Topic: Should I post more?

Posted under General

I want to post a lot of good art I have found that’s from deviantart and Instagram and so on, but I’m scared about the posting limit. I really want to be the type of people on here that only post pictures of art they found, and eventually my art one day. I’m scared that once I reach the limit I will be banned from posting forever. (unless a post gets deleted and then I upload a new one)
I have already talked to a mod about this but they didn’t give me much detail (sorry if you’re reading this, but thank you though)

nostalgiarabbit said:
I want to post a lot of good art I have found that’s from deviantart and Instagram and so on, but I’m scared about the posting limit. I really want to be the type of people on here that only post pictures of art they found, and eventually my art one day. I’m scared that once I reach the limit I will be banned from posting forever. (unless a post gets deleted and then I upload a new one)
I have already talked to a mod about this but they didn’t give me much detail (sorry if you’re reading this, but thank you though)

The post limit is just the number of posts you can have pending approval at any given time. When an image is posted to this site, it initially gets uploaded in a kind of probationary state, where one of the janitors/staff members will review it and decide whether it belongs here or not. If somebody decides that it does, it gets approved, and you get one post opening back on your post limit. If you upload enough images that end up getting approved, your maximum post limit will actually go up, allowing you to have more images pending approval at any given time.


Former Staff

You should absolutely post more.
Make sure that:
- The art is good (meets "minimum artistic standards")
- The artist is not on the DNP list
- The images you want to upload are not present on the site already
- If no images by that artist have been posted yet, ask for their permission

Uploading Guidelines would be a good place to start regardless.

I myself have done a "speed-run" of sorts. Details are in my profile, but the gist is: 1000 posts over the course of 8 days and 20 hours. Of those, only 8 were deleted, and all of those were my mistakes - uploaded inferior or duplicate versions. Almost all of the posts were approved within a couple of days at worst, within a couple hours at best. My upload limit quickly rose to the point where it's no longer something to be worried about.

Like what the others have already said, things you should take note is:

  • Artists must not be on the DNP list.
  • Posts must not be on the Avoid Posting list.
  • Posts must adhere to the uploading guidelines.
  • Posts must not be previously deleted content (check status:deleted for the artist).
  • Posts must be of the highest possible quality released to the public. Ensure that you have exhaustively checked every single gallery of the artist and have gotten the best quality possible (see sites and sources for ideal sources).

Additional point that is recommended to have (but not compulsory):

  • Have the permissions from everybody involved. This includes: the artists (who created the work), the commissioners (who paid for the work), and the character owners (who are featured in the work).
    • This is common courtesy if you want to repost someone else's work elsewhere, NOT asking for permissions can run the risk of your post getting taken down by them and/or the artist ending up on the DNP list.
    • This also opens up the possibility of (politely) asking from them for the original resolution of their works (ensuring best quality).


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