Topic: [APPROVED] Tag alias: ladder_piercing -> frenum_ladder

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions


Reason: request follows the tag with the largest number of submissions, not necessarily the most common understanding. I don't believe frenum_ladder is any more specific than ladder_piercing, and the latter tag appears to have only been used for genital piercing of the type implied by the former.

EDIT: The tag alias ladder_piercing -> frenum_ladder (forum #321720) has been approved by @bitWolfy.

Updated by auto moderator

On one hand, it seems logical to me that a ladder piercing is not be unique to the penis.
It's just a column of barbell or ring piercings. They could be placed somewhere else on the body.

... but on the other hand, all current posts with ladder_piercing are, in fact, cases of freum_ladders.

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