Topic: Remember when e621 was good?

Posted under General

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yflash said:
Remember when e621 was good?

It's never been good. It used to be better, before the mods started caving in to to all the complaints coming from butt hurt SJW's. Most of comments that that offended the crybabies, used to just get down voted. Now you'll receive infraction for anything, unless you're careful. I really do wish this site was good.

jeffreydahmer said:
It's never been good. It used to be better, before the mods started caving in to to all the complaints coming from butt hurt SJW's. Most of comments that that offended the crybabies, used to just get down voted. Now you'll receive infraction for anything, unless you're careful. I really do wish this site was good.

i can't take your post seriously when you unironically use "butt hurt SJW's" in 2020

It was good before Varka bought it.
Now we have all sorts of silly rules and such. We need a new booru.
Remember when it was an ''archive'' site?

I feel like any time someone complains about the site, it's generally just, "wow, rules are stinky, admins bad, any semblance of order bad, make no rules." I agree, sometimes the things people get infractions for are kinda bullshit, but how hard is it really to just abide by basic and relatively insignificant rules, and deal with it even if you dislike it?

Also, yeah, site looks freaky but I suppose we're all gonna have to get used to that. :/

onthehekkinbrink said:
I agree, sometimes the things people get infractions for are kinda bullshit, but how hard is it really to just abide by basic and relatively insignificant rules, and deal with it even if you dislike it?

Apparently, it's "too hard" for people to not be a dick, when it really isn't.

bootstrap said:
i can't take your post seriously when you unironically use "butt hurt SJW's" in 2020

What is the name you would prefer for the group of people who employ the trifecta of gaslighting, oppression narratives, and faux-outrage, mostly in pursuit of power and control? 'petty tyrants'? 'fake priests'? 'children in need of discipline'? Maoists or Stalinists?

If people would just ignore journalists and Twitter then we might not need a word (because being nasty in this particular manner would not have such a big payoff), but people do not in practice do that. As a result, we have seen some behaviour of this sort here (search historic threads on trans tags, keyword 'dickgirl', for example). Most recent example I've seen here on the forums -- within the last few weeks -- is an attempt to define the meaning of "trap" as exclusively and only a slur, rather than being a slur in *some* contexts.

I doubt the general claim that mods have 'caved to the butthurt SJWs', I doubt nostalgic narratives on general principle.. and I even doubt JeffreyDahmer's motives in constructing the narrative in such a way.. but it is clear that "SJW" points at a real group, whatever term you prefer to identify that group by.

(note: I prefer to use more precise terms personally, and admit the term 'SJW' is often abused, but I think it is dishonest, authoritarian, and fundamentally misguided to attempt to deprive others of it.)

MangoRabbo said:
it has been less than a day

+1. Because of the nature of this change, there's a lot of stuff which will just take time to iron out.
We probably won't get 100% of the features we used to have, but that doesn't mean things won't be overall better than previous e621.


You guys are aware there are plenty of sites that are like e621 and have more posts than e621 (because they allow human tags)... Right?

penguinfapper555 said:
You guys are aware there are plenty of sites that are like e621 and have more posts than e621 (because they allow human tags)... Right?


whoever decided to okay the switch to a literal alpha build of nuE6 before everything was prepared proper
clearly does not know what they are doing

edit: so something I've seen tossed around is to allow a copy of the old website running some place as an opt-in approach
unless the administration just doesn't have the resources to run a second server grabbing the main site's data

The old layout had so much personality to it. But I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and wait for more stuff to be added and fixed.

danjen said:
It was good before Varka bought it.
Now we have all sorts of silly rules and such. We need a new booru.
Remember when it was an ''archive'' site?

Make your own booru, call it "Anarchists-R-Us" or whatever. If you want the old site back, make it yourself. Don't expect someone to make it for you. Otherwise, just bite the bullet and move on.

savageorange said:
.. The database schema isn't even the same, so you can't just mirror the data.

Yeah... went digging through the Github repo to find that one out. Also found out the API and template changes weren't versioned either. Unless they want to lose a couple hours worth of uploads to roll back to a DB snapshot (assuming they have one), and roll the codebase back to whatever commit hash production was on, I don't see it happening.

Considering the consensus so far is that they are not going to revert anything, hopes of a tandem site running on prior templates/APIs are pretty much crushed.

I thought my cache needed to be cleared, but I'm glad that wasn't the case.

Personally, I felt that the old format was much nicer. However, this still isn't bad.

Added note: I like that when I go back to the Forums, everything still has "NEW" attached to threads I have not yet read. I hated that after reading the very top thread, the title's text would act as if I had already read them. That's a plus!

bootstrap said:
i can't take your post seriously when you unironically use "butt hurt SJW's" in 2020

Believe it or not, there are still butthurt SJWs in 2020. I know, it's shocking.

onthehekkinbrink said:
I feel like any time someone complains about the site, it's generally just, "wow, rules are stinky, admins bad, any semblance of order bad, make no rules." I agree, sometimes the things people get infractions for are kinda bullshit, but how hard is it really to just abide by basic and relatively insignificant rules, and deal with it even if you dislike it?

Also, yeah, site looks freaky but I suppose we're all gonna have to get used to that. :/

Okay whiteknight.

xideron_coldscale said:
Yeah... went digging through the Github repo to find that one out. Also found out the API and template changes weren't versioned either. Unless they want to lose a couple hours worth of uploads to roll back to a DB snapshot (assuming they have one), and roll the codebase back to whatever commit hash production was on, I don't see it happening.

Considering the consensus so far is that they are not going to revert anything, hopes of a tandem site running on prior templates/APIs are pretty much crushed.

It's worse than that. It's an entirely new codebase, none of the old templates were ever in the repo. I spent a bunch of time trying to make it look more like the old site. There was no changing the old site to look like it does now. It wasn't change for the sake of change. There is nothing to tandem or rollback here. It's just pushing forwards and fixing things.

bootstrap said:
i can't take your post seriously when you unironically use "butt hurt SJW's" in 2020

Butt hurt SJW's still exist in 2020, and there's a lot of them on this site, so... get over it?

kiranoot said:
It's worse than that. It's an entirely new codebase, none of the old templates were ever in the repo. I spent a bunch of time trying to make it look more like the old site. There was no changing the old site to look like it does now. It wasn't change for the sake of change. There is nothing to tandem or rollback here. It's just pushing forwards and fixing things.

May I ask why you are developing when you don't have a rollback? I mean, that's one of the very first things that should be made before making any sort of new changes. It's the first thing developers learn, especially in web development. Surely you should've saw an event like this happening, but was that not enough of an excuse to create a backup before implementing changes?

dolphinpainus said:
May I ask why you are developing when you don't have a rollback? I mean, that's one of the very first things that should be made before making any sort of new changes. It's the first thing developers learn, especially in web development. Surely you should've saw an event like this happening, but was that not enough of an excuse to create a backup before implementing changes?

We have a rollback/backup, but it isn't going to be used for this. It was if there was catastrophic deployment failure we could hot swap back to the old site and pull read only mode, not people are upset about the theme.

The intention of my statement was that because this is an entirely new codebase there isn't a way to move data between the two versions of the site quickly, and are on different infrastructure and database schemas.

BRUH since they took all the good stuff away I just hit up FurryBooru or this other site YO THIS BE THE SHIZZNIT RIGHT HERE!

kiranoot said:
We have a rollback/backup, but it isn't going to be used for this. It was if there was catastrophic deployment failure we could hot swap back to the old site and pull read only mode, not people are upset about the theme.

The intention of my statement was that because this is an entirely new codebase there isn't a way to move data between the two versions of the site quickly, and are on different infrastructure and database schemas.

Ok, it's good to know that there is a backup available. Going by the words of notmenotyou, it sounded like there was little to no feedback on this version of site when it was in alpha. Now that it's got everybody's attention in a bad way, feedback is being given, even if it's seen as aggressive or poor. It's just my opinion, even though it would be a lot a work, a rollback should happen. Not because of the poorly looking UI, but because of the bugs that are affecting the features of the site. Production shouldn't be the zone for beta testing. I understand that it was in a beta for a few months, but it's important to understand that the main users of the site had no clue that such an event is going on, and it's not their fault.

dolphinpainus said:
Ok, it's good to know that there is a backup available. Going by the words of notmenotyou, it sounded like there was little to no feedback on this version of site when it was in alpha. Now that it's got everybody's attention in a bad way, feedback is being given, even if it's seen as aggressive or poor. It's just my opinion, even though it would be a lot a work, a rollback should happen. Not because of the poorly looking UI, but because of the bugs that are affecting the features of the site. Production shouldn't be the zone for beta testing. I understand that it was in a beta for a few months, but it's important to understand that the main users of the site had no clue that such an event is going on, and it's not their fault.

Caveat to what I'm about to say: I'm not a developer nor do I have access to what was in production or the current production environment. I have only been digging through the codebase.

I was all for either a rollback or tandem service while the beta was still getting ironed out now that it's gotten more attention. However, seeing the work that has been put into the update, even as "unpolished" as it might seem, is substantial, both with what you do see and what you don't see. Along with that, the updates to the database schema were absolutely necessary, not just to support the new system, but to make the site more resilient and perform better. The new code's "got good bones" as they say, and like KiraNoot has said, the codebase is entirely different too.

It definitely needs some more polish and paint - I won't disagree there and from what I'm seeing the changes could have been better communicated outside the forums(I had no idea about any of this until today too), but I do think that with what we have now it will be much easier to return to what we had with, rather than the other way around. There are already folks digging into the CSS to try and get that old-style feel back (myself included), and it should be much easier to do so with this system than it would have ever been with the old system.

ccoyote said:
I told you! Oooooooooooold....

So I guess everyone nowadays is just a bad person, and you're the only good one right? You're the wisest one of all, you wish people were still as good as you. Your ego is incredible lmao.

As a rule, I refuse to use blacklist as there is absolutely nothing here that offends me...seriously, I only came here tonight to browse some nightmare_fuel to help me sleep so I can function at work tomorrow. Nothing, aside from the stupid wasteful effort to "update" the site.

fluffy_tail said:
So I guess everyone nowadays is just a bad person, and you're the only good one right? You're the wisest one of all, you wish people were still as good as you. Your ego is incredible lmao.

Get back under your rock, troll.

alecma said:
dont be impatient its just like no man skyes after some fixing the shit got gud

Hello Games had a redemption arc, but NMS didn't have any early access phase, so people couldn't have their true opinion of the game pre-release. The difference here is that we got that early access phase.

dragonlord2328 said:
I came on to find the site had changed hmm... i guess it did make me create an account though

Wait, did you have an account before the switch? Because all accounts still work.

foxybomb said:
Wait, did you have an account before the switch? Because all accounts still work.

Nope but i thought since the site was updated i should make a profile

jeffreydahmer said:
It's never been good. It used to be better, before the mods started caving in to to all the complaints coming from butt hurt SJW's. Most of comments that that offended the crybabies, used to just get down voted. Now you'll receive infraction for anything, unless you're careful. I really do wish this site was good.

It's true, and admins tells themselves he was 'trolling'. I feel like I'm unsafe just hitting submit now on any post now, which shouldn't be a thing. We have rights to opinions.

It sure is nice of them to remove anonymity from people who want to look at any of the blacklisted tags, thanks for forcing people to put an email to their porn habits, real cool doooooods!

lunacy said:
It's true, and admins tells themselves he was 'trolling'. I feel like I'm unsafe just hitting submit now on any post now, which shouldn't be a thing. We have rights to opinions.

The rules based on manners most people learn in preschool. If you're over 18 and still haven't learned them, then yes, you probably should think twice before posting. While you have a right to an opinion, you don't necessarily have the right to express it here without any consequences. That's how life works when you're a grown-up.

justloginlol said:
It sure is nice of them to remove anonymity from people who want to look at any of the blacklisted tags, thanks for forcing people to put an email to their porn habits, real cool doooooods!

No one's forcing you to stay.

yflash said:
Good times weren't they

It feelt like yesterday! - oh, wait a moment...

bootstrap said:
i can't take your post seriously when you unironically use "butt hurt SJW's" in 2020

What happens when SJWs don't get taken as serious threat can be seen in politics - here in Germany the 3 "good" parties (hyper moralists) reversed a democratic vote because the wrong party voted for the winner, who had to step back from government because the Antifa attacked him and threatened his family. Now the guy who got de-voted first takes the seat again.
(We already had such situations in the late 20's / early 30'S... we all know how that ended)

Social Justice leads to facism (mostly left), as other opinions are seen as inferior and they get oppressed. There is no irony that can be used to call SJWs out

ccoyote said:

No one's forcing you to stay.

Quite a dangerous advise - what if enough people would follow it? I often see it in context with online games, and there are some companies that didn't survive that

E621's been good for as long as I can remember using it, and I've been using it for quite a while. It's actually like the one website I know that has stayed not shit.

d4rk said:
Social Justice leads to facism.

What a load of intellectually lazy tripe that is.

Quite a dangerous advise - what if enough people would follow it?

Never happen. And honestly, given the kind of people who would leave, the site would be better off without them.

brokenscale said:
Very tempting at the rate things are going

Bye, then. Honestly, for me, it's all the complaining that detracts from the site, not the changes. The bugs will get fixed if people will just be patient instead of griping like a bunch of three-year-olds in need of naptime.

I hate when a website looks and works perfectly fine, but the designers decide to completely change it for no reason, usually making it harder to use for everyone.

The site isn't that bad IMO. In fact I think the benefits have outweighed the cons. I think the people who are most severely affected and have the most right to complain are the ones with incompatibility issues like mobile users, and ones who use browsers that don't yet work well with e621. The way I see it, the core functionality of the site still works, and a lot of the extra features are in a rough / buggy state.

  • You can search for 40 tags at once instead of 6.
  • e621 finally has a privacy option that prevents people from viewing your favorites.
  • Tag auto-completion support. Makes finding existing tags a breeze.
  • More comprehensive and integrated wiki diff comparer.
  • Default blacklist which some people wanted.

The design of the website is temporary and changes will be made to it. Aesthetics is going to be low priority until bugs are worked out.

LOL, the passive-aggressive condescension is strong here. Love it or leave it, right? >:)

Well, I actually thought the entire point of favorites was to not just bookmark them, but make them viewable. Got to admit that 80000 favorites is pointless, either way. Might as well have a shortcut to /posts, if you have that many.

Taken from an admin's page

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retsasidsavb said:
Taken from an admin's page...

Is there somewhere that explains what each section of that code does? I mean, the base64 is obviously embedded image, but rest? How did someone figure out exactly where to grab those variables?

Im not a fan of this new look. I miss my Bloodlust theme/spring setting. Im also not a fan that they brought back name changing history.

thevileone said:
The site isn't that bad IMO. In fact I think the benefits have outweighed the cons. I think the people who are most severely affected and have the most right to complain are the ones with incompatibility issues like mobile users, and ones who use browsers that don't yet work well with e621. The way I see it, the core functionality of the site still works, and a lot of the extra features are in a rough / buggy state.

  • You can search for 40 tags at once instead of 6.
  • e621 finally has a privacy option that prevents people from viewing your favorites.
  • Tag auto-completion support. Makes finding existing tags a breeze.
  • More comprehensive and integrated wiki diff comparer.
  • Default blacklist which some people wanted.

The design of the website is temporary and changes will be made to it. Aesthetics is going to be low priority until bugs are worked out.

The default blacklist is actually my biggest complaint. I'm sorry, but I really don't want to have to login just to be able to use the site as intended. Just makes the site that more cumbersome to use and another password to manage in the pile. Or at the very least, make an option for visitors to temporarily disable them.
Also, realistically, who's gonna be using 40 tags when searching? Nice to have the option, but that seems just a little excessive


Define when e621 was "good"?

If e621 from 2007-2010, then it's a hard pass for me. You'd be littered with unsourced art and be probably get blocked by Mellis for saying "Shark Week". Heck, I would have been blocked by then because I would've been underage at that time.

I'd say the e621 in the 2010s has its pros and cons for me.

I would say this change is bound to happen, especially that this layout is good for mobile users. Sure, the new e621 is crude and buggy now (it's the same thing that made me complain a bit about TVTropes back in 2018), but let's just see what happens.

untamed said:
The new site layout and the inability to revert back is giving me youtube vibes

I still use the old youtube layout :>

Wow, didn't expect this to blow up. Alright...

I still didnt check the site on PC, only on mobile. Currently, I think that if they fix the favorites order, then it will be alright. But I still prefer the old site layout nevertheless.

aperturemesa said:
I hate when a website looks and works perfectly fine, but the designers decide to completely change it for no reason, usually making it harder to use for everyone.

the old website wasn't responsive, which means it was objectively broken in comparison to 99% of the other sites on the internet, just pointing this out from my perspective as a professional web developer

iceink said:
the old website wasn't responsive, which means it was objectively broken in comparison to 99% of the other sites on the internet, just pointing this out from my perspective as a professional web developer

In what way was the old website ever not responsive? I never had issues with anything not functioning properly.

bleph said:
In what way was the old website ever not responsive? I never had issues with anything not functioning properly.

because that's not what 'responsive' means

iceink said:
because that's not what 'responsive' means

I'm well aware that a lack of responsiveness means things not reacting fast enough, or not responding at all.

So yes, it is what that means, and you should have been able to tell that's what I meant by "not functioning properly" by context, but more importantly I have never experienced either of those problems on this site.

bleph said:
I'm well aware that a lack of responsive means things not reacting fast enough, or not responding at all.

So yes, it is what that means, and you should have been able to tell that's what I meant by "not functioning properly" by context, but more importantly I have never experienced either of those problems on this site.

no sorry you're incorrect, responsive means when a website is able to scale it's content based on the viewport of a client, in a sense it is 'responding' to the scale dynamically

the old site was not developed to do this, so it was not responsive


iceink said:
no sorry, responsiveness means

...more than one thing, and I was clearly going off the normal definition. So no, responsiveness does also mean what I said, and it's pretty obvious where the confusion was.

You could have just answered my question instead of being snarky for no reason.

bleph said:
...more than one thing, and I was clearly going off the normal definition. So no, responsiveness does also mean what I said, and it's pretty obvious where the confusion was.

You could have just answered my question instead of being snarky for no reason.

you didn't ask any questions, you phrased what you said as a statement that was objectively incorrect, I just corrected it

iceink said:
you didn't ask any questions,

I asked the question:

bleph said:
In what way was the old website ever not responsive?

And then instead of telling me why it could be called not responsive, you just said "that's not what 'responsive' means", even though it is what responsive means under the more common definition of the word.

bleph said:
I asked the question:
And then instead of telling me why it could be called not responsive, you just said "that's not what 'responsive' means", even though it is what responsive means under the more common definition of the word.

I'm sorry you're not knowledgeable enough to argue with me about these things, but that doesn't mean I owe it to you to make it easier for you to understand when you try to contradict me on a subject I'm an expert in that you aren't familiar with the basics of.

IDK about all that fancy web design behind the scenes but it's not rocket science to me.

As it stands the old site was sleeker and easier on the eyes with minimal (but beneficial) styling. Everything about this new layout feels like it regressed five years further back in GUI design. Small touches like neat indents to mark breaks in categories or auto-hidden blacklist (because why be reminded of it when you're browsing a porn site), the way the comments sections are poorly visualized and broken apart by a mediocre light color scheme, it all adds up to be a sum total of everything feeling off and uncanny. It's just has none of the nice qualities that made the old e621 site easy on the eyes.

Whatever the changes are, it looks bad and inherently feels bad to parse and browse through. I'm certain this can change with time and additional care put into it but as far as I'm concerned the average end user sees very little direct benefit from most major changes as of now.

Maybe all the site needs is a few bevels and softer boxed colors like before and it'll feel roughly the same. But like I said, from a visual standpoint it's a pretty big step back. Seriously though, that favorite button has got to be one of the most archaic looking things I've seen in a long time.

iceink said:
I'm sorry you're not knowledgeable enough to argue with me about these things, but that doesn't mean I owe it to you to make it easier for you to understand when you try to contradict me on a subject I'm an expert in that you aren't familiar with the basics of.

I didn't start off trying to argue with you. I was asking a question in good faith to try to understand what you meant, because I know full well that I'm not knowledgeable about web design, and instead of either explaining or just not responding you decided to be insulting instead.

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