Topic: What happened to the "multiple_females" and "multiple_males" tags?

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions

I remember these tags used to exist at some point to implicate a crowd of that specific gender. It was useful for finding specific images of characters without unique names (i.e. a bunch of the same pokemon/digimon, recursive characters, or just several unnamed characters in general)

I feel like this is something we could easily bring back, and I'm not certain why it got removed to begin with.

I feel like that should be changed. This isn't the case for most other websites like this one. Sure you could use the phrase 'group -male' or 'group -female', but if there's like 10 guys and 1 girl, it won't show up on either of these searches.

Take this post for example:

If you don't know the artist, how could you search for this specific image accurately enough to get it onto page 1 of results?

Idk. I'm not heated enough about it to say much else or do anything about it. I just think I have a good point in favor of these tags.

magnuseffect said:
renamon anon

Hm, okay, guilmon anon must surely work too, then, right? No, it doesn't.
Add in group to the Renamon search and suddenly it's only three images:
post #2717848 post #1354926 post #1330840
Although it's tagged with male, that first one is actually ambiguous/female, one ambiguous anon surrounded by numerous female renamon. This absolutely would fall under female_group.
That second one is one female, two males. multiple_males would cover a search like this, male_group would not.
That third one is one male anon, one female Renamon, and Rika, present enough in the image, but not participating in the sex. This is the opposite scenario of the second image, multiple_females would cover this, but not female_group.

Ignoring the _group concept, you can always just add in -trio and add on the trio tag where necessary. Digging around renamon group -trio rating:e:
post #2802691 post #2779567 post #2722828 post #2416532
One male, four females.
One gynomorph, many males.
One female, many males.
Three males, two females. Of note: An orgy can be full of male/male pairings with only one female in the entire thing. See post #797916. Multiple_females multiple_males would have merit for finding orgies with multiple of both.

I think having a tag for a group of a specific gender can only be helpful, and doesn't come with any downsides. Like how we have 'muscular' but we also have 'muscular_female' and 'muscular_male'. We could just do the same thing with 'group' (ex. 'female_group' and 'male_group').

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