Topic: Missing features from the old site

Posted under General

I think it would be handy if we had a thread just dedicated to this. I'll start:

  • The little "+" and "-" next to tags that would auto add them to your search
  • Being able to collapse the blacklisted tag list on the side
  • Text formatting shortcuts

Is there anything else any of you guys have noticed?

  • When adding a post to a set, the last set you've added something to used to be the default selection. I have no idea what the logic is now, and it may be a bug.
  • The link to your sets on your Profile page
  • "Safe" "Questionable" and "Explicit" used to be different colors
  • The list of users who have favorited a post
  • The uploader listed on the post (now there's no easy way to know if the uploader is the artist)
  • The recently added Notes page The link to the Notes page is no longer on the header, and the page works completely differently now, but it still exists.

Probably countless other things

Also some restrictions have been added:

  • Caps have been added to various things like how many favorites you can have
  • Some pictures cannot be viewed without logging in, based on it's tags
  • There's now a default blacklist for new users, rather than it being blank at first


Page names being customizable. I used to have the artist's name first, now I'm stuck with "Character X, Character Y, drawn (because as we all know e621 only hosts drawn content) by Artist

crocogator said:

  • The link to your sets on your homepage

I presume you mean 'on your profile' and 'the complete absence of any link'?
If you mean the account page, the 'My sets' link seems to work normally.

  • The list of users who have favorited a post

Probably permanently removed; the 'intentional changes' thread explains why.

  • The recently added Notes page

Which page do you mean? seems to work normally. It's just not in the top bar any more.

  • Some pictures cannot be voted without logging in, based on it's tags

.. Implying that other pictures CAN be voted without logging in?

I don't remember ever being able to do that TBH.

EDIT: here's one I found:

  • date restriction on comment search is not obviously present (as compared to the previous interface, which had a Date field with a calendar selection widget)


savageorange said:
I presume you mean 'on your profile' and 'the complete absence of any link'?
If you mean the account page, the 'My sets' link seems to work normally.

Yeah, profile page. I guess it was redundant anyways

Which page do you mean? seems to work normally. It's just not in the top bar any more.

Ok, I guess it was a change rather than a removal. It used to be thumbnails, kind of like a search result, but now it's a list.

.. Implying that other pictures CAN be voted without logging in?

I don't remember ever being able to do that TBH.

I meant "viewed". My phone auto-corrected me. Like, searching "scat" would return a message that you need to log in to view the results.


Search bar auto complete. Previously it would just use browser caching to auto complete based on the most used strings you've used. Now it doesn't remember them, so any time you want to look up a specific filter, you need to write it in each time. This gets increasingly annoying when you search for multiple filters each time you visit the site.

demesejha said:
Tag history seems to be gone. Was a very useful feature. Either that or I cant see it on mobile.

I'm on an iPad and I see tag history fine.

There’s no difference between webm and gifs on thumbnails anymore

Witch is incredibly annoying for iOS users as those can’t be played on these

I think you used to be able to see the role someone had, like member, janitor, etc... But currently I can't see that without going to a profile. I'd like to be able to easily see that again.

- Score on comments written / recieved on the profile pages missing
- The "Fav" button has no colour anymore
- Better pool and parent / child post navigation in the previous version
- The option to sort tags by alphabet and not categories can not be found (maybe just me)

Everything listed here as missing has been added to the pile of features that that we need, thank you all for your contributions.

matirion said:
I think you used to be able to see the role someone had, like member, janitor, etc... But currently I can't see that without going to a profile. I'd like to be able to easily see that again.

There's an option in your account settings that colors them based on rank. But yeah, we should add the account rank level as a word back again as well.

dolphinpainus said:
Search bar auto complete. Previously it would just use browser caching to auto complete based on the most used strings you've used. Now it doesn't remember them, so any time you want to look up a specific filter, you need to write it in each time. This gets increasingly annoying when you search for multiple filters each time you visit the site.

Bookmark each search instead. Since the search string is part of the URL that should work; at least it does for me with my link to e621 going straight to my preferred search terms.

quacking_quackling said:
No numbered pages in your favorites, just "Next" and "Previous".
Also order of picures are messed up tottaly.

Oh that's a nightmare.

Also, just clicking reply on your message... sent me to the top of this page and I had to scroll all the way down to be able to actually type this. That is definitely on the needs-to-be-fixed list.

The most annoying change for me, not sure if it was intentional or not, was that new Favorites don't go directly to the end of your faves list. Now, they get added into your faves list at various points. Not sure if it has to do with date or what but its really annoying that they don't appear at the very end like before.

rustysteele said:
The most annoying change for me, not sure if it was intentional or not, was that new Favorites don't go directly to the end of your faves list. Now, they get added into your faves list at various points. Not sure if it has to do with date or what but its really annoying that they don't appear at the very end like before.

It's more than likely not intentional. There is a hefty list of examples of site functions not working properly yet. Feel free to report them here. It's easier to fix them that way.

I'm missing the one thing I used a lot, the "Comments on my posts" tab. I used it to check who commented on, well, the stuff I post, it's borderline imposible to track comments without it.

Please bring it back, or tell me where it went if you guys moved it 'w' ""

asbel said:
I'm missing the one thing I used a lot, the "Comments on my posts" tab. I used it to check who commented on, well, the stuff I post, it's borderline imposible to track comments without it.

Please bring it back, or tell me where it went if you guys moved it 'w' ""

I see that the uploader's name has been intentionally removed from the post's page, is this going to be a temporary or a permanent thing?

thegreatwolfgang said:
I see that the uploader's name has been intentionally removed from the post's page, is this going to be a temporary or a permanent thing?

I think they're going to make it only show up in history, so there's still a button you can click to see it, because it was hitting a query Every Single Time for that. I guess they profiled it and realized it was a huge portion of their load. XD

Blocking it entirely would suck, because I use it sometimes to find related uploads.

quacking_quackling said:
No numbered pages in your favorites, just "Next" and "Previous".
Also order of picures are messed up tottaly.

This is the main issue I have. Your favorites used to be ordered by when you "favorited" them. Meaning it didn't matter how long ago the image was posted, if you favorite it, it will show as the most recent image in your favorites. Now it seems to be ordered by upload date.

As for the missing page numbers, if you hit "search" on the search bar in your favorites then the page numbers will show up as normal.

alphamule said:
I think they're going to make it only show up in history, so there's still a button you can click to see it, because it was hitting a query Every Single Time for that. I guess they profiled it and realized it was a huge portion of their load. XD

Blocking it entirely would suck, because I use it sometimes to find related uploads.

Yeah, I've also noticed that. The devs seem to want to decrease server load by cutting a lot of "unnecessary information" from the post's page like the list of people who have fav-ed the post. But if the whole reason in removing it from the main page was to decrease server load, wouldn't it also make sense to remove the approver's name as well?

From the way I see it, having the uploader's name (together with the approver's) loaded together with the post is not a feature I would forgo as irrelevant information. It provides some form of accountability and shows who is the person that uploaded this post, be it from an official artist or a random person.

I'm pretty sure I'm never going to see if/when people send me blips now that they're no longer on the profile page.

dangitusernames said:
I think it would be handy if we had a thread just dedicated to this. I'll start:

  • The little "+" and "-" next to tags that would auto add them to your search
  • Being able to collapse the blacklisted tag list on the side
  • Text formatting shortcuts

Is there anything else any of you guys have noticed?

I can no longer search my favorites. I miss this already. Also, resizing images??

My biggest beef thus far is webm/video posts don't seem to remember the audio level any more. Each one starts maxed out on volume regardless of changes. At least they don't auto play on top of that, but still...

Edit: Also not being able to distinguish between animated gifs and videos from the thumbnail at a glance is a little annoying.

alphamule said:
I think they're going to make it only show up in history, so there's still a button you can click to see it, because it was hitting a query Every Single Time for that. I guess they profiled it and realized it was a huge portion of their load. XD

That's almost certainly not the reason for that, seeing as a single page load will query the database (or cache) tens or hundreds of times anyway - loading a single username will make no appreciable difference in loads. In fact, just the comments alone will be loading possibly hundreds of usernames. They mentioned on another page that 'most people don't care who uploaded an image' (which I don't think is a valid reason to remove it entirely...)

- Settings page no longer has "Sort" or "Clean & Sort" buttons for the blacklist.
- There's no longer an option to not display avatars entirely (though custom CSS offers an alternative path: .author .post-thumbnail { display: none; })

"Favorites" page no longer has a search bar in the top left.

Was useful for being able to search through your favorites (fav:username +tags), now you have to navigate to a page with a search bar to do so.

tonylemur said:
That's almost certainly not the reason for that, seeing as a single page load will query the database (or cache) tens or hundreds of times anyway - loading a single username will make no appreciable difference in loads. In fact, just the comments alone will be loading possibly hundreds of usernames. They mentioned on another page that 'most people don't care who uploaded an image' (which I don't think is a valid reason to remove it entirely...)

That 'most people don't care' thing is insidious, too. Hide a feature until it's unused, then remove it because only people who've used it for years know about it or switched to other program if not able to get to it easily (say, hotkeys). Google is infamous for even getting rid of the hotkeys or shortcuts. :D

Logging in doesn't take you back to the URL you clicked the login button on. Not sure if the old site did this, but it would be handy.

I mention this as I just discovered I was logged out, although I don't think I closed my incognito window since last logging in. This suggests that the "Enable Roaming Support" checkbox needs to make a comeback.

I'd add pool access over the API to the list, although I'm quite sure this is already in the works right now

Hi! This is a pretty major point of feedback for the new changes.

You've removed your splash page and, with it, have decided to load users to a page featuring the most recent images. Unfortunately this means that users can't log in and have their blacklist settings respected until they've already seen the array of new images (many of which may otherwise be blacklisted by the user).

A good solution would be either to return the splash page or have the new images page upon the user's initial visit only load SFW.

mokimoki said:
Hi! This is a pretty major point of feedback for the new changes.

You've removed your splash page and, with it, have decided to load users to a page featuring the most recent images. Unfortunately this means that users can't log in and have their blacklist settings respected until they've already seen the array of new images (many of which may otherwise be blacklisted by the user).

A good solution would be either to return the splash page or have the new images page upon the user's initial visit only load SFW.

Right I just came here to mention I noticed the splash page is missing... Even as someone that doesn't blacklist a lot it makes me sad to not be able to look at the cute mascot art whenever I come to the site

Oh wait hold on I just thought of another feature that isn't here now that I've wanted to mention... Not as important as entire site functions like some stuff people mentioned, but I also miss the themes option. I really liked the colors and patterns in some of them

The color of edit mode and favorites mode have been swapped.
Right now favorites is yellow, it should be green.

dolphinpainus said:
Search bar auto complete. Previously it would just use browser caching to auto complete based on the most used strings you've used. Now it doesn't remember them, so any time you want to look up a specific filter, you need to write it in each time. This gets increasingly annoying when you search for multiple filters each time you visit the site.

There is a setting in advanced options.

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