How do I disable the mobile view?
There are multiple ways. The quickest (which also works without an account) is to scroll down to the bottom of the page and click "Disable mobile mode support".
The other option is to disable it in your (advanced) account settings, where it's called "Responsive Mode". Simply go to settings, click "Advanced", then disable responsive mode. Be sure to check the other settings as well, there's a few new items there that are pretty self explanatory.
How do I disable the gestures?
Second verse same as the first, in your account settings under advanced.
How do I get the old themes back?
You don't. Those are no longer compatible with the new site and had to be axed. Though we do want to bring them back one by one as soon as possible. However right now they're on the bottom of the list of things that need doing.
The current layout is terrible.
It will be improved and polished as time goes on. Getting the new codebase up and running had a higher priority than making it look pretty, simply because the old codebase was basically held together by wishes and duct tape, and was vulnerable to a few things on top of having atrocious performance.
If you're good at CSS have a look at this thread and feel free to provide feedback or CSS snippets, that'll help us get things polished that much quicker.
Change it back.
No. This is literally impossible to do as this was not a UI update at all, it was a full blown migration to an entirely new codebase. This decision was also not done lightly, but due to the ever growing pains of trying to keep the page functional on an entirely inadequate software for the sheer size of our page.
What is the plan for the near future?
Currently the plan is likely another day or two of critical bug fixing (we've identified a few more things that were working in the beta but magically aren't right now), and afterwards directly tackle the UI. We hope to have things much more consistent on all clients before next week is over.
So, what are the new features?
In short:
- maximum of 40 search terms at once
- no more length limit to the blacklist
- all pages load faster
- custom backdrop behind all submissions to ensure that transparency isn't letting our background color shine through, making transparent images easier to see.
- Lore tag to supplement TWYS (not yet fully set up due to me being busy collecting bug reports, but soon!)
- We're now Open Source