Topic: Tag Implication: licking_lips -> tongue_out

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

At first I was gonna say "What about when they're licking their lips with their tongue just barely out? Should tongue_out be tagged if there's hardly any tongue?" But then I searched for that and couldn't really find it... so you get my vote, lol.

Updated by anonymous

Ah, that's actually a valid point you have there. But like you said, 99.5% of licking_lips looks more or less like this:

post #543947


So that seems enough to warrant the implication.

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
...that seems enough to warrant the implication.

Totally agree!

Jugofthat said:

post #543947

... *shudder*

Updated by anonymous

Jugofthat said:
Ah, that's actually a valid point you have there. But like you said, 99.5% of licking_lips looks more or less like this:

post #543947


Tokaido said:
... *shudder*

I don't even have to look; I know this has got to be Ponymouth.

April 13 Edit: I'm making a note here without bumping the thread because this is a pretty minor change.

Implication deleted because licking already implies tongue_out.

Updated by anonymous

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