You might have noticed that I have been writing a lot of lengthy Bulk Update Requests lately. My university had its final exams last week and I got bored out of my mind. I didn't have anything better to do, so I tried to contribute to the site as well as I can.
However, some of them received vocal opposition that was not completely unjustified, and it made me realize that I still do not comprehend exactly how e621 actually works - that is, I am not 100% sure how to help in a way that doesn't mess something up.
I had four ideas that I wrote down a while ago and was going to write BURs tomorrow, but now I would like to receive confirmation from you (yes, YOU! post #82731) that it should actually be done and that it would benefit the site. I ask experienced users and staff to consider the following (and share your thoughts):
- alias exotic_* -> unusual_*
Reason: The aliases exotic_genital -> unusual_genitalia/exotic_dick -> unusual_penis/exotic_vulva -> unusual_pussy are currently active, but the tags exotic_pupils and unusual_pupils coexist (et cetera).
If you believe that I should write this BUR, please explain how to avoid making it overdetailed or underdetailed. If you believe that I should not, please explain why as well.
- unalias heart_* -> <3_*
Reason: Currently heart_* tags and <3_* tags coexist, but some of the former are aliased to their latter counterpart and vice versa. Eventually, e621 will have to pick a side, and I believe that moving away from emoticons is better for parsing purposes.
If you believe that I should write this BUR, please explain how to avoid making it overdetailed or underdetailed. If you believe that I should not, please explain why as well.
- I have also noticed that <3_pupils is aliased to <3_eyes. However, in my opinion, this should not be the case. post #1938451 features what I would call "heart eyes" while post #2520012 features what I would call "heart pupils". They are different enough to deserve separation. I plan to make a BUR around "symbol" eyes and pupils in general.
If you believe that I should write this BUR, please explain how to avoid making it overdetailed or underdetailed. If you believe that I should not, please explain why as well.
- Last but not least, @TheGreatWolfgang made a suggestion in the "Meta Tags Yearsourcing" thread about aliasing years to centuries (for example, aliasing everything from 1301 to 1400 to 14th_century) that I found interesting. @Clawstripe disagreed and offered the argument that century tags are used for lore purposes instead of meta purposes. However, the wikis seem to suggest that they should be used for meta purposes. While the current usage does seem to skew towards lore, I believe that it should follow the wiki definition and suggest a tagging project to clean up. Then, I will write BURs to alias away time periods as agreed by everyone here.
If you believe that I should write this BUR, please explain how to avoid making it overdetailed or underdetailed. If you believe that I should not, please explain why as well.
Thank you for reading this wall of text (if you just skipped to the end, I'm going to be very sad) and for your guidance/constructive criticism/not calling me bad names (hopefully).
So, should I just chill out and take a rest or keep on writing?
Update: New idea
- alias bloody_* -> blood_on_*