Topic: [Feature] Ability to sort finished and unfinished comics

Posted under Site Bug Reports & Feature Requests

It's frustrating to get into a comic and find out its only partly finished, and checking the last page of every comic is a pain. I wish there was some way to sort comics or pools by finished or unfinished. Maybe something like a "Finished_comic" tag?

What would count as a "finished" comic or pool? One that hasn't had a new entry in X number of days? Could be an issue for comics that only periodically update (I know one comic that can go more than a year between updates, but there definitely are updates coming they say). One that the author has specifically said has no more pages in the foreseeable future? Could be an issue for abandoned comics/pools, where the author doesn't intend to stop or say anything about stopping, but circumstances force them to take an unannounced hiatus (and that they honestly don't know if or when they'll be able to come back to finish it). One that says "The End"? Could be an issue for fake-out endings, or where a comic intended to end but at some point the author decided to come back to it.

watsit said:
What would count as a "finished" comic or pool? One that hasn't had a new entry in X number of days? Could be an issue for comics that only periodically update (I know one comic that can go more than a year between updates, but there definitely are updates coming they say). One that the author has specifically said has no more pages in the foreseeable future? Could be an issue for abandoned comics/pools, where the author doesn't intend to stop or say anything about stopping, but circumstances force them to take an unannounced hiatus (and that they honestly don't know if or when they'll be able to come back to finish it). One that says "The End"? Could be an issue for fake-out endings, or where a comic intended to end but at some point the author decided to come back to it.

I was thinking simply if the artist says the plot has concluded. Plus fakeout endings happen so infrequently that it probably isn't a big deal, and continuations usually are their own new pool.
Anything else falls under unfinished I think.

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