Topic: So...Why Are You Furry? Hm, why are you FURRY!?

Posted under General

What made you into a furry? Tell us your story on self-discovery. It'd be interesting to hear how you became a furry. Doesn't have to be all that, like some kinda soul searching journey or anything, lol.

Also, what kind of FURRY are you?
[Casual Furry] | [Fursuiter] | [Degenerate Furry]

Here's mine:
I became a furry when I was 13 years old when I realized I bonded and liked animals more than other people. So I just looked online what type of person is like that and what comes up is, Furry.
So then I just looked up all I can about furries, conventions, and fursuiters. That's pretty much it. Been a furry since then.
Of course I would say I'm a casual degenerate furry. I'm not into dressing up as a furry I just like the culture of being a furry. I like the art, I like the cartoons and animations from the fandom. ANd above all else, I like the porn. Also, I blaim being a 90s kid, seriously, how do they not expect to birth furries when the 90s was such a furry fest. It was all Lola's fault!

I'm 22 going to be 23 soon and I'm learning how to draw better so I can contribute to the fandom myself one day. Make some fanart of characters I like and of course some NSFW too. Pretty stoked about learning.

Anywhoo, how about you guys? Why are you Furry?
post #1806772

I don't consider myself a furry as I only enjoy furry porn and I am not immersed in the culture or anything like that. I think if I considered myself a "furry" when only consuming the NSFW portion of the community, it would give the community a disservice, because I think furry culture is a lot more than just orgies and porn lol.
I think furry culture is pretty great, I've definitely met furries on forums and VR chat before and they generally seem like very nice and accepting people. I'm just not into roleplaying or creating a "fursona" or anything like that. I don't draw very much and when I do draw it's never animals or anthropomorphic animals. However, I wouldn't mind hanging out with furries if the opportunity came up. Like I said, they seem like friendly people and a group I would like to hang out with.

When it comes to my affection of furry porn, I remember having a crush on Maid Marian from Robin Hood and Vixey from Fox and the Hound when I was a kid. I distinctly remember the first anthropomorphic animal I ever had a "sexual" crush on was Kitty Katswell from TUFF Puppy which came out when I was 15.
Honestly, I'm just into cartoon porn in general and I never really got into furry porn until I accidentally discovered this site. I created this account when I was 18 and the rest is history.

I think I became a furry when I was about 13 or 14 years old. It happened while I was at school and reading one of the Guinness World Record books, and found a record for most people in animal suits, though I'm not quite if that was what the record was called. I found the word Furry was highlighted and got curious, so I went to a computer at the school's library. The first thing I found was some very suggestive images of Krystal and Renamon, and being a teenager in puberty, it all went downhill from there. I didn't learn there was more to the whole Furry thing until a few years later and that it was much bigger than I thought.

I've wanted to draw furry characters for years now but due to lack of self confidence and laziness, I've made pretty much zero progress. It really hurts sometimes when I'm looking at my Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 just collecting dust. As for what type of furry I am. Probably a casual degenerate furry. And while this question wasn't asked, I actually wish I was a furred anthro dragon. Really wanna know how it feels having a tail, fur, digitigrade legs.


poontang said:
I don't consider myself a furry as I only enjoy furry porn and I am not immersed in the culture or anything like that.

Same here, I don't have a fursona and fursuits creep me out. I'm just a pervert who likes cartoon porn, with an odd affinity for non-humans with human personalities/characteristics (whether that's animals, aliens, monsters, robots, talking cars...). I'm not exactly sure how it started, but a friend showed me a lewd Simpsons pic they found when I was 10, and then a few years later I found

jockjamdoorslam said:
I'm just a pervert who likes cartoon porn, with an odd affinity for non-humans with human personalities/characteristics (whether that's animals, aliens, monsters, robots, talking cars...).

doesn't that mean you're a furry


Former Staff

poontang said: I don't consider myself a furry as I only enjoy furry porn and I am not immersed in the culture or anything like that.

jockjamdoorslam said: I'm just a pervert who likes cartoon porn, with an odd affinity for non-humans with human personalities/characteristics

strikerman said: doesn't that mean you're a furry

Yeah, I'm really sorry to break it to you all, but if you enjoy that kind of content... you are a furry.
Fursuiting and roleplaying isn't a requirement.

I got into the Furry Fandom through Amazon, if you can believe it. Used to, Amazon would post the first so many pages of a book in the preview section. Being a young hornball, I immediately went through trying to find adult books when I landed on a book dedicated to anthropomorphic art. It featured some work by Terrie Smith and I was intrigued. I started looking for more art and landed on VCL. The rest is history.

bitwolfy said:
Yeah, I'm really sorry to break it to you all, but if you enjoy that kind of content... you are a furry.
Fursuiting and roleplaying isn't a requirement.

I mean I guess? I know many fandoms have "sects" which include the people who like the pornographic part of the Fandom, an example being Cloppers in the MLP Fandom.
I'm not against being a furry or being labeled one, I just never considered myself as one, since I only engage in the community through this site.
If "regular" furries view the microcosm of people who are on e621 or Ink Bunny etc. as fellow furries or even as "degenerate furries", then I'm a degenerate furry haha

bitwolfy said:
Yeah, I'm really sorry to break it to you all, but if you enjoy that kind of content... you are a furry.
Fursuiting and roleplaying isn't a requirement.

Basically. I'm very much a furry, because I like animal characters with various levels of anthropomorphism (in both porn and non-porn). I tend to prefer art and media that has animal characters over humans-only, though that's by no means a rule or requirement. But I don't do fursuiting or any kind of online role-playing (I mean, I like playing RPGs, but I don't think that's what's generally meant by furries "role-playing"). I'm not a very sociable person in real-life, so I don't even really go to gatherings. I just can't deny I really like furry stuff, so I'm a furry.

strikerman said:
doesn't that mean you're a furry

bitwolfy said:
Yeah, I'm really sorry to break it to you all, but if you enjoy that kind of content... you are a furry.

Hey now, I like Indian food, doesn't make me Indian.

I consider my self a "Xenophile". Not a Furry. Alien Babes, Fantasy Races, Anthromorphs, I would love to tour the cosmos on a sex tour.

I forgot to shave.

jockjamdoorslam said:
Hey now, I like Indian food, doesn't make me Indian.

Not quite equivalent. That's like saying you like fur coats, but that doesn't make you furry. One could even argue that it made you something of a foodie or a gourmand with a "fetish" for Indian cuisine. Your non-Indianness wouldn't really be relevant.

I find the human body lame.
Many humans look ugly to me.
Animals can definitively be weird looking, or fearsome looking, but that's not ugly.
Very few animals are ugly, and that's usually because humans bred them that way.

I find human post puberty hair to be rough, unappealing to touch. Mostly beards.
In many country, adults try to get rid of them, a pain to upkeep.
Fur is soft and only need to be brushed once in a while.

Except for our intellect, we're weak and there's always an animal better than us.
There's so much body diversity in the animal kingdom, and we're stuck with what we're given at birth.

Anthro get to be whatever shape/color please them, have any feature/ability they would like.
In a way, their bodies are improved human bodies. The intellect without all the weaknesses.

And that's beautiful. Too bad it's only a dream for now.

I am not a furry, it is more of a "kink" for me.

Some people might hate me for what I am about to say, but I find fursuitting to be childish and cringy.

To be honest, I don't fully know. I had immersed on watching Looney Tunes, Tom and Jerry, and Disney's Robin Hood when I was a kid, (perhaps Spongebob if you count fish and sea creatures) and the time I got sucked into the furry was when I discovered Furaffinity as a teenager.

For me, the initial spark was probably geronimo stilton. I definitely remember admiring the covers of the thea stilton books in passing in the elementary school library. Next up, in class we read Silverwing, and we watched the cartoon series as well. Something about how the characters were drawn, i couldn't pry my eyes away from that. Anyway, my first encounter with the furry community was during my earliest searches for porn. I searched for more about it, found the SFW side of the community, and eventually decided that i wanted to be a part of it. I'm not just a fan of the NSFW side only, but it's not like i'm ashamed of liking the porn. I like the cute and the sexy about equally.

When it comes to the NSFW stuff, i occasionally get tired of furry, and go look at some regular live-action human stuff for a little while. Just thought i'd include that because it seems a lot of furries out there don't find humans that appealing. I guess i'm an exception?

I totally agree with Kamril about human body hair though. Gross stuff honestly. Give me soft fluffy fur over this scraggly monkey hair anytime!

I've always had an affinity to animals since I was young. Honestly looking back it was only a matter of time. I officially became furry as a teen. I didn't have a computer so I used the internet browser on my DSi. I was looking up sfw images of Pokemon. I happened upon a lewd image of Pokemon and was curious so I clicked the link. I was intrigued by what I saw. From there I eventually stumbled upon lewds of anthropomorphic creatures and was hooked. Eventually found sfw images of anthros too. Then came roleplay and my first fursona that I still use. From there grew my love of writing which is ironic since I hated it back in High School but writing about furry things both sfw and nsfw is so fun. That's how I became a furry.

If you, yes you there reading these words, have any additional questions please feel free to dm me.

poontang said:
I don't consider myself a furry as I only enjoy furry porn and I am not immersed in the culture or anything like that.

Exactly the same here. Interesting seeing how many people here are in the same boat.

ermine1227 said:
I'm not a furry and never will consider myself as one. However, I'm an enthusiast or a big fan of furry related stuff. It's alluring and has potential. It's a big pet peeve of mine when people say you're automatically a furry if you enjoy anything related to it.

You don't need a fursona or a fursuit or to attend furry conventions to be a furry.

ermine1227 said:
It's a big pet peeve of mine when people say you're automatically a furry if you enjoy anything related to it.

There's a difference between enjoying something when it just happens to have furry-related things, and enjoying something specifically because it has furry-related things.

This girl.

Oh and image searching "Espeon" and stumbling upon that one comic Blackfury made of an espeon hypnotizing and fucking her trainer when I was like 11 because page 1 is sfw didn't help either lol.

A dude I met on some hyper niche MMO asked me when I was 12 or 13 if I wanted to see pictures of Renamon. I said yes and he sent me lewds of her, which sent me spiralling down the furry rabit hole. I'm 26 now and feel like a dinosuar in the community sometimes

strikerman said:
You don't need a fursona or a fursuit or to attend furry conventions to be a furry.

True, I just feel like there's a better way to define who is a furry and who isn't. I just don't know what though.

ermine1227 said:
True, I just feel like there's a better way to define who is a furry and who isn't. I just don't know what though.

Well, let me ask it this way: what doesn't make you a furry?

IMO, what ultimately decides if someone is a furry or not is whether or not they choose to adopt the label. If someone likes furry-related stuff to any degree, but they don't want to describe themselves as a furry, then they aren't a furry, done question.

Meanwhile, i put 'furry' right in my username, even though i don't really care about suiting or conventions at all. I haven't even met another furry in person! Anyway, what i'm trying to say is that basically it's all subjective.

ermine1227 said:
For me it's a little bit of both of those.

As with most things, it's rarely one specific thing that makes you like something, given how complex a character or a piece of media can be. I like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon because I like RPG-ish rogue-like dungeon crawlers where I feel like I'm creating my own story. That you play as pokemon is icing on the cake, as it were. I could still enjoy it without that, but not quite as much. Similar for the Elder Scrolls games, I like the games on their own, but that there are cat-people, lizard-people, or werewolves (depending on which title specifically) that you can run into and play as, those are things that make me like it just that much more.

IMO, what ultimately decides if someone is a furry or not is whether or not they choose to adopt the label. If someone likes furry-related stuff to any degree, but they don't want to describe themselves as a furry, then they aren't a furry, done question.

That's a pretty useless definition. At that point, the word's meaningless, since someone described as being or not being a furry tells me nothing about them.


That's a pretty useless definition. At that point, the word's meaningless, since someone described as being or not being a furry tells me nothing about them.

Well, i can't really imagine someone with no interest in anything furry-related describing themselves as a furry. And if someone doesn't consider themselves a furry, i'd say it's a safe bet that they don't want to associate with the community for whatever reason. Just because a definition is subjective doesn't mean that all information has been sucked into a black hole.

nuclear_furry said:
Well, i can't really imagine someone with no interest in anything furry-related describing themselves as a furry.

There's some people I could question. Trolls and troublemakers, people who ingratiate themselves into furry circles not because they're interested in furry stuff itself, but because they've found a way to make trouble for people who happen to be furries, and they like making trouble.

nuclear_furry said:
And if someone doesn't consider themselves a furry, i'd say it's a safe bet that they don't want to associate with the community for whatever reason.

And I find that a real shame. The "I'm not a furry, but..." types, people who do like furry stuff and can and do fit in with other furries (some in this very thread even, on a furry porn/archive site), but end up getting overlooked for things that would be mutually enjoyable because someone thinks they wouldn't really enjoy it since they're "not a furry".

nuclear_furry said:
Just because a definition is subjective doesn't mean that all information has been sucked into a black hole.

There's a difference between a subjective definition and a subjective label. A subjective definition is still a definition... people may disagree on what exactly the definition is, so they may or may not fit depending on who you ask, but if a person fits, they can be described as that, and if they don't, they aren't, by some standard. A human is a subjective definition; there is a general concept of what it is, but there is disagreement on where exactly the cutoff is as you go back through our evolutionary history. You don't need someone to tell you they call themselves a human or not to know whether they fit it or not, though some people may disagree on who/what down out evolutionary chain counts. A subjective label, on the contrary, gives no meaningful information, as it's determined solely by the person using that label for themselves. If they're unable to tell you, there's nothing you can do to know whether the label applies or not, and if they do tell you, there's no test you can do to say they're correct or not.

old Runescape friend of mine who was big into pokemon (mind you, I was also big into Pokemon as well) introduced me to FA in 2012 and then things sort of slowly spiraled into where I'm at today. Ironically, I also happened to find the person who created my fursona back in mid-to-late 2012 when they had drawn some really good Pokemon art.

I still can talk to said friend, I just haven't found something to talk about with them in a year extremely unfortunately.

Don Bluth, particularly Secret of NIMH. Brian Jacques, especially Redwall. Classic cartoons and Disney movies. I discovered this part of myself entirely due to cartoons and animated films. While watching anthro adventures as a child I would get this feeling, this pressure in my chest, a certain wonder and enchantment, but most of all an intense, overwhelming sense of longing. I absolutely YEARNED for it.
Throughout the years I felt more and more displaced around other people, never quite fit in or felt at home, which led to internet chat rooms and forum sites. I can't quite recall how I found them or what the host site was but I ended up in a group called AuroraFurries. And there it was. I finally fit in, everyone understood and accepted each other. I finally belonged. Still get warm nostalgic feelings about it.

 I've always liked "non-human" characters by nature, plus there were some events made me fall in love with Furry. When I went to buy a used video game with my meager money, a beautiful fox attracted me and made every part of me tremble. Yes, he/she is "Renamon"! Also, I met Zoroark in Pokemon BW. Later at an Internet cafe, I found this fandom exists by seeing the drawings of these artists on Pixiv.  After that, it was the dark ages for a while. Exploitative enterprise made me overloaded. Karoshi was Not an option for me but I thought "If I could only take a few steps forwardーー", on the station. Even worse, one of my toxic parents departed this life, and I lost my beloved cat. After that, thoughts of death began to fill my mind every day. ...That told me I was burned out.

 The time flew, then I got an e621 account for random reasons. Without knowing that choice became a gateway to adventure for me. One day, it occurred to me that it would not be a bad idea to become an artist And an volunteer member here. Having said that, I thought "the wall of language and culture" stands in my way, so Japanese are rare and seemed like alien(foreigner) here.
 However once I opened up the door, and the world appeared beyond it. At e621 which was just for viewing to me, Since I dived into invisible side, I got to be able to meet others of this Fandom. And then people abroad talked to me... I was glad for that. So that's what got me thinking about what I'm going to do for this Kemono+Furry Fandom. ...That was a miracle, I think. Though I still think myself as an ALIEN, even now! ← Heh, I can't help it, anymore- ¯\(😏)/¯
 Now I realized Depression was hurting me, and it is still eating me away. So, being active as Furry is my reason to live and a way to "battle with myself". Specifically, I draw and compose music, which is for future game creation. Of course, as an artist, I have plans to post my art here, and some NSFW too. Well, things have not been going well for me lately... Hm, how shall I fight from now on.

By the way, @ClosetPossum, Are you going to post your art here? If that time ever comes, I'd love to see it.
--- Oh, forgot to mention, I now have a fursona, and we believe we have "one heart" / "one flesh". So I'm a Fursuiter.


I was in a rough spot years ago. Living in a place that was very conservative bible belt. Furries happened to be the wonderful people that accepted me for who I was. A place where no one had to be afraid of being themselves.

Fast forward 14 years or so and.... Well I mean look around.... I blame the general publics swift and brutal invasion of the internet in the early 2010s. It used to be such a nice place.
Talk about feeling like a dinosaur.

closetpossum said:
What made you into a furry? Tell us your story on self-discovery. It'd be interesting to hear how you became a furry. Doesn't have to be all that, like some kinda soul searching journey or anything, lol.

Also, what kind of FURRY are you?
[Casual Furry] | [Fursuiter] | [Degenerate Furry]

Here's mine:
I became a furry when I was 13 years old when I realized I bonded and liked animals more than other people. So I just looked online what type of person is like that and what comes up is, Furry.
So then I just looked up all I can about furries, conventions, and fursuiters. That's pretty much it. Been a furry since then.
Of course I would say I'm a casual degenerate furry. I'm not into dressing up as a furry I just like the culture of being a furry. I like the art, I like the cartoons and animations from the fandom. ANd above all else, I like the porn. Also, I blaim being a 90s kid, seriously, how do they not expect to birth furries when the 90s was such a furry fest. It was all Lola's fault!

I'm 22 going to be 23 soon and I'm learning how to draw better so I can contribute to the fandom myself one day. Make some fanart of characters I like and of course some NSFW too. Pretty stoked about learning.

Anywhoo, how about you guys? Why are you Furry?
post #1806772

this has been the only community that accepted me who I was. Ever other would toss me to the side, they saw me as an outcast due to how I am, an broken machine. But, this community helped me mentally, I could actually be myself, put parts of myself into characters so I could see myself into different views, and I can make friends who share a common interest, making it easier. I love the furry community and I hope that the outside world will...see it in a more positive light ^^''

blkreit said:
this has been the only community that accepted me who I was. Ever other would toss me to the side, they saw me as an outcast due to how I am, an broken machine. But, this community helped me mentally, I could actually be myself, put parts of myself into characters so I could see myself into different views, and I can make friends who share a common interest, making it easier. I love the furry community and I hope that the outside world will...see it in a more positive light ^^''

"Have you gone mad a broken machine?
Yet they'll all tell you the logic is clean.
You try to move forward, yet always drug back.
Reset to the limit, as gears rust up black.
The days have no meaning, and times lost its track.
Desolate creation, in hopes it might interact.

To create new meaning,
And wash away the grime clinging..."
~Short excerpt from a much longer poem I wrote years ago.

You're not alone. If it's the mindset I'm thinking about it's easy to run away from those that create pain. But even easier to run past those that really truly care in the process.
Glad to hear you found a place to fit in.
I appreciate your view.

I've always found the idea of anthropomorphic characters very interesting.
My introduction to furrys was through 4chan oddly enough, and while I don’t consider myself a furry, I've never really had a problem with them myself.

I'm actually not. I just enjoy furry arts. Both SFW & NSFW. But I'm not really part of the fandom.

dorumon said:
I'm actually not. I just enjoy furry arts. Both SFW & NSFW. But I'm not really part of the fandom.

Enjoys furry art.... Participates in a furry forum community discussion.... Digimon fan judging from the name.....

Why don't I believe you? Lol. Good try though. But you can't outfox this fox.

There's something about furry characters that make them attractive to me.
They are so cute...

...and hot

I don't interact with the community itself much anymore, but I used to be a regular on r/furry_irl

I played star fox Adventure and Assault when I was around 7, played female worgens in WoW when I was 13

And that's about it yea

Looked up Regular Show on Google like 10 years ago, "gay" was in the suggestions, clicked it for fun, and the rest is history.

blacklicorice said:
Looked up Regular Show on Google like 10 years ago, "gay" was in the suggestions, clicked it for fun, and the rest is history.

Sounds like someone's been "Haaaaamboning" hehe.

It just kind of happened, I just kind of switched from irl stuff to furry stuff.

Still, although I'm not super involved in the community, I've still met some really cool people. I still can't wear a fursuit though. They're super cool and wellmade but for someone who's boiling in a room temperature store would probably literally be cooked in that

closetpossum said:
What made you into a furry? Tell us your story on self-discovery. It'd be interesting to hear how you became a furry. Doesn't have to be all that, like some kinda soul searching journey or anything, lol.

Also, what kind of FURRY are you?
[Casual Furry] | [Fursuiter] | [Degenerate Furry]

Here's mine:
I became a furry when I was 13 years old when I realized I bonded and liked animals more than other people. So I just looked online what type of person is like that and what comes up is, Furry.
So then I just looked up all I can about furries, conventions, and fursuiters. That's pretty much it. Been a furry since then.
Of course I would say I'm a casual degenerate furry. I'm not into dressing up as a furry I just like the culture of being a furry. I like the art, I like the cartoons and animations from the fandom. ANd above all else, I like the porn. Also, I blaim being a 90s kid, seriously, how do they not expect to birth furries when the 90s was such a furry fest. It was all Lola's fault!

I'm 22 going to be 23 soon and I'm learning how to draw better so I can contribute to the fandom myself one day. Make some fanart of characters I like and of course some NSFW too. Pretty stoked about learning.

Anywhoo, how about you guys? Why are you Furry?
post #1806772

For me, it was animated series such as Pokémon, featuring creatures such as Mewtwo, Persian, Arcanine, Ninetales, Eveelutions, Loppunny, Lucario, and Braixen, mostly in that order. There was also a huge number of other typically attractive species that had peaked my interest as a kid. I’m sure most of you can name a decent number of them.

After that wave, came the Lion King. That Movie had me so frustrated every time I finished watching, it was unbelievable! Of course this was before they took out all the subliminal messages, which my subconscious mind was extremely sensitive to.

Then Disney just kept going, making things like Fox And The Hound, Robin Hood, 101 Dalmatians, and before all that, they had rather promiscuous Furries in the Tom & Jerry series, as well as animations related to the Looney Toons franchise.

However, that’s not what sparked my attention into the genre. I started to realize that the regularly occurring orthodox pornography you see on sites like PornHub is actually very unattractive and tasteless. Furry porn, however, has much better potential for being the exact opposite.

Also, the thought occurred to me that I shouldn’t look into humans anyways, since our Planet is already overpopulated by billions upon billions of people who just don’t need to be here, crapping up the atmosphere, and spreading their general douchebaggery in a worldwide series of economies that treats everyone, good or bad, smart or stupid, like crawling ass-worms. So why bother oneself with bringing offspring into this rapidly dilapidating world?

Anyways, about the other stuff: I don’t believe it’s actually the cartoon’s fault. I would’ve been pulled into this one way or the other. I’ve even read Bible stories that had me looking into unorthodox stuff, like that one with Daniel who got thrown into the lion’s den, only to have the lionesses fall in love with him that Night, and he crawled back out unscathed in the Morning (At least that’s how I pictured it). And this was before I ever looked at anything remotely “Furry”.

Being raised in a strict religious household didn’t help. Never repress or mess with your kid’s hormonal/prepubescent development. I’m almost 100% certain that’s what got me into Furries to begin with.

I genuinely hope that wasn’t too much information, but it was on topic, and I hope the answer’s sufficient.

closetpossum said:
What made you into a furry? Tell us your story on self-discovery. It'd be interesting to hear how you became a furry. Doesn't have to be all that, like some kinda soul searching journey or anything, lol.

Also, what kind of FURRY are you?
[Casual Furry] | [Fursuiter] | [Degenerate Furry]

Here's mine:
I became a furry when I was 13 years old when I realized I bonded and liked animals more than other people. So I just looked online what type of person is like that and what comes up is, Furry.
So then I just looked up all I can about furries, conventions, and fursuiters. That's pretty much it. Been a furry since then.
Of course I would say I'm a casual degenerate furry. I'm not into dressing up as a furry I just like the culture of being a furry. I like the art, I like the cartoons and animations from the fandom. ANd above all else, I like the porn. Also, I blaim being a 90s kid, seriously, how do they not expect to birth furries when the 90s was such a furry fest. It was all Lola's fault!

I'm 22 going to be 23 soon and I'm learning how to draw better so I can contribute to the fandom myself one day. Make some fanart of characters I like and of course some NSFW too. Pretty stoked about learning.

Anywhoo, how about you guys? Why are you Furry?
post #1806772

This is going to sound bizarre, but I have a spirit spouse (only found out about her 3 months ago, in a series of spiritual visions) she is half wolf half human, it's kind of a (very, already lost a friend over it) long story, it's very long and bizarre by this realms standards, however I love her quite a bit. She literally has the other half of my heart. I wonder how many furries in the Fandom have a similar spirit spouse that they were married to in another life? The only reason my desires exist is because they were once satisfied in another realm, and will be satisfied again, but in this realm they are frustrated unless I draw and write about them/her.

Turns out I have a scoop (I'm mostly human, she's half, I look human in that realm, I think maybe with wolf eyes. She's definitely an anthro though, long digi legs, wolfs head as big as a bear, and 8" or 20 cm wide metatarsals) of wolf in my spiritual DNA and I resonate with/for her perfectly. To put it in naughty terms from the bottom of her feet to the tips of her ears she's my fetish lol. But only because in a past life we were lovers. (I loved her very much but, I took her for granted sadly, which is part of the reason why I was born into this timeline)

But yeah my furry Fandom involvement is because I miss her so much (in this realm, she doesn't technically exist, or is able to manifest physically which is super sad for me, but it's okay I'm here to learn to love and appreciate her, a lesson I'm taking seriously, hopefully I learn it! Above all I desire to be worthy of her.)

I also have a male spirit spouse but he's in a much higher realm and I don't think of him much, mainly because my woman is in a much lower realm, teaching me about her and her people, so I must pay attention, because I don't want to have to do this again in a next life. (or put her through it because she loves me, too) I've been recycled enough, I'm hoping to learn my lessons and "graduate" out of these cycles of rebirths into lesser, mortal realms.

Sorry if that sounds crazy to this ignorant and narrow realm, but there are many truths and spiritual oddities out there that we are ignorant and blind to. In one dimension she purposely waited 6,000 years (average cycle of history before everything is re made) to show me how much she loves me. It's no wonder I'm so attracted to her. Sorry if that's crazy but I can never un see her nor would I ever want to. =) :3

Best Pic I can find of her, her fur is purple ish, and her muzzle is slightly longer (very powerful) from what I saw.

Oh, and the metatarsal is the part of her leg just above the toes/feet. 8" is 20 cm wide. My 70 lb 32 kg dogs metatarsals are only 1.25" or 3 cm wide. Oh, and her breasts are likely smaller, which I am perfectly, absolutely 100,000% fine with. I wasn't shown her chest. She's somewhat self-conscious. And maybe I still have judgmental issues I need to deal with. If all I do in this realm is tell her I love her from toe to ear, then so be it. =)


jackxano said:
I think I became a furry when I was about 13 or 14 years old. It happened while I was at school and reading one of the Guinness World Record books, and found a record for most people in animal suits, though I'm not quite if that was what the record was called. I found the word Furry was highlighted and got curious, so I went to a computer at the school's library. The first thing I found was some very suggestive images of Krystal and Renamon, and being a teenager in puberty, it all went downhill from there. I didn't learn there was more to the whole Furry thing until a few years later and that it was much bigger than I thought.

I've wanted to draw furry characters for years now but due to lack of self confidence and laziness, I've made pretty much zero progress. It really hurts sometimes when I'm looking at my Wacom Cintiq Pro 16 just collecting dust. As for what type of furry I am. Probably a casual degenerate furry. And while this question wasn't asked, I actually wish I was a furred anthro dragon. Really wanna know how it feels having a tail, fur, digitigrade legs.

I feel ya, I got an Artist 12 in my corner as I type this. But I'm getting back to doing sketches on my Sketch Book. My advice to ya whether yer younger or older than me is this: Don't draw from imagination, imagination is OVERRATED. Find artists you like, compile a list, then emulate their style and make fanart of the things you love. Learn poses at the same time, learn anatomy. Then figure out which genre of art you want to get into. DON'T SWEAT THE BIG DETAILS, we're not trying to be Da Vinci, we just want to make foxes and bunnies on two legs and whatnot.
I can't claim I came up with this knowledge...I watch Ethan Becker, storytime animation trash, Ross Draw, Jazza. Though I think you should focus on Ethan Becker

lance_armstrong said:
Fursuiting is the Dark Ages. RealAnthro™ will be the Enlightenment.

HERE HERE!!! I think to pave that world might involve some unethical forced human evolution though...

bitwolfy said:
Yeah, I'm really sorry to break it to you all, but if you enjoy that kind of content... you are a furry.
Fursuiting and roleplaying isn't a requirement.

I don't think that really REEEALLY makes them a Furry...more like an Admirer. Being an admirer of the furry content is like the outskirts of getting into Furr-dom...Admirers are literally at the Gate to the Furry Fandom, imo

pyke said:
A dude I met on some hyper niche MMO asked me when I was 12 or 13 if I wanted to see pictures of Renamon. I said yes and he sent me lewds of her, which sent me spiraling down the furry rabbit hole. I'm 26 now and feel like a dinosaur in the community sometimes

lol you're not that old, you're literally a millennial same as the rest of us kiddies. Even IF 26 sounds old. Look it up, it's amazing how 26 is still considered millennial. But just think, there are 65-80-year-olds going to conventions with their goodness the world is big in the Furry Fandom.

nuclear_furry said:
IMO, what ultimately decides if someone is a furry or not is whether or not they choose to adopt the label. If someone likes furry-related stuff to any degree, but they don't want to describe themselves as a furry, then they aren't a furry, done question.

Meanwhile, i put 'furry' right in my username, even though i don't really care about suiting or conventions at all. I haven't even met another furry in person! Anyway, what i'm trying to say is that basically it's all subjective.

watsit said:
As with most things, it's rarely one specific thing that makes you like something, given how complex a character or a piece of media can be. I like Pokemon Mystery Dungeon because I like RPG-ish rogue-like dungeon crawlers where I feel like I'm creating my own story. That you play as pokemon is icing on the cake, as it were. I could still enjoy it without that, but not quite as much. Similar for the Elder Scrolls games, I like the games on their own, but that there are cat-people, lizard-people, or werewolves (depending on which title specifically) that you can run into and play as, those are things that make me like it just that much more.

That's a pretty useless definition. At that point, the word's meaningless, since someone described as being or not being a furry tells me nothing about them.

I think what makes someone a bonified furry is quite simple. You're a furry if you identify yourself as a furry.
If you LOVE EVERYTHING about the furry fandom but don't consider yourself a furry, you're an Admirerer. Which is Right outside the gate of Furry-dom.
I said that in my last comment though...I'm playing catch up

skyfire_hammerfall said:
Don Bluth, particularly Secret of NIMH. Brian Jacques, especially Redwall. Classic cartoons and Disney movies. I discovered this part of myself entirely due to cartoons and animated films. While watching anthro adventures as a child I would get this feeling, this pressure in my chest, a certain wonder and enchantment, but most of all an intense, overwhelming sense of longing. I absolutely YEARNED for it.
Throughout the years I felt more and more displaced around other people, never quite fit in or felt at home, which led to internet chat rooms and forum sites. I can't quite recall how I found them or what the host site was but I ended up in a group called AuroraFurries. And there it was. I finally fit in, everyone understood and accepted each other. I finally belonged. Still get warm nostalgic feelings about it.

OMG Don Bluth's Secret of NIMH is a piece of furry fandom TREASURE. The guy is a legend...along with Disney...but you just can't recreate NIMH, I watched that movie recently to analyze the art style. It's cool that you found a good place to hang out. I never really considered I was alone ever. A community and people are always there to talk to. IMO you're never truly alone until you start thinking the other person on the other side of the screen isn't real. Furries are P cool

kurogi_foxsiv said:
 I've always liked "non-human" characters by nature, plus there were some events made me fall in love with Furry. When I went to buy a used video game with my meager money, a beautiful fox attracted me and made every part of me tremble. Yes, he/she is "Renamon"! Also, I met Zoroark in Pokemon BW. Later at an Internet cafe, I found this fandom exists by seeing the drawings of these artists on Pixiv.  After that, it was the dark ages for a while. Exploitative enterprise made me overloaded. Karoshi was Not an option for me but I thought "If I could only take a few steps forwardーー", on the station. Even worse, one of my toxic parents departed this life, and I lost my beloved cat. After that, thoughts of death began to fill my mind every day. ...That told me I was burned out.

 The time flew, then I got an e621 account for random reasons. Without knowing that choice became a gateway to adventure for me. One day, it occurred to me that it would not be a bad idea to become an artist And an volunteer member here. Having said that, I thought "the wall of language and culture" stands in my way, so Japanese are rare and seemed like alien(foreigner) here.
 However once I opened up the door, and the world appeared beyond it. At e621 which was just for viewing to me, Since I dived into invisible side, I got to be able to meet others of this Fandom. And then people abroad talked to me... I was glad for that. So that's what got me thinking about what I'm going to do for this Kemono+Furry Fandom. ...That was a miracle, I think. Though I still think myself as an ALIEN, even now! ← Heh, I can't help it, anymore- ¯\(😏)/¯
 Now I realized Depression was hurting me, and it is still eating me away. So, being active as Furry is my reason to live and a way to "battle with myself". Specifically, I draw and compose music, which is for future game creation. Of course, as an artist, I have plans to post my art here, and some NSFW too. Well, things have not been going well for me lately... Hm, how shall I fight from now on.

By the way, @ClosetPossum, Are you going to post your art here? If that time ever comes, I'd love to see it.
--- Oh, forgot to mention, I now have a fursona, and we believe we have "one heart" / "one flesh". So I'm a Fursuiter.

Good to know you're fighting your depression. I suffer from Mild Depression myself so it's hard for me to take life seriously when everything is GREY to me. So being inside my comfort zone, my room (my "closet") helps me and I engage in multiple fandoms and people.

When my art skills have been refined I'll be posting my art ALL OVER THE PLACE. e621, inkbunny, deviantart, furaffinity, twitter, and Newgrounds being a few well known places.

lance_armstrong said:
IRL genetically engineered anthro human hybrids, or whatever you want to call them.

y'know I think that should literally have an anime name, something to fill that new race. I always say this... Beastkin! BEASTKIN!

nathmurr said:
For me, it was animated series such as Pokémon, featuring creatures such as Mewtwo, Persian, Arcanine, Ninetales, Eveelutions, Loppunny, Lucario, and Braixen, mostly in that order. There was also a huge number of other typically attractive species that had peaked my interest as a kid. I’m sure most of you can name a decent number of them.

After that wave, came the Lion King. That Movie had me so frustrated every time I finished watching, it was unbelievable! Of course this was before they took out all the subliminal messages, which my subconscious mind was extremely sensitive to.

Then Disney just kept going, making things like Fox And The Hound, Robin Hood, 101 Dalmatians, and before all that, they had rather promiscuous Furries in the Tom & Jerry series, as well as animations related to the Looney Toons franchise.

However, that’s not what sparked my attention into the genre. I started to realize that the regularly occurring orthodox pornography you see on sites like PornHub is actually very unattractive and tasteless. Furry porn, however, has much better potential for being the exact opposite.

Also, the thought occurred to me that I shouldn’t look into humans anyways, since our Planet is already overpopulated by billions upon billions of people who just don’t need to be here, crapping up the atmosphere, and spreading their general douchebaggery in a worldwide series of economies that treats everyone, good or bad, smart or stupid, like crawling ass-worms. So why bother oneself with bringing offspring into this rapidly dilapidating world?

Anyways, about the other stuff: I don’t believe it’s actually the cartoon’s fault. I would’ve been pulled into this one way or the other. I’ve even read Bible stories that had me looking into unorthodox stuff, like that one with Daniel who got thrown into the lion’s den, only to have the lionesses fall in love with him that Night, and he crawled back out unscathed in the Morning (At least that’s how I pictured it). And this was before I ever looked at anything remotely “Furry”.

Being raised in a strict religious household didn’t help. Never repress or mess with your kid’s hormonal/prepubescent development. I’m almost 100% certain that’s what got me into Furries to begin with.

I genuinely hope that wasn’t too much information, but it was on topic, and I hope the answer’s sufficient.

I like your response, went in for a rant there for a bit but I agree with the message. Human porn is boring when we're already human...if ya want that stuff just go to a strip club or something, lol. LET FURRIES RUN THE WORLD! WITH OUR ARTISTIC MINDS AND LITERATURE WE CAN MAKE A BETTER REALITY.
Except most furries are introverted-extroverts who kinda stick with their pack. I myself was raised on religion but not it's like..meh to me. Furries and Hell seem more interesting nowadays than Heaven and Angels. It's like today is making Hell look like a paradise for the crazies or something. Anyway thank you for your thoughts on your furry journey.

thegreatwolfgang said:
Not Lola for me specifically, but thought it appropriate.

bruh why ya had to go after my feels, lol I love that semi-irl animation!

pyke said:
A dude I met on some hyper niche MMO asked me when I was 12 or 13 if I wanted to see pictures of Renamon. I said yes and he sent me lewds of her, which sent me spiralling down the furry rabit hole. I'm 26 now and feel like a dinosuar in the community sometimes

You feel old in the community at 26? Haha, I'm 40. My first step into furrydom was being attracted to Maid Marion in Disney's Robin Hood when I was a young kid. I remember when 99.9% of the internet didn't know what furry meant, and the term itself was sort of new, being the successor to "funny animal", and most of the furry art online were scans of traditionally-drawn art, in low resolution and 256-color format. The largest furry image site at the time was the Vixen-Controlled Library, which still exists but I don't know how active people still are on it. I also remember the huge fight between furs who were only into clean artwork, and ones who were into lewd as well, and the self-designation of the "Burned Furs."

I have some furry images that are literally older than lots of the members of the community today. Even some of the big-name artists.

drakkenfyre said:
You feel old in the community at 26? Haha, I'm 40. My first step into furrydom was being attracted to Maid Marion in Disney's Robin Hood when I was a young kid. I remember when 99.9% of the internet didn't know what furry meant, and the term itself was sort of new, being the successor to "funny animal", and most of the furry art online were scans of traditionally-drawn art, in low resolution and 256-color format. The largest furry image site at the time was the Vixen-Controlled Library, which still exists but I don't know how active people still are on it. I also remember the huge fight between furs who were only into clean artwork, and ones who were into lewd as well, and the self-designation of the "Burned Furs."

I have some furry images that are literally older than lots of the members of the community today. Even some of the big-name artists.

this is something I wanna see

drakkenfyre said:
You feel old in the community at 26?

I'm almost his age and I get it to be honest. I think that because of how sex-oriented and hobbyist the community is, you really start to lose a lot of people past the early 20's, and I think older people are way less likely to join to begin with for obvious reasons.

The other stuff is pretty interesting though, I've heard a lot about the burned furs. I've also heard that furry stuff being generally sexual was jumpstarted by this one dude, don't remember who though. Early furry history is really fun to read. I remember finding an otherkin forum from 2001 that was exactly the same stuff you'd expect to see today

Funny that I pretty much can't trace my being a furry to a single event. I've always had a much stronger emotional connection to non-human characters over human characters in various forms of media (maybe it started with Pokemon?) and it's consistently persisted through my life. When I finally discovered the term 'furry' in my early teens, my first subsequent thought was: "Oh, so it isn't just me?". The exact sequence of events and epiphanies that followed over the years would be a story way too long for a forum post.

I generally see myself as a furry not out of targeted attraction to specific animal characters (I can't really even say a specific character 'made' me a furry), but more because I find human and human-like faces in general to be unattractive, and subsequently am drawn- sexually and not- to more distinctly non-human characters as a result. Hence, my interest in cleaning the humanoid tag around here. But I have always very much appreciated animalistic characters on their own merit (especially scalies, snakes particularly), and enjoy art of them whether in lewd or safe varieties.

Though while I do casually call myself furry in this context, I do understand the perspective of the other people here who are hesitant to openly think of or call themselves furry. I've never really integrated myself into furry culture or engage with it directly (myself being a very asocial person probably not helping the equation) but nonetheless like to support those who do. And given how art-centric the community is while I myself don't have a shred of artistic talent, it always feels awkward to engage beyond the surface-level. I do feel that actively identifying myself as a furry in the open public would be doing a disservice to those who are embedded in the community.

However, most people would look at someone of my interests and say "furry", and I would not feel any real need to correct them. When I hear someone ragging on furries in general, I feel a personal need to dispute them. Perhaps I am too personally invested in the concept and community to not consider myself one, on some level.

And on Fursuits, honestly in my view Fursuits are to the Furry culture as Cosplay is to Anime and Comic culture. You wouldn't call someone who doesn't do Cosplay any less of a fan of their respective genre. It's just another facet, a subset of the whole. I do not believe you need a fursuit, or really even a fursona to be a furry.

I guess some people are "furry" for more deep reasons than other people.

I have seen young people that go into this just for a few months or years, and latter they are even shamed of that, and go for another thing (politics, sports, etcetera). Mostly people that found accidentally the art or knew friends that were furry and become interested. But it could have been another thing.

There are others for which this art or the furry ambiance is practically a way to survive. They found in furry the beauty that gave them the strength to go on and a perspective to find new meaning for life.

closetpossum said:
this is something I wanna see

Old furry art? Here you go. These aren't the oldest I have, just four I grabbed quickly, three have years on them. I compiled them to a single image, and I didn't shrink them. They're at their actual resolutions. The second one was a picture from an auction for a physical picture on Furbid (eBay for furries, don't think it exists anymore) with "SAMPLE" watermarked across it.

That third one is 23 years old. The others are 22. The dragon one is older, I believe.

fenrick said:
I'm almost his age and I get it to be honest. I think that because of how sex-oriented and hobbyist the community is, you really start to lose a lot of people past the early 20's, and I think older people are way less likely to join to begin with for obvious reasons.

Furry as a modern subculture began in the 70s. You've got plenty of older members, but they're not always vocal. The internet just let it spread like wildfire, which exposed far more people to it. I agree that older people today are less likely to join if they weren't already.

The other stuff is pretty interesting though, I've heard a lot about the burned furs. I've also heard that furry stuff being generally sexual was jumpstarted by this one dude, don't remember who though. Early furry history is really fun to read. I remember finding an otherkin forum from 2001 that was exactly the same stuff you'd expect to see today

Lots of people like to point out that furries actually existed in ancient times, and point to Egyptian hieroglyphics that depict half-human/half-animal creatures and anthro animals (and in both cases sometimes nudity and sex were depicted with them.) So if we accept that, then sex has been a part them since the beginning. But if limit it to the modern era culture (as in, 20th century and on) then it definitely predates the explosion on the internet, because in the 70s and 80s there were underground pornographic furry comics (then known as funny animal), self-published local newsletters that sometimes involved nudity, and more. But the biggest example at the time of nudity and sex being linked to the subculture is Fritz the Cat, which was released in 1972 and was X-rated.

Point is, I'm not sure exactly who you're referring to, but nudity and sex in the subculture had been long established before the public at large got internet access. Now, there's definitely people after that that increased the popularity (I can think of a few.) And when furry started becoming synonymous with porn, that's when the clean vs. porn wars began, and the eventual creation of the Burned Furs. Finding a fur today that is staunchly anti-sexualization is pretty rare.

poontang said:
I don't consider myself a furry as I only enjoy furry porn and I am not immersed in the culture or anything like that. I think if I considered myself a "furry" when only consuming the NSFW portion of the community, it would give the community a disservice, because I think furry culture is a lot more than just orgies and porn lol.
I think furry culture is pretty great, I've definitely met furries on forums and VR chat before and they generally seem like very nice and accepting people. I'm just not into roleplaying or creating a "fursona" or anything like that. I don't draw very much and when I do draw it's never animals or anthropomorphic animals. However, I wouldn't mind hanging out with furries if the opportunity came up. Like I said, they seem like friendly people and a group I would like to hang out with.

When it comes to my affection of furry porn, I remember having a crush on Maid Marian from Robin Hood and Vixey from Fox and the Hound when I was a kid. I distinctly remember the first anthropomorphic animal I ever had a "sexual" crush on was Kitty Katswell from TUFF Puppy which came out when I was 15.
Honestly, I'm just into cartoon porn in general and I never really got into furry porn until I accidentally discovered this site. I created this account when I was 18 and the rest is history.

I second that feeling almost entirely, lol. Personally I've never found humans attractive in the sense most people seem to, whenever I got together with friends and the subject went raunchy I just... Never seemed to be on board on who's hot and not. I've even come to think I was asexual for a time until I've just found drawn/animated porn so much more enticing, but when I randomly encountered a Dr Comet work something just went "oh yes" in my brain, lol. I've only came to interact with the community during a TF2 match where a whole group of furries got in the same team I was in. Half an hour in we were coordinating stupid shit like raiding the enemy's flag with spies sapping all sentries simultaneously, it was a goddamn chaos and one of the best memories I have in that game.

I lost contact with most of them nowadays, but I've always thought the fandom had an undeserved bad rep. People think the vocal furries of twitter or Rainfurrest represents the entire group. I don't really have a fursona, I can't draw or model, I find RP kinda weird (although somewhat endearing), all in all I feel like in the same boat that I'm just here for the porn, but I like the community a lot more than most of the supposedly "normal" ones. Hell, even outside porn I follow some artists like Aruurara that have an artstyle I just find pleasing to look at. Modern animations feel too mechanical for me whereas most furry projects are full of personality.

bitwolfy said:
Yeah, I'm really sorry to break it to you all, but if you enjoy that kind of content... you are a furry.
Fursuiting and roleplaying isn't a requirement.

I don't mind that either. I usually don't like labels to define who I am but I'm definitely happy being a part of this even if it's just commenting here and there or supporting a few artists when I can.

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