Please point out misleading, outdated, or broken documentation here so that they can be corrected.
Updated by Earlopain
Posted under General
Please point out misleading, outdated, or broken documentation here so that they can be corrected.
Updated by Earlopain
Not sure if this best fits here, but the discord link under news is broken, gives this error message.
An unexpected error occurred.
Log ID: f54f13ae-b810-4b4b-ab8d-d264c76b5d6d
kiranoot said:
Please point out misleading, outdated, or broken documentation here so that they can be corrected.
The first page of the tag Chastity_device, no posts are able to be seen
de-cat-pitated said:
Not sure if this best fits here, but the discord link under news is broken, gives this error message.An unexpected error occurred.
Log ID: f54f13ae-b810-4b4b-ab8d-d264c76b5d6d
It just kicks me back to the home page lol
All my sets are gone and I cannot put my sets back. Also my favorites list is now all mixed up and not in the order I added the posts in.
Never mind about the black listed tags, I found it. But my favorites list is all mixed up however.
The upload page was down for me for a little while, it works now but does not have a title.
The quick tagging buttons on the upload page look too similar when they are toggled and untoggled, depending on screen brightness and ambient lighting they can be hard to differentiate.
Also, I added the canine tag to a post and it didn't add the canid or mammal implications. Is this an error? I recall debate about overimplicating tags in the thread for the updated site beta.
The cheatsheet seems to be horribly broken:
{Hope i'm replying in the right place}
I'm unable to view my favorites. No pictures load, stays blank, though it says I have multiple pages. Happens with a friend, as well. Dunno if this belongs here, sorry.
Some posts (i.e. this one) have their fave count cleared (I can't remember how many faves this post had before, but it's definitely not 2)
Error 412 on the API page is missing D:
The sign up page says "Make sure to read the beta site rules before continuing."
and links to this page which does not exist:
I've looked into the Help index, and as far it went, that's what I was able to find.
And as I have noticed, there might similar issues in the wiki pages counterparts (especially regarding defunct links), and there should be some consistency between what is linked to the wiki pages and what is linked to the help pages (i.e. Uploading Guidelines links the DNP list's wiki page instead of its help page):
- In the About help page, the Feature Request links to a defunct thread.
- The Artists help page needs some cleaning:
. remove the stray quotation formatting marker;
. fix the admin contact listing under both the account linking subtopics ("Link an Account", "I am an artist. How do I link [...]");
. the reference to create an artist (under "How do I create an artist?") is defunct.
- At the Avoid Posting help page:
. the link at the "The above is not exhaustive, [...]" line that refers about the Upload Guidelines has a defunct link to its page;
. the letter anchors, besides for A, do not work;
. in the Conditional DNP portion of the list, there's a small "link" to a defunct Conditional DNP page;
. at the bottom of the page, in the 4th subtopic ("Getting added to the DNP List"), the Takedown Request link is defunct.
- In the Blacklist help page, every Settings link is defunct (one located at the start of the page, and two by the end of it).
- There's a defunct link at the Blips help page, at the the "index searching" explanation.
- Some of the anchors in the Cheatsheet help page do not work, which includes the Post Metatags anchor and the scroll-to-the-top anchors (^).
- At the Comments help page, the last phrase (about user levels) has a defunct link.
- In the FAQ help page, there's more defunct links:
. before the "My post got deleted" portion, there's a defunct Upload Guidelines link;
. every "My Account" link is defunct in the page,
. under the "I want to change my username" portion, the site-map ("more") link is defunct.
- The Favorites help page has an anchor that doesn't work ("Post's mode menu"), and the My Account link is defunct.
- In the Image Quality help page, every Table of Contents anchor is defunct.
- At the IRC help page, the second Furnet link is defunct (it has an ' attached to it) and the IRC on-site client page link is defunct.
- The Pools help page has a Create Pools defunct link.
- In both the Tag Aliases help page and Tag Implications help page, the alias suggestion link is defunct (last line).
- At the Tagging Checkilist help page, there's a stray '[/sup]' formatting marker by the end of the page that makes the Sets link defunct.
- Both Tags help and wiki pages have defunct TWYS Explained links and scroll-to-the-top anchors.
- The Tag Scripts help page has a link with a defunct anchor to Accounts' page Privilege section.
- In the Uploading Guidelines help page, the Posting Abuse link is incorrect (it links to a blank wiki page), and its Table of Contents anchors are defunct.
- In the Upload Whitelist help page, the Whitelisted Domains link is defunct.
And an addition because I feel like its important:
- At the bottom of the page, 'Rules' leads to the ToS, instead of the actual rules;
Updated is way outdated (and locked)
Maybe this is a bit meta, but for some pages I think it would be very helpful to have a brightly colored marker at the top indicating whether the page is considered up-to-date or outdated.
Cheatsheet and blacklist would be the most important ones imo. Cheatsheet is out of date, but I only know that because it doesn't mention order:age or order:rank, and blacklist I just plain can't tell (I'd like to blacklist score:<10 age:>7_days or something of the same nature; I THINK this is not currently possible, but because I can't reliably tell what is up to date, I'm not actually sure if I might just be using the wrong syntax.)
Link in whitelist wiki is bork (not found)
Searching for the "webm" tag pulls up ALL animated files, regardless of the actual format
the_eternal_champion said:
Searching for the "webm" tag pulls up ALL animated files, regardless of the actual format
It's aliased to animated, so yes. You might want filetype:webm (IIRC).
If anything is wrong here IMO, it's that an aliased-away tag with a misleading name is offered by autocomplete.
Many sections of DText help page are still broken.
Compare it to this:
Second thing, all code examples should be formatted as code. Again, compare to above and take the example. The old version was much more readable.
The link given to make new reports / features in the thread topic #14916 no longer can be accessed.
The "learn more" link included in messages that are displayed on flagged posts (example) seems to lead to a wiki page that doesn't exist
Much of the cheatsheet uses outdated searching metatags, such as comments:100 when it should be comment_count:100 or favoritedby: insetad of fav:
Also, the DText help page doesn't correctly display the backticks used for creating code segments in messages.
Missing from the Links section of the DText help page:
DText supports linking to forum topics (e.g. topic #25717) instead of only specific forum posts (e.g. forum #285481, forum #284382 [which then gets redirected to the address of the topic OP] ), but it's not listed alongside the other link types.
I was reviewing the new API documentation in the wiki:
In the example response of the "Tags" section, for the field "related_tags" it says "space-delimited list of tags".
But really what you get is {tag}{space}{number}{space}{tag}{space}{number}...
What does the number mean?
Additionally, you can see from the above example that "search[id]" works, but that search parameter is not documented.
mr_pacific said: What does the number mean?
I can actually answer that.
That list is produced by searching for all posts with the main tag (psuedofolio in your example), then adding up all of their tags. In your particular case, 2 of the posts with the tag psuedofolio are also tagged female, 2 mammal, 1 dragon_ball, and so on.
What is the purpose of that? Who knows. It's just one of the fascinating quirks of the API that you'll have to work around.
The User Ranks section of the rules wiki should be updated to reflect the increased tag search limit of 40 as it still mentions a limit of 6 and 8.
Member: Can search up to six tags simultaneously. Must wait three days to edit tags, and a week to upload, vote, and comment
Privileged: Unlimited tag edits and comments, can search up to eight tags simultaneously, can apply tag scripts, use Dtext color tags
When creating a new pool, the "pool guidelines" link leads to a defunct page
With the addition of howto:wiki editing, the e621:wiki is now largely outdated ('The e621 wiki has no specific style guide', etc) -- and much of it is redundant.
Broken link in help section: the link flag reason index leads to "not found".
kiranoot said:
Please point out misleading, outdated, or broken documentation here so that they can be corrected.
the tag SCP-2703 is misleading, as that is, per the SCP Foundation website, the phone number in the Manchester bathroom, whereas the actual owl-like entity is SCP-2703-1
thebestdoe said:
the tag SCP-2703 is misleading, as that is, per the SCP Foundation website, the phone number in the Manchester bathroom, whereas the actual owl-like entity is SCP-2703-1
SCP-2703 isn't a locked page, so it is possible to edit the wiki--except that the wiki already points that out. You're better off bringing this up as a tagging project.
Comments help page
On the Comments help page (wiki and help tab ), this line:
Comments may be edited for 5 minutes after posting.
is currently inaccurate. There doesn't appear to be any time limit for editing in effect.
Site Bugs & Features Guidelines + Template
In the Site Bugs & Features Guidelines + Template, the two links given are broken.
The first link should be
It is unclear what syntax is needed to fix the second link.
(this is the same issue as TheVileOne's post above)
On Help: Accounts it states at the top in the first line of text "To get upgraded to a privileged or contributor account, see the FAQ.". However, Help: FAQ does not at all mention privileged or contributor accounts, nor how to get upgraded to them. I assume it was supposed to refer to this version of the FAQ page from 2014
Also, just a reminder that the "how to become one:" header under the Janitor section has been "[section pending]" since May 2020 .
Would also be nice if the same type of anchor links found at the top of Help: DText were added to Help: Accounts. Something like
"Member":help/accounts#member | "Privileged":help/accounts#privileged | "Contributor":help/accounts#contributor | "Janitor":help/accounts#janitor | "Mod/admin":help/accounts#modadmin
user2003 said:
On Help: Accounts it states at the top in the first line of text "To get upgraded to a privileged or contributor account, see the FAQ.". However, it seems Help: FAQ does not at all mention privileged or contributor accounts, nor how to get upgraded to them.
The information you are looking for is in the Help: Accounts page. Every account type below "Member" has a "How to become one:" section under it.
I use WebSite-Watcher to monitor atom feeds and got a "403 Access Denied - Oh no!" error page. If I'd have to guess, it's because the probgram uses Chrome user agent for requests, so reason #3 on the error page.
The message reads "Please see the wiki page for the API for additional details.", which I managed to find after making a few searches and clicking on a few false positives first. As mentioned on the error page, I paused the feed monitoring for now, and as instructed on the wiki page, I added the _client parameter to the query string.
My documentation-related suggestion is: Please make the error page actually link to the relevant wiki pages.
On the wiki page for mti_transformation, there’s a typo in the link to mta_transformation, leading it to a page that doesn’t exist
ninbhgvib said:
That page is not locked, you could fix that yourself.
kiranoot said:
Please point out misleading, outdated, or broken documentation here so that they can be corrected.
Tag counts missing from tag group pages (noticed this when trying to figure out a weird chunk of missing posts).
Having the count would help spot undocumented aliases (if this is a thing). There's a large chunk of posts tagged animal_genitalia missing from any of the sub tags included in the wiki. It might be deleted posts though? I also feel like a large amount of posts have vanished from animal_pussy, that might be entirely placebo though.
2. Easily accessible wiki change log for specific wiki pages.
Same example as before. Having a button for a page specific change log would be very nice. Similar to what wikipedia pages have. This might exist, but I didn't find it when looking for it, so making it stand out a bit more visually could be helpful!
3. Plaintext cursive notes (mentioning aliases, implications etc) at the bottom of the wiki pages makes the pages look REALLY cluttered on desktop. Adding an indentation and an asterisk or bullet point list format for the notes could help it look less visually chaotic/more structured and be more easily navigable. An alternative would be to include some dividers around it such as a markdown thematic break/horizontal rule("---", "***" markdown, <hr> html) above/below to indicate that it is a separate piece of information from the tag lists. This would be especially helpful for people with dyslexia.
daisychained said:
1.Tag counts missing from tag group pages (noticed this when trying to figure out a weird chunk of missing posts).
Having the count would help spot undocumented aliases (if this is a thing). There's a large chunk of posts tagged animal_genitalia missing from any of the sub tags included in the wiki. It might be deleted posts though? I also feel like a large amount of posts have vanished from animal_pussy, that might be entirely placebo though.
I don't know if this is something we could do.
also there are no undocumented aliases (at least there aren't anymore), every alias and it's current status is listed here, and aliases wouldn't do that, they don't really, like, remove any tags from posts they just tags merge multiple diffrent tags with identical definitions together into one tag name.
daisychained said:
2. Easily accessible wiki change log for specific wiki pages.Same example as before. Having a button for a page specific change log would be very nice. Similar to what wikipedia pages have. This might exist, but I didn't find it when looking for it, so making it stand out a bit more visually could be helpful!
near the top of the page, History; between Edit Tag and Edit.
daisychained said:
3. Plaintext cursive notes (mentioning aliases, implications etc) at the bottom of the wiki pages makes the pages look REALLY cluttered on desktop. Adding an indentation and an asterisk or bullet point list format for the notes could help it look less visually chaotic/more structured and be more easily navigable. An alternative would be to include some dividers around it such as a markdown thematic break/horizontal rule("---", "***" markdown, <hr> html) above/below to indicate that it is a separate piece of information from the tag lists. This would be especially helpful for people with dyslexia.
I think you mean "italic", not cursive. you can add .hint { font-style: normal; } to your custom CSS stylesheed in your advanced settings (Account -> Settings -> Advanced)
So I just spent 20 solid minutes trying to figure out the UI for adding notes to images, and the documentation page wasn't much help. I was clicking on the translucent box, resizing it, dragging it around, looking for more UI to appear below the image, going into and out of tag editing mode first, trying 3 different machines and browsers, inspecting the HTML to try and figure out what events it was expecting and how to trigger them.....
The disconnect was this line in the documentation: "When you mouse over the note box, the note body will appear. You can click on the body and another box will appear." I thought the "note body" referred to the translucent box that was the boundaries of the note, when it actually meant the smaller yellow box below that, the one that says "Click to Edit". This little box is visually coded to be like a tooltip, so I was never expecting that that was the thing that should be clicked on since that's not the normal purpose of tooltips.
I would suggest changing the default note text to instead read "Click Here to Edit", and the wiki page to specify exactly what thing you're supposed to click on. Even better, add images to the wiki for a visual walkthrough.
Much appreciated, thanks
Broken help page link for the Messages/Dmails section. It currently redirects back to the main help index, where Dmails are not listed anywhere.
On the other hand, we do have a wiki page for Dmails, and the link for Dmail on that page is broken as well.
The blacklist help page:
Still lists the soon to be defunct "video_games" tag as an example of how to properly write tags.
Just like with doing searches, it is important to remember that if a tag is more than one word use an underscore ( _ ) in place of the space. For instance, use "video_games", not "video games".
The User Ranks section on the rules page still incorrectly lists the number of tags you can search for simultaneously as six (Members) and eight (Privileged). blind_guardian also brought this up over 2 years ago in this very thread.
shitposter said:
The User Ranks section on the rules page still incorrectly lists the number of tags you can search for simultaneously as six (Members) and eight (Privileged). blind_guardian also brought this up over 2 years ago in this very thread.
This whole section should probably be removed for being out of date and redundant to e621:accounts. The information about contributors is also out of date, that's no longer inherent from being a contributor and instead comes with the unrestricted uploads flag. Moderators have also been revamped pretty recently.
It's interesting to see "If you feel that you should get promoted based on your efforts, you can contact the website administration via the Contact Us page and request it." written there though, I always though it's been policy to not ask to have your account upgraded.
faucet said:
It's interesting to see "If you feel that you should get promoted based on your efforts, you can contact the website administration via the Contact Us page and request it." written there though, I always though it's been policy to not ask to have your account upgraded.
Sure it isn't a honeypot for filtering out users who should on no account be upgraded?
wat8548 said:
Sure it isn't a honeypot for filtering out users who should on no account be upgraded?
LOL true. The pool example should be set to something like 1 (or any other number that still exists). As far as sets go, I don't think that is even functional, anymore? Known broken feature?
The e621 wiki page "Welcome to E621" (found here ) improperly links to e621:uploading guidelines, a blank page ( ), rather than just "uploading guidelines" ( ). I'd fix it myself but I (understandably) don't have the permissions to do so.
Same issue with the "upload limits" page. You may wish to run a search and see if this is the only page with such issues.
kora_viridian said:
The API help page should probably mention the API status site ( ) somewhere. If the status site is a supported production thing, then the JSON it can return should also be documented.
Why would the documentation mention that? It's not an official status checker, nor is it officially supported.
Donovan_DMC runs it – he even says so in the issue you linked.
bitwolfy said:
Why would the documentation mention that? It's not an official status checker, nor is it officially supported.
Donovan_DMC runs it – he even says so in the issue you linked.
I see I need to add a "This is not official" banner in big lettering on everything I make. I figured the different tld would give that away, but I guess not.
That ought to do it.
kora_viridian said:
the JSON it can return should also be documented.
FYI, if you're just looking for something for yourself, I do provide a JSON Schema. That should do wonders in most modern ide's.
donovan_dmc said:
I see I need to add a "This is not official" banner in big lettering on everything I make. I figured the different tld would give that away, but I guess not.That ought to do it.
Yep, thank you.
Although, to be fair, we should probably look into setting up an official page like that.
bitwolfy said:
Yep, thank you.
Although, to be fair, we should probably look into setting up an official page like that.
It would be nice to have an official status page, one where actual details would be known and random 501/EAI_AGAIN errors wouldn't need to be filtered out. I made it specifically for my bots and other e621 related projects to query when having issues.
the replaced page stopped showing which images you had replaced
versperus said:
the replaced page stopped showing which images you had replaced
This is a known issue and it's being looked into
I fixed it
earlopain said:
I fixed it
Updated by Donovan DMC can't un favorite because it has the favorite button
toxicknightmaremoon said: can't un favorite because it has the favorite button
... why are you posting this in the documentation thread?
In the Links section of the DText help page, the result for Link to anchor on current page doesn't works (the anchor probably is "quote" and not "quotes").
On the same vein, the anchors for the top of the page (↑ next to the sections' title) don't work.
The rest seams fine.
On frontpage where it shows different site mascots there is also link to the artists of said mascots. I noticed that ECmajors link goes to a defunct site that offers for you to buy that domain name.