This is a tag relationship visualizer.
It generates tree charts based on the tag implications.
Here are a few examples:
- vegetable_humanoid [screenshot] [interactive]
- breast_play [screenshot] [interactive]
- pie [screenshot] [interactive]
That's all there is to it, really.
This utility is in a beta stage, so some issues are to be expected.
Here are the ones I already know about:
1. The root tag shows up twice in the output.
That's a side effect of the graph library I'm using. It only lets you make graphs going one way, so instead, I have two separate graphs: the top one is for tags that the root implies, the bottom – for tags that imply root.
The two nodes do not always align perfectly one above the other. I don't know why that happens.
2. The graph branches sometimes glitch out and don't align perfectly.
It's another side effect of the graph library. Not something that I can fix.
3. The utility freezes after fetching data.
It's probably building the graph. If you searched a tag with a huge amount of descendants, it will take a while for the script to come up with the result.