Topic: Tagging words in posts

Posted under Tag/Wiki Projects and Questions



There was a recent post in the "how to report bad behavior" thread where somebody asked how to blacklist racist words, which is what reminded me to make this thread.

Apart from that I know a few people dislike certain words in posts, such as "faggot", which they'd rather blacklist but are unable to with E6 not tagging words.

A bit ago I downloaded all the posts on E6 and ran them through OCR software, which would make tagging specific words easy with my bot, so it wouldn't take too much effort going through old posts to fill out the tags.

I was thinking we could tag generally offensive words with x_(word) and possibly make a new tagging category for them. Obviously the more awkward part would be deciding what words count as "generally offensive" to tag, as we wouldn't want to tag every word in a post.

I just thought it could help people blacklist more content that they dislike, and help people who like that kind of language to find it easier.

There's also a more specific homophobic_slur tag. racist_slur seems undertagged, although racism is established. We could probably be better about tagging various forms and manifestations of prejudice more generally - e.g. this comic depicts some pretty blatant homophobia without using any of the big slurs.

EDIT: It occurred to me after posting that I never did check to see whether a homophobia tag exists. It does, but has far fewer posts than homophobic_slur.


wat8548 said:
There's also a more specific homophobic_slur tag. racist_slur seems undertagged, although racism is established. We could probably be better about tagging various forms and manifestations of prejudice more generally - e.g. this comic depicts some pretty blatant homophobia without using any of the big slurs.

EDIT: It occurred to me after posting that I never did check to see whether a homophobia tag exists. It does, but has far fewer posts than homophobic_slur.

furrin_gok said:
That could further split into tags like racial_slur, orientation_slur, and gender_slur for things like Nigger, faggot, and cuntboy respectively. This way, people who have a problem with one type of slur could blacklist it without blacklisting the others.

I guess a possible tag tree to link all of these together can be:

But the question comes down to whether or not such complexity is needed.




The x_(word) tags could always imply the appropriate slur tag tree tags, to allow for more control over blacklisting and searching.

With humiliation being a thing people might want to specifically search bitch_(word) talking_to_viewer for example, or be fine with most slurs but want to blacklist that specific one.


thegreatwolfgang said:
There is a slur tag, but it does not have a wiki definition yet.

I can certainly imagine fights breaking out over what counts as a slur and when, as they already have and continue to. A site like e6 also has somewhat unique challenges when considering words like bitch, cunt, and slut; bitch being another word for a female canine in heat, cunt being a crass word for vagina along with pussy (which itself can be taken as a slur, but is also another word for a feline), and slut not always being a negative (slut-shaming is itself used as a pejorative for someone who tries to shame "sluts"/people who like to have a lot of sex partners, where furries tend to be more open to or accepting of people with multiple partners).

pup said:
The x_(word) tags could always imply the appropriate slur tag tree tags, to allow for more control over blacklisting and searching.

With humiliation being a thing people might want to specifically search bitch_(word) talking_to_viewer for example, or be fine with most slurs but want to blacklist that specific one.

Do we really need specific slur tags? If we had bitch_(word) or cunt_(word) as tags, then we will need to add tags for every slur word.
I don't think it would be good if people started using nigger_(word) as a tag, it just creates room for conflict/controversy.

watsit said:
I can certainly imagine fights breaking out over what counts as a slur and when, as they already have and continue to. A site like e6 also has somewhat unique challenges when considering words like bitch, cunt, and slut; bitch being another word for a female canine in heat, cunt being a crass word for vagina along with pussy (which itself can be taken as a slur, but is also another word for a feline), and slut not always being a negative (slut-shaming is itself used as a pejorative for someone who tries to shame "sluts"/people who like to have a lot of sex partners, where furries tend to be more open to or accepting of people with multiple partners).

That's true, certain words are not always used in a derogatory sense.
But I feel that the main purpose of these tags would be for people to blacklist so that they won't be able to see these words in any posts, regardless of context.
I guess using slurs in a casual manner (e.g., "such a good bitch" or "nigga please") would not make the scenario sexist, racist, or otherwise.
That would also mean that the implications I suggested would not be viable (e.g., racial_slur -> racism)



thegreatwolfgang said:
Do we really need specific slur tags? If we had bitch_(word) or cunt_(word) as tags, then we will need to add tags for every slur word.
I don't think it would be good if people started using nigger_(word) as a tag, it just creates room for conflict/controversy.

I think it'd be good to have them, both for increased searchability and for blacklisting, I don't see the problem with having tags for each slur word to be honest.

With the second point, we could just use n_word_(word), a bit wordy, but it avoids the problem.

thegreatwolfgang said:
That's true, certain words are not always used in a derogatory sense.

Yeah, if we do tag the individual words it might be best not to have them linked to the slur tags, just in case. Though I do like the idea of the tag tree you posted.

pup said:
With the second point, we could just use n_word_(word), a bit wordy, but it avoids the problem.

That feels like a really deep rabbit hole. At what point is a word bad enough to tag that way? Some don't like to say or see "retard" and say "the r word" instead. Some don't like "trap" and will say "the t word", and some will say "the t word" instead of "tranny".

pup said:

wat8548 said:
Is this homophobia?

post #354349

I wouldn't say so

Wouldn't that depend on the intent and perception of the image? Someone calling themselves a faggot could be seen as empowering (taking a word often used negatively and shamelessly identifying with it to show you don't care what they think), or self-depreciating (calling yourself something negative to devalue your self-worth; which is a kink for some people). It could also be a call-out, if someone else made the picture in reference to a person they don't like. Since we don't know the context the image was created under, how could we know whether it's homophobic or not?



watsit said:
That feels like a really deep rabbit hole. At what point is a word bad enough to tag that way? Some don't like to say or see "retard" and say "the r word" instead. Some don't like "trap" and will say "the t word", and some will say "the t word" instead of "tranny".

It doesn't matter too much which way it'd be tagged, I was more just suggesting an alternative way to tag it with TheGreatWolfgang thinking it was a bad idea.

watsit said:
Wouldn't that depend on the intent and perception of the image?

Possibly, but E6 doesn't rely on outside context, if it was part of a comic bullying someone for being gay then sure, but I don't think that post on it's own is homophobic without outside context.

Though it's getting a bit off topic, I was more wanting people's opinions on tagging words regardless of context, for blacklisting and searchability. It feels like sorting out the slur tags should be it's own thread really.


pup said:

thegreatwolfgang said:
Do we really need specific slur tags? If we had bitch_(word) or cunt_(word) as tags, then we will need to add tags for every slur word.
I don't think it would be good if people started using nigger_(word) as a tag, it just creates room for conflict/controversy.

I think it'd be good to have them, both for increased searchability and for blacklisting, I don't see the problem with having tags for each slur word to be honest.

With the second point, we could just use n_word_(word), a bit wordy, but it avoids the problem.

Having the specific words themselves tagged seems a bit overboard, but you do bring up a good point that some people might be okay with one word but not others, or the other way around. n_word_(word) is definitely overkill though, if people don't like seeing that tag show up on the sidebar for their blacklist list, they can probably use some script to turn particular blacklist items invisible.

wat8548 said:
Is this homophobia?

post #354349

What's it matter if the image is homophobic or not? The word is homophobic. The idea of tagging words is to tag what words are seen, and categorise the words that are seen, not adding in what we know the context to be. Tag what you see, not what you know. Words count towards "What you know" in regards to the image, so the image would likewise be "what you know" in regards to the text.



furrin_gok said:
Having the specific words themselves tagged seems a bit overboard, but you do bring up a good point that some people might be okay with one word but not others, or the other way around. n_word_(word) is definitely overkill though, if people don't like seeing that tag show up on the sidebar for their blacklist list, they can probably use some script to turn particular blacklist items invisible.

I'd agree with n_word_(word) being overkill, though I think tagging the specific words would have it's uses. As I said earlier in the thread, people into humiliation might look for bitch_(word) talking_to_viewer, then similar with blacklisting, as I think a lot of people have one or two words that they dislike more than others.

With it being a lot of tags it's also why I thought of having them as their own category, it also makes it so you can collapse them on the left side of the post so they don't take up lots of room. I'm pretty sure the tag categories stay minimised across the site when you do that.

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