What porn/erotic piece and/or creator do you keep watching/reading/playing in a non-sexual manner? It doesn't necessarily have to be "porn with plot" works, though those would catch eyes. Smut can also be included, though that would be hard (heh) to express analytically.
I added "non-sexual manner" because this thread would close if this is littered with "I always fap to [erotic work]."
Here are mine:
- Coming Out On Top: (Aside from hunky dudes, there're hilarious moments like the main character breaking off the fourth wall if you don't make him come out as gay, and the bicycle ride ine route)
- Human Cargo (Hunky dudes, expressive worldbuilding even if the setting is compacted on a spaceship, I got impressed by a futuristic kitchen beneath that technobabble)
- Sudonym's Wrasslin' (Big hunky dudes (yeah, I'm into those) wrestling and having casual conversation during and after wrestling in both parts)
- BGN's artworks (I like his artstyle with that painterly effect (pretty sure I'm getting influence from him sometimes in coloring), and the slice-of-lifey stuff of his OCs)
- Husky92 (Lovely monochromatic ink work, hunky dudes, his "Swords and Fangs" comic was one heck of an emotional ride)
- Oglaf (I keep reading this, it's a beautiful blend of smut and humor)