I am, so to speak, a "new" user of this site. Or more precise, my account has some years, but I just began to use it to post things, and my first posts are about a comic...
My first posts have not been approved yet, but then there is a user that already is asking for a translation.
Browsing the forum for some time, I got the impression (just the impression) that the translation have not to be provided necessarily by the poster himself, but by some other users that "volunteer" to that and do so as they wish or saw fit.
This forum has a lot of information about what or how to post things... only I have not been able to find those particular rules yet by myself.
Besides, I suppose that there is some kind of application that you use to make those "floating transparent translation boxes" that I have seen in some post.
So, summarizing and being going more to the point:
1.) Do I have to provide myself a translation before the 30 day term for the approval / not approval?
2.) If so, I will be thankful to know how... or what proceeds.