Tagging inaccuracies is something that has been around forever, on e621
Many assumptions have been formed as to why this is the case. Most would assume that those who tag wrongly, are either stupid or uninformed about what they are doing. But it would seem that most people forget that this site can be accessed across the globe and that there are many people from many different languages that upload and tag things. In this sense, it would seem as though things are tagged incorrectly because an individual's language does not translate a word or phrase in a manner that is consistent with how it is understood in English. Luckily e621 has a wiki that defines a large number of commonly used tags. But it would seem that a majority of people do not care or read the Wikipedia pages, and sometimes fail to understand the information provided. Whether this be by misinformation or the thumbnail not clearly showing the tag at hand. Therefore I find that some of the major tags and misused tags are a result of translation failings, the lackluster clarity and format in wiki pages, and what I believe to be an additional lack of user-friendliness.
Wiki Formating and the changes necessary
In these sections, the faults of language translation and the benefits of simplicity have been heavily considered
Clarity in the Wikis
Aesthetic simplification
Example images
Currently, thumbnails have no way to be made bigger, smaller, or specifically oriented on a page. This is almost self-defeating in functionality, as while they may link to the actual image, they are often used as a quick representation of what a tag should be related to. However, it is often that these images are blurry and impractical when trying to differentiate similar tags. For instance, if a user thumbnailed images tagged with medium_breast and big_breast, some people (including myself) can and will find it hard to point out all the differences. There are even some instances where the details of a thumbnail can no longer be identified, thereby diminishing the ability to be used practically. With a few examples being things such as necklace, anything within tag group:piercing, jewlery, smile, spots, and the coloration of the sclera. So while thumbnails may provide a universal explanation of what a tag is alluding to, the effectiveness of thumbnails are nullified when smaller more detail orientated things are involved. Simply the thumbnail issue can be seen in a manner that is most similar to how taggers view thumbnails, "There isn't enough visible details to tag everything fully and accurately".
While most descriptions do a decent job of explaining what a tag is, it is too often that this is achieved by over-explaining them. Creating big text walls that can and will turn heads away, even if the information is useful. Therefore, I feel it should be mandatory to keep descriptions down to 2 - 5 sentences. Not only that but boldening keywords should be prioritized to appease those who skim through the text, much in the way google does when searching for information. This isn't something that can be heavily monitored but it can be hinted at within the style and formatting section.
The Not to be confused section
The Not to be confused section is a vital part of mitigating confusion on the site, but with the current tagging format, it has made it difficult to accentuate what is and is not related. For instance, leggings is a highly misused tag that is applied to one image out of every 3 to 8 pages visited, with only leggings in the search bar. I feel that for those tags that are highly misused, it should be imperative that the Not be confused with the section be place on the top of its wiki page. This being done so long as a tag has more than 70% of its tags improperly applied. Because for a lot of taggers, it is annoying to see that people keep changing your fixes back to the incorrect tag.
Below are laid out exmaples of the desired changes
Format for tags with ≤ 30% innaccuracies:
- Example Image
- Description
- External links
- Not to be confused with section
- Related tags
- See also
Format for tags with ≥ 70% innaccuracies:
- Description
- External references [ For clarification ]
- Example Images
- External example image links
- Related tags
- See also
Related tags
Related tags are fine, though users should be able to also include tags that are aliased or implicated, as some people do not understand what those two words mean. I mention this as I was once informed that I was cluttering things up when in actuality I was trying to make it more clear for myself and others who I felt that shared this trouble. So this would not be a redundant proclamation to most wiki pages, as it makes it easier to identify what is related to a tag rather than leaving someone scratching their head about whatever the hell aliased or implicated means. As in some languages aliased and implication translate to being the same thing, despite not being as such.
External links
External links can be the key to solving a lot of misconceptions about tags, especially clothing. However, the current format forbids users for linking to images even if they are extremely helpful and provide a clearer visual representation in contrast to the very small and often blurry thumbnails. I know that while users can link to the images within other Wikipedia pages it is sometimes that they do not have an image that best describes what a tag means. Such as the case for most clothing tags.
Examples of usefulness:
- The following hyperlinks will show the difference between silver and grey ... Though techinically speaking silver falls within the grey spectrum [ see here ]
I understand this is a rule because of site security and that they could be abused, but with it being so helpful. Especially since a large number of Wikipedia pages do not use images from other wikis, but rather they list source them at the bottom of the page.
Forum discussion links
Should be removed from the wiki page if a consensus is reached
See also
Should be left alone
Other suggestions
- This may be my OCD but I think it would be nice if there was a line that split the tag from the information much in the way that other wiki's do. As currently, the wiki pages look unfinished and ill-formatted despite their only being a few small problems at hand.
- Wikis that cover the size of a characters body part or parts should have images showing the difference, but with small thumbnails this is can be problematic for some things.
User Friendliness
While explained well their have been numerous instances where people have edited wikis or left comments with incomplete or outright broken Dtext. The solution to this is complicated, because of language barriers and different forms of understanding info.
Note: If the changes to thumbnails are considered, please include a way to make them bigger or smaller.
Content Warnings
While sound warning is a meta tag, it is classified as an artist tag, which confuses people. But while it is understood that people's hearing is valuable, it would be better to throw this tag above the artist section with a new lime green category known as "content warnings" which could also serve to list epilepsy_warning as well.
This is more for an extra foot in the legal game if someone tries to use "I wasn't aware" as an excuse in the event that someone tries to sue the site for hearing problems or other damages related to seizures
Old version: The following tags implicate this tag: [ implicated tags here ]
New Version: The following tags implicate this tag: [ implicated tags here ]
As most people are not open to sitting down and reading rules, this is a small change that could help countless users who want to understand what aliased means in the current statement " The following tags implicate this tag "
"A single link can do wonders sometimes"
Old version: The following tags are aliased to this tag: [ aliased tags here ]
New Version: The following tags are aliased to this tag: [ aliased tags here ]
As most people are not open to sitting down and reading rules, this is a small change that could help countless users who want to understand what aliased means in the current statement " The following tags are aliased to this tag "
"A single link can do wonders sometimes"