Topic: Alias: furrification <=> anthrofied

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Correct me if I wrong, but I think that both mean the same thing. anthrofied has more posts than furrification. To me, anthrofied sounds better.

Edit: Changed topic, because I've read aliasing of furrified <=> furrification wrong. Still, I'm for aliasing furrification to anthrofied.


At... at a guess?

and a REALLY quick look..

it LOOKS like anthrofied is feral characters turned anthro, while furrification is taking a human or similar character and furining them into a furry.

or basically.. different start, similar end.

I think?

I could be wrong...

Updated by anonymous

SnowWolf said:
At... at a guess?

and a REALLY quick look..

it LOOKS like anthrofied is feral characters turned anthro, while furrification is taking a human or similar character and furining them into a furry.

or basically.. different start, similar end.

I think?

I could be wrong...

I'm fairly sure you're right there, or I'm also wrong.

After we distinguish the differences between them both, somebody should write a wiki page for the tags.

Updated by anonymous

At first I was looking at aliased furrified tag and there was written:

An ordinarily human or animal character drawn as an anthropomorph (...)

and also, there is no wiki entry at anthrofied, and I thought that maybe it should was aliased or implicated to this. Now I'm not sure about it anymore.

Updated by anonymous

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