Today's world is crammed full of social and sexual preference labels even job applications I fill out ask me if I'm straight, gay, bisexual, or unsure. I often have feminine opinions/mannerisms and dislike hanging out with other men. Being a feminine guy and putting extra effort towards respecting women has caused me a lot of social grief. I've always been fond of tomboys but when I show interest in any female not a girly girl friends and family show great disapproval concerning my interests.
You can choose your friends and I've drifted away from nearly all of my guy friends but my family still disapproves. Telling me I'll never produce children (which I have not interest in making) or all masculine women are lesbians and I should stick with socializing with normal girls. I love the idea of a girl displaying a masculine role socially this opinion often leads people to believe I like guys and am embarrassed by it or am bisexual. I really get uncomfortable and frustrated being labeled like this, I have zero interest in other men and never have. Is there a new social/sexual preference term I can call myself to avoid confusion in social situations or am I doomed to be misunderstood?