Topic: "Conditional DNP" tag added to a post despite artist never requesting it

Posted under General

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So last year I posted a piece of art that I had commissioned ( and saw today that someone had added and locked the "conditional_dnp" tag to it. I messaged the artist about it and asked if he had requested that without telling me, and he didn't even know what the tag meant and that he encourages his artwork being shared.

Is there a way to remove the locked tag?

Updated by Donovan DMC

ace-nb said:
So last year I posted a piece of art that I had commissioned ( and saw today that someone had added and locked the "conditional_dnp" tag to it. I messaged the artist about it and asked if he had requested that without telling me, and he didn't even know what the tag meant and that he encourages his artwork being shared.

Is there a way to remove the locked tag?

Report the post and say conditional_dnp get erroneously tagged on the post, and a moderator will remove it (the conditional_dnp and avoid_posting tags get auto-locked onto a post once added, to prevent people from trying to hide (C)DNP content). It seems in this case it happened because it was originally tagged jonas, who is an artist that recently went CDNP, but that's different from the artist jonas-puppeh or the character jonas_(jonas-puppeh).

watsit said:
Report the post and say conditional_dnp get erroneously tagged on the post, and a moderator will remove it (the conditional_dnp and avoid_posting tags get auto-locked onto a post once added, to prevent people from trying to hide (C)DNP content). It seems in this case it happened because it was originally tagged jonas, who is an artist that recently went CDNP, but that's different from the artist jonas-puppeh or the character jonas_(jonas-puppeh).

Alright ^^ thank you!

watsit said:
Report the post and say conditional_dnp get erroneously tagged on the post, and a moderator will remove it (the conditional_dnp and avoid_posting tags get auto-locked onto a post once added, to prevent people from trying to hide (C)DNP content). It seems in this case it happened because it was originally tagged jonas, who is an artist that recently went CDNP, but that's different from the artist jonas-puppeh or the character jonas_(jonas-puppeh).

Only admins can remove that. This is why even I have to report the post for tagging abuse (in addition of wasting my time double checking that post isn't actually DNP) to get the tag removed.

Is the path for removing an incorrect* conditional_dnp tag still still done via Report for tag abuse?

(I assume so, but has been three years ... so want to make sure the path/method is the same.)

  • = Sometimes an uploader or tagger adds wrong artist tag (an artist tag that implies to conditional_dnp),

but when tag corrected to correct artist ... the conditional_dnp tag remains.

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