Topic: Godzilla BUR

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #1047 is pending approval.

remove alias tri_zilla (0) -> zilla (152)
remove alias trizilla (0) -> zilla (152)
remove alias g.i.n.o (0) -> zilla (152)
remove alias godzilla_in_name_only (0) -> zilla (152)
remove alias american_godzilla (0) -> zilla (152)
remove implication zilla (152) -> godzilla_(series) (3212)

Reason: People are tagging any Godzilla as Zilla instead of only the American Godzilla. If we can't keep them separate, we may as well merge them together at this point.

Tags for another BUR

alias tri_zilla -> godzilla
alias trizilla -> godzilla
alias g.i.n.o -> godzilla
alias g.i.n.o. -> godzilla
alias godzilla_in_name_only -> godzilla
alias american_godzilla -> godzilla

Looks like a lot of the mistags were actually old. I'll leave the BUR for now, just in case the mistags happen again, but for now it shouldn't be approved as we test the waters and see if people can keep them separate. I'm also making a set for posts that I'm uncertain on.

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