Topic: Blocking A Pool

Posted under General

Can it be done? There's a few pool's I'd rather not see the contents thereof in my search results but blocking the artist would be rather extreme and there is no unique keywords in the submission's that would make it work.

I would guess that adding "pool:[insert pool id #]" to your blacklist as you would a tag, ought to work. Never tried it before, though, so don't quote me on that...

jacob said:
I would guess that adding "pool:[insert pool id #]" to your blacklist as you would a tag, ought to work. Never tried it before, though, so don't quote me on that...

Nope, that don't work, unless I'm not entering it right.


And no dice on any combo.

strikerman said:
Using the name of the pool itself might work? So in that case, pool:Sweet_Sting_3:_Honey_Pot

Nope, tried also just using each of the title parts in combo and alone.

I'm not sure if blocking a pool is an option, but ahve you tried writting in a separated line:

''Artist_name, stuff_you_don't_like_from_the_pool''

blitzdrachin said:
I'm not sure if blocking a pool is an option, but ahve you tried writting in a separated line:

''Artist_name, stuff_you_don't_like_from_the_pool''

Does not work either.

Nice thought though.

blitzdrachin said:
I'm not sure if blocking a pool is an option, but ahve you tried writting in a separated line:

''Artist_name, stuff_you_don't_like_from_the_pool''

Commas are not currently supported AFAIK (and it was only as a result of a glitch that they ever worked)

savageorange said:
Commas are not currently supported AFAIK (and it was only as a result of a glitch that they ever worked)

Well, shoot, that did it then, artist and one of the submission tags without the comma, poof, pool is now pseudo-blacklisted.