Topic: Can't escape global blacklist and images dont appear because of proxy

Posted under General

I use proxy to get into this site. Never has been a problem until recently. Suddenly in pretty much every proxy I have used the images in this site don't show up whatsoever. The "I am 18 or older" tab appears and the site is there but 0 images. Only one proxy that I have used actually shows me the images, but I can't login while using that proxy because it returns an unexpected error. (Return ID:0) Some of my favorite stuff in this site is now globally blacklisted and I have no way of getting around that. Any help?

Is it a problem with your browser itself? The update made it so you need to use a Java-enabled browser to see images now.

furrin_gok said:
Is it a problem with your browser itself? The update made it so you need to use a Java-enabled browser to see images now.

Ah yes, more javascript. That's what everyone needs.

you'll need to tell us more about these proxies you're trying to use; normally you wouldn't expect a http proxy to be interfering with the content served.
you could also try using VPN instead.

But sir, Java support is ending in all browsers. *panic mode engaged*
Oh, you mean Javascript. Nevermind!

Seriously though, try SSH/puTTY's -D flag with one of the cheap Linux virtual private servers. I agree it's kind of lame that basic functionality of HTML is getting reinvented in JS-only version. No fallback, because hey, it works on my machine.

@Furrin Gok
I can see the images on Croxyproxy so I am led to assume the browser works just fine.
Croxyproxy allows me to see the images but won't let me login. Just about every other proxy I tried won't see images at all, although I just tried it on proxysite, hidemyass, and hidester. If there is a proxy that lemme login and see images that would fix the issue.
Sorry, I don't understand what you are talking about. Can you explain to me in simpler terms? How accessible is the thing you are talking about?

For a second, I thought you were asking about the dumb joke about Java and Javascript, hehe. Similar names for historical reasons.

SSH daemon (AKA a background program/service) is common on Linux or BSD machines. What it does is let you create a secure connection to that machine, and act as if you were in fact on that machine. So you can use the "SOCKS" option of your browser to use it as a proxy. See: And if you have more questions about getting that working, I'll probably answer as soon as I come back and check. Anyways, it's pretty accessible and easy to use. It's available on almost any server you rent, and you can use puTTY if you're on a Windows box, or the built-in commands on Linux distros.

BTW, SSH is very very versatile, as alluded to in that article. You can do pretty much anything that involves making one machine appear as another. Not just browsing, but copying files, entering commands, starting and stopping programs, redirecting video(X11 or VNC), and so on. It's a tool that is very powerful, and you really should secure it properly if you're running a Linux server.

pink_party_pony said:
Just about every other proxy I tried won't see images at all, although I just tried it on proxysite, hidemyass, and hidester.

at least one of those (hidemyass) is a VPN rather than a proxy -- if you still can't see images in that case, it's most likely your browser that's the problem. (when connected to the VPN) the first thing to try is disabling javascript; in firefox that's about:configjavascript.enabled = false; in other browsers i don't know, you haven't told us which browser you're using