Topic: Jojo's bizarre adventures Un-implicates With Meme

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

True A LOT of them are but, Saying every single one posted
and to be posted is a meme is just not true, ya know?

They could be references, Fanart, Homages, and so on.
Feels like Meme is too strict of a tag to use on a whole
series and its fan base, Dood

Sweet, Glad it got sorted out!

And Gotcha on the mistake biz,
Thought I really had to make a case for the
series not being a meme altogether.


Yeah, I had made a mistake in my decision to submit that implication (hence why topic #28212 has the un-implication request for meme -> jojo's_bizarre_adventure).

At the time, I incorrectly figured that the implication would work for the series (considering how meme-worthy the franchise is), as well as some other tag implications on that BUR which may not be meme-worthy (as recently described on topic #27063). I'll probably resubmit the BUR from topic #27806 sometime soon, and when I do I'll also add some un-implication requests for these not-so-meme-worthy tags.

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