Topic: Why is the order of sets always changing?

Posted under General

The order in which sets are shwon when you choose add to set through button at options or at mode continuously changes. It's pretty annoying.


Former Staff

agiant said:
The order in which sets are shwon when you choose add to set through button at options or at mode continuously changes. It's pretty annoying.

No specific reason, as far as I know.
/posts_sets/for_select.json is populated by simply looking up sets with your user ID, and it's not ordered in any way. So the sets are listed in the order they are retrieved, which is somewhat unpredictable.


Former Staff

agiant said:
:( Oh man.
Anyways, thank you for the explanation.

No problem.
In my opinion, the sets in that list should be ordered by date - most recently modified on top. But I don't really know the site's database structure, so I can't tell how difficult that would be to implement.

bitwolfy said:
No problem.
In my opinion, the sets in that list should be ordered by date - most recently modified on top. But I don't really know the site's database structure, so I can't tell how difficult that would be to implement.

Having it consistent is the main point. I would be happy with your option, too, but also if they wouldn't change would already make so much better. IMO having the possibility to choose their order would be best, following alphabetic or your idea, then chronologically and lastly having just not change

It looks like it's ordered alphabeticaly now (or it's hell of a coincidence). Thank you for that :)