Topic: Add feces to the public blacklist

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Scat is part of the public blacklist but not feces? I forget to tag scat on one post and someone complains. If we're not going to make feces and scat either be implied to one another or alias one to the other, at least add feces to the public blacklist

lenkagetsu said:
All scat involves feces but not all feces involve scat.

I believe scat can also involve farting without feces. Also, it is technically possible for scat-related pictures to not actually include any depictions of feces, for the same reasons that urine was de-implicated from peeing.

IMO it would be reasonable to add both, as all three possible combinations of the two tags have a history of being downvote magnets. Potentially also vomit and diaper (assuming neither are part of the current public blacklist, I don't know how to check).

I think it makes sense to replace scat with feces on the default blacklist, the average person that doesn't want to see scat will most likely not want to see images like post #1036949 either.

The scat tag is currently used on hundreds if not thousands of images that only depict defecation and/or feces rather than anything that actually meets the definition of scat. If somebody were to (rightfully) start removing the scat tag from these posts it'd probably end up causing havoc since most people only blacklist scat and not feces.

It's interesting to note that the example I previously posted has since had the scat tag added, despite likely not meeting the definition of scat.

See also topic #31198 which suggests aliasing feces -> scat, and instead using scatplay for the sexual usage of feces or defecation. This makes sense time because scat and feces are pretty much synonymous right now despite the fact they're supposed to be different.

I think the biggest problem is the lack of awareness because nobody wants to look at this shit .

wat8548 said:
IMO it would be reasonable to add both, as all three possible combinations of the two tags have a history of being downvote magnets. Potentially also vomit and diaper (assuming neither are part of the current public blacklist, I don't know how to check).

Looks like the default blacklist is here, though it looks like the changes are only applied to new accounts - so it won't do any good for people who already have an account. Better than nothing though.

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