Topic: Tag Implication: hair_covering_breasts -> natural_censorship

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

parasprite said:
Implicating hair_covering_breasts → natural_censorship
Link to implication


Natural_censorship has a lot of potential, but it is grossly underused. I'm hoping to pull a few out through logical implications.

But isn't convenient_censorship for this?
Wiki states:

When an item or body part in the foreground just "happens" to be obscuring the view of more explicit parts, be it intentional or accidental, it is convenient censorship.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
But isn't convenient_censorship for this?
Wiki states:


Stuff like nipple_tuft is a better example of naturally_censored I think.

ETA: to clarify, the main difference between convenient_censorship and naturally_censored is: convenient_censorship has to do with viewpoint and something conveniently getting in the way, even if it's hair falling just right, a leaf in midair at just the right moment, or a tail just happening to obscure direct view. It's convenient and it censors the image.

While naturally_censored is about something innate which censors their bits. Stuff like nipple_tuft could probably be implicated to naturally_censored. While stuff like hair_over_breasts would just be a type of convenient_censorship. If that makes more sense.

Updated by anonymous

Granberia said:
But isn't convenient_censorship for this?
Wiki states:

Technically, yes. There's also naturally_censored, which overlaps with it a lot. I'm not sure whether any of these should implicate censored though since it's not exactly what most people think of as "censored" since it's more "teasing" than anything (I personally don't think it should be).

So far my thoughts are:

Alternatively, we could use hair_covering_nipples, but I'm not all that motivated to tag any of those at the moment.

furrypickle said:

Stuff like nipple_tuft is a better example of naturally_censored I think.

Oh, I forgot about nipple_tuft. Added.

After furrypickle's edit: Edited to reflect this. That is a bit easier to organize, actually.

-1 to mine then. I'll throw my +1 at this instead:

Implication: tail_censorship -> convenient_censorship (approved)
Implication: hair_covering_breasts -> convenient_censorship (approved)

Updated by anonymous

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