Hello my fellow furry porn enthusiasts. Today i am creating this thread in the hope for change. We all love porn here. But some of the best artists out there have started to ask rather silly demands, such as having their work taken off e621.
Along the line of this website's history, there was a thing created, called the DNP List. Some artists have started putting a ransom on their work and it makes it harder for us, fellow furry porn enthusiasts, to find some of the best pieces of art out there. It's silly, right? Who wants to start looking at questionably trustable websites with full of pop ups in order to find the lost images? No one!
What i propose is simply to completely abolish the DNP list,and to counter the loss of ad revenue, simply choosing advertisers who also think furry porn, and all porn,should be free.
The internet is made to get for free what you have to pay for IRL. Music, movies, and pictures of all kind.
I call for a democratic vote for all the users of this site, to completely abolish the DNP List once and for all!
Make E621 great again!
Updated by user 22273