The bulk update request #592 has been rejected.
create alias monster_hunter_stories (423) -> monster_hunter (16515)
create alias acidic_glavenus (4) -> glavenus (73)
remove implication baleful_gigginox (1) -> gigginox (40)
create alias baleful_gigginox (1) -> gigginox (40)
create alias blue_yian_kut-ku (2) -> yian_kut-ku (33)
create alias blue_yian_kut_ku (0) -> yian_kut-ku (33)
create alias green_plesioth (1) -> plesioth (25)
create alias raging_brachydios (7) -> brachydios (152)
create alias seething_bazelgeuse (8) -> bazelgeuse (128)
create alias thunder_emperor_kirin (7) -> kirin (2847)
create implication brute_tigrex (22) -> tigrex (454)
create implication molten_tigrex (12) -> tigrex (454)
create alias chaos_gore_magala (3) -> chaotic_gore_magala (10)
create implication chaotic_gore_magala (10) -> gore_magala (183)
create implication coral_pukei-pukei (18) -> pukei-pukei (158)
create implication ebony_odogaron (19) -> odogaron (245)
create implication fulgur_anjanath (31) -> anjanath (217)
create implication nightshade_paolumu (26) -> paolumu (173)
create implication safi'jiiva (111) -> xeno'jiiva (108)
create implication savage_deviljho (13) -> deviljho (164)
create alias viper_tobi_kadachi (0) -> viper_tobi-kadachi (41)
create implication viper_tobi-kadachi (41) -> tobi-kadachi (611)
remove implication desert_seltas_queen (0) -> desert_seltas (0)
remove implication desert_seltas (0) -> seltas (14)
create alias desert_seltas_queen (0) -> seltas_queen (11)
create alias desert_seltas (0) -> seltas (14)
remove implication congalala (60) -> primatius (397)
create alias congalala (60) -> conga_(mh) (1)
remove implication gendrome (18) -> bird_wyvern (956)
create alias gendrome (18) -> genprey (1)
remove implication giadrome (3) -> bird_wyvern (956)
create alias giadrome (3) -> giaprey (1)
create implication giaprey (1) -> bird_wyvern (956)
remove implication great_girros (48) -> girros (60)
create alias great_girros (48) -> girros (60)
create alias great_wroggi (27) -> wroggi (10)
remove implication iodrome (13) -> bird_wyvern (956)
create alias iodrome (13) -> ioprey (3)
remove implication great_maccao (0) -> maccao (65)
create implication rath_wyvern (1371) -> flying_wyvern (4935)
remove implication rathalos (782) -> flying_wyvern (4935)
remove implication azure_rathalos (45) -> rath_wyvern (1371)
remove implication silver_rathalos (24) -> rath_wyvern (1371)
remove implication rathian (682) -> monster_hunter (16515)
remove implication gold_rathian (33) -> rath_wyvern (1371)
remove implication pink_rathian (85) -> rath_wyvern (1371)
Reason: For the "monster_hunter_stories -> monster_hunter" alias, I suggest this because every other title from the franchise has undergone the same alias treatment.
For the species script lines:
- Glave's to Kirin's: Seems like most subspecies/variants without sufficient independent images are simply aliased to the primary monster.
- Tigrex's to Tobi's: Implications that seem worthwhile instead of aliasing.
- Desert Seltas': Doesn't seem necessary to have these implications when there are no images of either desert versions. I think they should just be aliased instead.
- Conga's to Io's: Following the same logic behind other pack monsters, the alphas should be aliased to the lesser betas. Examples include velociprey/velocidrome, jaggi/great_jaggi, and blango/blangonga
- Great_Maccao/Maccao: The former is already aliased to the latter, so the implication seems superfluous.
- Canyne: As of now I don't know if this counts is a lynian, so I'm just having it imply monster_hunter (gore_magala is another example of such an unclassified monster).
- Rath's: These lines should clean up the mishmash of implications going on between all the rath tags. With this it'll be in a proper implication tree.
I'm unsure why some subspecies/variants are aliased and why others are implied, so I just went ahead and made my best judgement for some parts of the script. I can change it based on input. Hopefully there's no errors in all this, because damn it took a long time to sift through all these tags.
Edit: Forgot to add the rath stuff
Related forum post: topic #27554
EDIT: The bulk update request #592 (forum #303079) has been rejected by @slyroon.
Updated by auto moderator