Requested feature overview description.
The creation of a new tag category for the tags sound_warning and epilepsy_warning (perhaps motion_sickness_warning as well?), displayed above the Invalid category tags next to posts.
Why would it be useful?
The tags sound_warning and epilepsy_warning are currently in the Artist category because they have to be as visible as possible and Artist category tags are displayed above all other valid tags.
However, they could still be difficult to notice in collaborations of several artists. Now that aliases to invalid_tag are being replaced by placing tags in the Invalid category, Invalid category tags might occupy a larger space above Artist category tags, attracting more attention.
The Warning category tags need to be immediately perceived as soon as a post is clicked on. Sound Warning is used to avoid potential embarassment to users and/or damage to their hearing, while Epilepsy Warning is used to avoid triggering seizures, which are generally quite detrimental to health.
What part(s) of the site page(s) are affected?
The tag display next to posts.