Topic: Tag Alias: love_death_&_robots -> love_death_and_robots

Posted under Tag Alias and Implication Suggestions

Aliasing love_death_&_robots → love_death_and_robots
Link to alias


Blacklists can't parse ampersands.

Also suggest aliasing:

Updated by ImpidiDinkaDoo

Huh, never knew blacklists couldn't parse ampersands. Would the blacklist work if the alias were reversed, so that you blacklist the _and_ variant but the tags still show an ampersand? The only existing alias like that is rachet & clank which is misspelled.

Updated by anonymous

Furrin_Gok said:
Huh, never knew blacklists couldn't parse ampersands. Would the blacklist work if the alias were reversed, so that you blacklist the _and_ variant but the tags still show an ampersand? The only existing alias like that is rachet & clank which is misspelled.

Nope. Blacklists will change the term to the aliased final term, and if the final term has an ampersand, the blacklist will not parse it. This is why we've been implementing so many aliases to titles with ampersands in them, such as lilo_and_stitch.

Updated by anonymous

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