Topic: [APPROVED] Countershade implications

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

The bulk update request #657 is active.

create implication countershade_scales (2137) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_feathers (130) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_fur (15475) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_skin (302) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_ears (650) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_neck (6643) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_genitalia (1560) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_penis (455) -> countershade_genitalia (1560)
create implication countershade_balls (1067) -> countershade_genitalia (1560)
create implication countershade_pussy (286) -> countershade_genitalia (1560)
create implication countershade_anus (79) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_butt (3453) -> countershading (160062)

Reason: These are all of the tags in the countershading wiki that don't already imply countershading. Maybe they forgot?
Plus some other obvious ones (penis and pussy imply genitalia)

EDIT: The bulk update request #657 (forum #304288) has failed: Error: countershade_penis already implies countershading through another implication (create implication countershade_penis -> countershading)

EDIT: The bulk update request #657 (forum #304288) has been approved by @Millcore.


Seems these are unnecessary:

create implication countershade_penis -> countershading
create implication countershade_balls -> countershading
create implication countershade_pussy -> countershading


create implication countershade_penis -> countershade_genitalia
create implication countershade_balls -> countershade_genitalia
create implication countershade_pussy -> countershade_genitalia


create implication countershade_genitalia -> countershading

gets to the same tag.

Modified the BUR so it shouldn't fail now. I don't need to create a new BUR, right?

The bulk update request #808 has been rejected.

create implication countershade_scales (2137) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_feathers (130) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_fur (15475) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_skin (302) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_ears (650) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_neck (6643) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_genitalia (1560) -> countershading (160062)
create implication countershade_penis (455) -> countershade_genitalia (1560)
create implication countershade_balls (1067) -> countershade_genitalia (1560)
create implication countershade_pussy (286) -> countershade_genitalia (1560)
create implication countershade_anus (79) -> countershading (160062)

Reason: Let's try this again, hopefully it doesn't fail this time

EDIT: The bulk update request #808 (forum #307844) has been rejected by @ShadyGuy.

Updated by auto moderator

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