but this is the one and only thing severely holding the site back right now and turning many potential users away. To all of the moderators out there, I hope you consider my words today. Thank you for reading everybody and if anybody else wishes to support my points further or perhaps throw some counterarguments my way then please feel free, this is a topic that could do with a lot more discussion after all.
Updated by Millcore