Topic: Tag Implication: chespin -> pokémon

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Implicating chespin → pokémon
Link to implication


Since there's 721 pokemon (probably 800 tags) and only 295 implications, I'll be doing these a little bit at a time (a few per day), mostly starting with the evolution lines with 100+ posts.

The only alternatives I could think of to this:

  • Admin for a day just to make these implications (yeah no).
  • Spam the forums.
  • Spam the forums and hide each post (myself, the mods, janitors, and admins will have 20 pages of red on the forums)
  • One of the admins is motivated enough to do all this manually.
  • A few per day, but hide them afterwards (since discussion is pretty useless for 99.9% of these anyway).

Until an admin tells me to do one of the above, this is my current plan.


Not an admin, but my suggestion is that once one is approved, hide it and post another.

Updated by anonymous

parasprite said:

Since there's 721 pokemon (probably 800 tags) and only 295 implications....
...[unless] One of the admins is crazy motivated enough to do all this manually.


Also, this one is now approved.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Not an admin, but my suggestion is that once one is approved, hide it and post another.

Member/privledged/contributor can't hide it once somebody replies, otherwise I would.

Updated by anonymous

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