Topic: Social Lable questions

Posted under General

Today's world is crammed full of social and sexual preference labels even job applications I fill out ask me if I'm straight, gay, bisexual, or unsure. I often have feminine opinions/mannerisms and dislike hanging out with other men. Being a feminine guy and putting extra effort towards respecting women has caused me a lot of social grief. I've always been fond of tomboys but when I show interest in any female not a girly girl friends and family show great disapproval concerning my interests.
You can choose your friends and I've drifted away from nearly all of my guy friends but my family still disapproves. Telling me I'll never produce children (which I have not interest in making) or all masculine women are lesbians and I should stick with socializing with normal girls. I love the idea of a girl displaying a masculine role socially this opinion often leads people to believe I like guys and am embarrassed by it or am bisexual. I really get uncomfortable and frustrated being labeled like this, I have zero interest in other men and never have. Is there a new social/sexual preference term I can call myself to avoid confusion in social situations or am I doomed to be misunderstood?

dust12 said:
Today's world is crammed full of social and sexual preference labels even job applications I fill out ask me if I'm straight, gay, bisexual, or unsure. I often have feminine opinions/mannerisms and dislike hanging out with other men. Being a feminine guy and putting extra effort towards respecting women has caused me a lot of social grief. I've always been fond of tomboys but when I show interest in any female not a girly girl friends and family show great disapproval concerning my interests.
You can choose your friends and I've drifted away from nearly all of my guy friends but my family still disapproves. Telling me I'll never produce children (which I have not interest in making) or all masculine women are lesbians and I should stick with socializing with normal girls. I love the idea of a girl displaying a masculine role socially this opinion often leads people to believe I like guys and am embarrassed by it or am bisexual. I really get uncomfortable and frustrated being labeled like this, I have zero interest in other men and never have. Is there a new social/sexual preference term I can call myself to avoid confusion in social situations or am I doomed to be misunderstood?

I personally don't worry about labels regarding sexuality and preferences, I'm a girl, the stuff I like and do aren't very "feminine" according to society in general, I interact with anyone I feel like when they get my interests, and if family doesn't like it I just send them to hell xD (they are strict mormons, so you get an idea of how restrictive they can be, and how disapproving they can get).

I think people should just enjoy the way they are without worrying too much about labels, or what others thinks about it, as long you aren't hurting yourself or hurting others. I say, surround yourself with people of your kind, of people of your own interest, get close to them, and you will never worry about disapproval and labeling problems.

(Also I think feminine bois are very cute uwu ~)

blitzdrachin said:
I personally don't worry about labels regarding sexuality and preferences, I'm a girl, the stuff I like and do aren't very "feminine" according to society in general, I interact with anyone I feel like when they get my interests, and if family doesn't like it I just send them to hell xD (they are strict mormons, so you get an idea of how restrictive they can be, and how disapproving they can get).

I think people should just enjoy the way they are without worrying too much about labels, or what others thinks about it, as long you aren't hurting yourself or hurting others. I say, surround yourself with people of your kind, of people of your own interest, get close to them, and you will never worry about disapproval and labeling problems.

(Also I think feminine bois are very cute uwu ~)

Thanks very much for your reply, I suppose after this world crisis is over I can just try socializing with people that don't assume one way or another.

dust12 said:
Is there a new social/sexual preference term I can call myself to avoid confusion in social situations or am I doomed to be misunderstood?

No matter what there's going to be somebody misunderstanding you.
I'm not the best person to be handing out advice but I think it's important to not worry too much about "fitting in" with any labels.

dust12 said:
I love the idea of a girl displaying a masculine role socially this opinion often leads people to believe I like guys and am embarrassed by it or am bisexual.

(Don't take anything I say here as definite fact. I am confusing and hard to understand.)
Collective-social image is complex as heck, and I think what causes a lot of this is the entanglement of aesthetics, tangible utility (visible traits), and intangible utility (mental/social traits) to form a singular Platonic Ideal for what it means to be Masculine or Feminine. It feels like what's happening here is that because your personal preferences don't match The Social Ideal, people applying only one level of Yes/No logic might conclude that what you like is the opposite of that ideal.
I think the most important thing to do is not internalise those misunderstandings. Worrying or trying to explain it to most people will require a lot of thought and energy that you're probably better off spending on something more enjoyable.
Family issues are a little trickier and will probably never go away entirely, but you could try to reach a level of independence where their opinions no longer impact your day-to-day living. Just don't hurt yourself by rushing to cut yourself loose too early.