Topic: Tag Implication: trio_focus -> group

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

D.D.M. said:
Probably because of the solo_focus/duo_focus tags and since trio is aliased to group, though I don't know why trio was aliased away instead of implicated to group.

Seems way back when, it was decided it was enough to have tags for one, two, and many characters. Either way, I think it would make sense for the *_focus tags to follow the count tags, i.e. either alias away trio_focus, or bring back trio (though do you then add quartet for 4, septet for 5, etc?).

Updated by anonymous

I was about to make this suggestion and this ancient thread stopped me, I guess this thread was prior to trio being unaliased from group so the above comments aren't really too relevant anymore.

Here's what my post was going to be:

The current definition of group is three or more characters, a post with trio_focus should have a minimum of 4 characters which meets the requirement of a group.

I'm also guessing this post was before BURs existed considering all the additional stuff tagged onto the bottom?. Many of these already seem to exist now, or seem unnecessary to me. I'll open requests for a few of them because I sadly haven't seen D.D.M. active on the forums in quite a while now :(


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